Augie Sweethearts: Emily Glimco '13 and Jake Glimco '10

Submitted by Emily Glimco of Elk Grove Village, Ill.
Jake and Emily met on the varsity swim team, on the first day of practice. They quickly figured out that Jake's dad John (Class of '83) was Emily's high school principal for two years. They had also worked at the same pool in the summers but had missed meeting each other by one year. As the swim season went on, Jake and Emily got to know each other and started to wonder if maybe they would end up being more than friends.
They spent the team's winter break training trip together, including the 24-hour bus ride back to Augie. A few days later, Jake and Emily made their relationship official. One night during pledging (Emily pledged Chi Alpha Pi; Jake was an OZO), Jake pulled Emily over to the Bell Tower. She jokingly asked if he understood that a bell tower kiss meant forever, and he kissed her right away. As Jake's senior year ended, he decided that he wanted to find a job in the Quad Cities so he could stay near Emily as she finished school. He ended up coaching Augie's co-ed water polo team, which he convinced Emily to join, and together the pair founded the women's water polo team.
Before Emily's senior year, Jake got a job in the Chicago area and left the Quad Cities. Moving away from Emily made him realize that he didn't want to live apart from her again, and he proposed in March of 2013. Emily was totally surprised, having told Jake to wait until after graduation, but immediately accepted. They married in September of 2014 and welcomed their son Oliver in July of 2017.