Celebration of Learning 2019: Oral presentations and performances session II
SESSION II Noon-1 p.m.
Dr. Hannah Johnson ’12, Quality Assurance at Epic Systems Corporation, and Chris Saladin ’17, History Department, University of Minnesota
A Legacy of Nils Hasselmo: Augustana Alumni Navigate Grad School and Beyond
This session honors Dr. Nils Hasselmo, Class of 1957, former president of the University of Minnesota and former member of the Augustana Board of Trustees, who recently passed away. Dr. Hasselmo, a generous benefactor of Augustana College, endowed funds for an award that provides financial support for an Augustana
student who has shown academic excellence and plans to pursue a career in higher education. This session features two former recipients of the Hasselmo award. The presenters will discuss Dr. Hasselmo’s gift, impact and legacy on their career path and choices they’ve made since graduation. The path shared demonstrates the uncertainty, challenges and concrete realities of graduate school and the job market and how their experience at Augustana has equipped them to be adaptable and think outside disciplinary boundaries.
Crystal Salazar
Project advisor: Dr. David Dehnel, political science
Space and Identity: Mexican-American Dance Halls in the Quad Cities
SESSION II-B-a: Olin 305 [Noon-12:20 p.m.]
Sydney Richardson
Project advisors: Dr. Mariano Magalhães and Dr. Xiaowen Zhang, political science
The Effect of Democracy, Development, Religion and Science on Animal Welfare
SESSION II-B-b: Olin 305 [12:20-12:40 p.m.]
Juwon Johnson
Project advisor: Dr. Dave Dehnel, political science
Overrepresentation of Minority Youth in the Juvenile Justice System
SESSION II-B-c: Olin 305 [12:40-1 p.m.]
Collin Bracey
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Yaschur, multimedia journalism and mass communication
Meet the Musicians Changing the Quad Cities Music Scene
SESSION II-C-a: Olin 209 [Noon-12:20 p.m.]
Natalie Spahn
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Yaschur, multimedia journalism and mass communication
WVIK Internship Experience
SESSION II-C-b: Olin 209 [12:20-12:40 p.m.]
Montserrat Ricossa
Project advisor: Dr. Meg Gillette, English
Code Switching in a Bilingual Workplace
SESSION II-C-c: Olin 209 [12:40-1 p.m.]
Trang Hoang
Project advisor: Dr. Umme Al-Wazedi, English
The Just and the Unjust: Ernest Hemingway and Protest Literature in Response to Civil Disobedience in the Context of the Two World Wars
SESSION II-E-a: Old Main 117 [Noon-12:20 p.m.]
Dr. Paul Olsen
Motivation and Confidence: More Than Cheerleading
SESSION II-E-b: Old Main 117 [12:20-12:40 p.m.]
Dr. Ann Perreau
Treating Tinnitus and Hyperacusis: My Journey as a Patient and Scholar
SESSION II-E-c: Old Main 117 [12:40-1 p.m.]
Joseph Kellen
Project advisor: Dr. Joseph Hyser, Baylor College of Medicine
Blockers of Volume Regulated Anion Channel (VRAC) Inhibit Rotavirus-induced Intercellular Calcium Waves
SESSION II-F-a: Hanson 304 [Noon-12:15 p.m.]
Kayli Ahuja
Project advisors: Dr. J. Austin Williamson, psychology; Dr. Eileen Shinn, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Social Support and Survival Outcomes in Head and Neck Cancer Patients
SESSION II-F-b: Hanson 304 [12:15-12:30 p.m.]
Laura Butcher
Project advisor: Dr. Heidi Storl, philosophy
Epigenetic Insights in the Pathogenesis of Medullary Thyroid Cancer
SESSION II-F-c: Hanson 304 [12:30-12:45 p.m.]
Karthik Kumar Kasireddy; Dr. Jossana Damasco and Dr. Marites Melancon, MD Anderson Cancer Center; Paul Behlau, Mississippi State University
Project advisor: Dr. Heidi Storl, philosophy
Synthesis and Characterization of BaYbF5 Nanoparticle as Radiopaque Enhancers for Absorbable IVC Filters
SESSION II-F-d: Hanson 304 [12:45-1 p.m.]
Dr. Pamela Trotter
Glutamate Dehydrogenases in Fat Accumulating Yeast
SESSION II-G-a: Hanson 305 [12-12:20 p.m.]
Dr. Scott Gehler, Aaron Jones, Natalie Staton
Can Natural Compounds Selectively Target Breast Cancer?
SESSION II-G-b: Hanson 305 [12:20-12:40 p.m.]
Dr. Tierney Brosius
Chasing Tigers on a Super Volcano: Studying Tiger Beetles in Yellowstone National Park
SESSION II-G-c: Hanson 305 [12:40-1 p.m.]
Emily Johnson
Project advisor: Dr. Kiki Kosnick, French
Gay Moroccan Authors and the Use of Active Verbs
SESSION II-H-a: Wallenberg Hall [Noon-12:20 p.m.]
Haley Ruch
Project advisor: Dr. Kiki Kosnick, French
Bouraoui: Exploring the Creation of Identity Through Traumatic Experiences
SESSION II-H-b: Wallenberg Hall [12:20-12:40 p.m.]
Muriel Melgoza
Project advisor: Dr. Kiki Kosnick, French
Fantastic Feminist Females and How They Form Us
SESSION II-H-c: Wallenberg Hall [12:40-1 p.m.]
Jessica Lechtenberg
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Hough, anthropology
Women in Comedy: An Exploration of Gendered Stereotypes and Romantic Relationships
SESSION II-I-a: Old Main 132 [Noon-12:20 p.m.]
Viking Pups with Sarah Rushing, Sadie Brown and Nicole Adams
Project advisor: Dr. Rebecca Heick, public health
More Than Man’s Best Friend
SESSION II-I-b: Old Main 132 [12:20-12:40 p.m.]
Jessica Lechtenberg, Hannah Norris
Project advisor: Dr. Lena Hann, public health
International Perspectives on Crafting a Best Practices Guide for Abortion Providers
SESSION II-I-c: Old Main 132 [12:40-1 p.m.]
SESSION II-J [OLD MAIN 005, 021, 022, 028]
Allison Bandera, Ryan Curtis, Caio De Rezende, Shyan Devoss, Vanessa Dominguez, Elane Edwards, Ghita El Mendri, Anna Garcia, Dan Garcia, Maddy Grady, Abbie Hoeg, Ashley Howard, Vanessa Iroegbulem, Danie Janacek, Shelby Jensen, Latesha Lee, Emily Lucnik, Yemurai Mapurisa, Ila Mostafa, Cami Myers, Meghan Noonan, Kaitlin O’Brien, Audrey Rose, Kaitlyn Stanley, Marika Vi
Project advisor: Dr. Eric Stewart, religion
Museums of Masculinity
SESSION II-J-a: Old Main 005, 021, 022, 028 [Noon-1 p.m.]
Dr. Robert Elfline
Pseudoconcert #5: An Hour for Piano
SESSION II-M-a: Ascension Chapel, Founders [Noon-1 p.m.]