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Bachelor of Arts

2025-26 Academic Catalog (edits in-progress)

Degree Requirements for 2024-25 Academic Year - finalized 6.21.24

NOTE: While the senior audit, program evaluation, academic support resources, as well as academic guidance from faculty and advisors are all available to every student at no additional cost, these resources are provided for use in planning only. It is the responsibility of the student to report any printed error to the Office of the Registrar within two semesters. The responsibility for understanding and meeting degree requirements rests entirely with the student.

The college years develop the foundations of curiosity, analysis and communication which allow learning to take place. Augustana builds on this fundamental education by offering coursework in a wide variety of disciplines and encouraging thought­ful synthesis of information and new perspectives through careful study in these disciplines.

Graduation requirements for the Bachelor of Arts reflect the desire that Augustana grad­uates have both range and focus in their studies, as well as freedom to make academic choices according to their interests. The degree prepares students for a wide variety of graduate, business and professional opportunities. The Augustana Bachelor of Arts Degree is designed so students may complete a single major in four years or the equivalent of eight semesters. 

Transfer students have a modified set of the requirements noted below. See the Transfer Policies section of the catalog for details.  

Requirements for the Bachelor of Arts degree include:

I. Credits

At least 120 credits of college-level work as defined by Augustana*, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Residency requirements:
    1. At least 60 credits (excluding physical education activities) must be earned at Augustana College.
    2. The last 12 credits applied to the degree must be earned at Augustana.
  2. At least 40 credits must be in 300- or 400-level courses. No more than 4 credits of MULS, MUEN, and MUCH courses may count toward this requirement.
  3. No more than 40 credits with the same subject code designation may be applied to the degree-required minimum of 120. Students who exceed the 40 credit maximum will need to exceed the required 120 credits minimum by the equivalent amount. Courses listed under more than one course code are counted toward the limit under each code. Internship credits are exempt from these limits.
  4. No more than 3 credits may be from physical education activities (HEPE with PEA designation).
  5. No more than 8 credits may be from participation in music ensembles.
  6. No more than 12 credits may be from participation in internships.
  7. No more than 8 credits of IND/DIR courses. 

II. Grade-point Average

The final grade-point average must be at least 2.00:

  1. for all Augustana coursework.
  2. for all Augustana coursework in the major - major coursework that is counted in the grade point average includes all work that may count toward the degree such as required supporting courses taken outside of the department and additional elective courses within the department that a student chooses to take beyond what is required. Students may choose a minor and the minor must also have a 2.0 gpa. 

III. Major

A major of at least 24 credits must be completed, including at least 8 credits in 300- and 400-level courses taken at Augustana. A major must be declared at the point a student has earned 60 credits. Major requirements are given in the Courses and Programs of Study section of this catalog.

IV. General Education Core Requirements

Any General Education Core Requirement taken Pass/No Credit will not fulfill the General Core Requirement, with the exception of one HEPE activity course. No General education requirement may be replaced with IND/DIR coursework. The General Education requirements consist of the following components:

A. First-Year Program.

  1. FYI or FYH-101, 4 credits. The undergraduate program begins in the first year (typically the fall semester) with a FYI or FYH course, which count toward a student’s general studies requirements rather than the academic major or minor program of study.  The goals and objectives of the first year liberal studies course are specifically designed to address an important question, with themes and reading unique to the approved course and cannot be substituted or waived based on participation in other programs, coursework or experiences other than those outlined in the above degree requirements. Students are also required to take a 0 cr. FYI/FYH-100 advising course.
  2. J-Term. All new first-time, first-year students are required to enroll in an on-campus J-term experience in the first-year of enrollment

    NOTE! Transfer students will take a college-writing or Composition I course prior to initial enrollment at the college. If an equivalent course is not taken prior to transfer, they must enroll in FYI-101 (please note that AP tests do not meet this requirement). All transfer students will take the LSC-300 transfer advising course instead of FYI/FYH-100.

(changes to FYI/FYH language updated 6.21.24)

B. Reasoned Examination of Faith. 4 credits.

  1. Students must take one Reasoned Examination of Faith course - REF courses are 200-level courses (see course offerings in Arches for specific REF courses). No other courses will fulfill this requirement.
  2. Students may not take more than one Reasoned Examination of Faith course to count toward degree requirements.
  3. Completion of FYI-101 or FYH-101 (or equivalent) is a prerequisite for the Reasoned Examination of Faith requirement.
  4. Students must complete this requirement before the end of the sophomore year.
  5. Successful completion of the Honors Minor fulfills the Reasoned Examination of Faith requirement.

C. Learning Perspective Distribution Requirements. 24 credits.

  1. Students must take one course in each of the six Learning Perspectives (see below) for a total of six courses.
  2. A maximum of two courses with the same subject code may count toward satisfying the total Learning Perspective distribution requirement.
  3. A course which is cross–listed under more than one subject code will not count as the second area of study if either of its listings is from the same area as the first course in that Learning Perspective.

