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Guest speaker: Dr. Tim Tharp

Dr. Tim Tharp, Associate Professor of Physics and Arts and Sciences Dean’s Sustainability Fellow at Marquette University, will present "Responding to climate change through science, advocacy, and action." 

Topic description: The global challenge of our time, to mitigate climate change by ending our addiction to fossil fuels, can feel simultaneously imperative and impossible.  In this talk, Dr. Tharp will share his personal journey which has lead him to advocate for a specific emissions reduction project: the conversion of Marquette's campus to geothermal heating and cooling. This talk will cover both the specifics of why Marquette chose to pursue this specific project, as well as the more general (and often daunting) topic of how to take the first steps toward climate action.


Room 128

Hanson Hall of Science

738 35th St.
Rock Island, IL 61201
United States

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Jennifer Burnham