Augie Sweethearts: Clyde Andrew Walter '08 and Kyle Severson '09

Submitted by Clyde Andrew Walter of Glenview, Ill.
We sat next to one another in choir, singing the same part - that’s how we met.
We were dubbed a “CTR” (choir tour romance). Our relationship had been burgeoning in days prior, but time spent together on airplanes and buses, performing concerts and touring throughout Texas and Mexico solidified our romance. Riding to our first concert, a choir member saw us holding hands and texted a few other choir members.
Given that it was 2006 and we were two guys falling for one another, I might have expected snide remarks – but these comments were about “how cool” it was that we were together and other such acclimations. You could even say we became the envy of the tour.
There we were, 19, starting a journey that celebrates 12 years this February – one that continues to be filled with music, travel, faith, rich community, and steadfast love.
Thank you, Augustana.