    The six Learning Perspective distribution categories are as follows:
    1. iPerspectives on the Past (PP): Courses that examine the ideas, institutions, achievements and events of the past, both in relation to one another and in relation to the present.
    2. Perspectives on the Natural World (PN): Courses that examine how theories, mathematical systems and natural laws are inferred, tested and applied to a range of phenomena, and how they are related to current technical and values-based issues.
    3. Perspectives on Individuals and Society (PS): Courses that examine human behavior, the values and social structures that humans generate, and how each affects the other.
    4. Perspectives on Literature and Texts (PL): Courses that examine the creative, expressive and rhetorical functions of language in the production and interpretations of text and the tradition they represent.
    5. Perspectives on the Arts (PA): Courses that examine the inspirations, processes, tools and critical/historical contexts relating to the creation of artistic products or performances; may include the opportunity to directly engage in the creative process.
    6. Perspectives on Human Existence and Values (PH): Courses that consider those broad questions of human existence that have been given religious, philosophical or literary expression of enduring importance, but inevitably take on different meanings for individuals whose values and cultural traditions differ.

D. Skills Requirements.

  1. Physical Education. The HEPE credit requirement was removed from the degree requirements effective Spring 2025 by faculty vote.
  2. Second Language. 0-8 credits.
    1. Students must demonstrate mastery of English and competence in a second language. Mastery of English will be evident via completion of a Bachelor of Arts degree at Augustana. Competence in a second language can be demonstrated via one of the following ways:
      1. Four years of a single second language in high school with passing grades through the 8th semester of a full year (2 semesters) of language IV. Completion of the same language through a full year of graded coursework in Language IV (equivalent of eight semesters) fulfills the requirement. Grades of P, CR, or other "pass" grades for high school coursework is not accepted to complete this requirement. Please see the college policy on Pass/No credit Grading. NOTE: Added 11.11.20: In cases where a high school student did not have a choice in the grading scheme for the course (the school determined the course would be graded with the equivalent of Pass/No-Credit or Pass/Fail), the college may consider the requirement fulfilled with a passing grade. A transcript notation or a letter from the high school stating that all grades for the school were required to be taken P/NC or P/F for the relevant terms, due to the pandemic or other school policy, will be required.
      2. Satisfactory performance on a competency test. Tests are administered online prior to confirming the registration date. Students with fewer than eight semesters of a second language who place beyond 102 will be required to retake the exam on campus. Students may be responsible for payment of a placement test if the college does not offer the language they have studied.
      3. Successful completion of the 102 or 201 course in any language at Augustana. Students placing into 101 or 102 must successfully complete the prior coursework at Augustana with a passing grade in order to continue with the next course in the sequence. See the policy on sequenced courses.
      4. Seal of Biliteracy from an Illinois High School.  A student who has earned the Seal of Biliteracy from the state of Illinois, or the Seal of Biliteracy from a state with the same or higher proficiency standards as those of Illinois, will fulfill the second language requirement for graduation. The granting of credit or course equivalencies toward a major or minor will be determined by the corresponding academic program. If the language in which a student earned the Seal of Biliteracy is offered at Augustana College, the student should take a placement test before enrollment in order to establish their current level of proficiency. Performance on the placement test does not supersede the Seal’s fulfillment of the graduation requirement but rather is used during course registration in the event the student chooses to continue study of that language. (adopted 5.19.23)
      5. Equivalent (one year) at another college or university.
    2. Students who can verify that they are unable to produce a domestic secondary school transcript showing completion of four years of a second language, should see the information in (a) and (b) below to determine eligibility to complete the second language proficiency requirement as noted below. If it is determined by the Registrar that the student qualifies, the college offers these options in addition to those offered above:
      1. Provide verified documentation in a language other than English, e.g. through secondary school transcripts.
      2. Provide a verified letter of support from appropriate verified sources. (See the Registrar's webpage for more information).
    3. Students who have completed the second language requirement through criteria above, but who desire to continue langu­age study, may continue in the language for credit in placement of 102, 201 or higher as determined by the placement exam. Any student who has any high school or college language experience is required to take a placement exam in that language before they can study that language further at Augustana.

E. Suffix Requirements.

  1. Quantitative Reasoning. One 4-credit course (designated by the Q suffix) that features quantitative skills. Q courses can also fulfill other learning perspective distribution requirements and/or major requirements. Satisfactory performance on a competency exam can satisfy this requirement
  2. Diversity/Global Perspectives. 8 credits.
    1. One 4-credit course (designated by the G suffix) which focuses on the global and social identities of groups outside of the United States.
    2. One 4-credit course (designated by the D suffix) which focuses on cultural and social identities of groups within the United States.
    3. G and D courses can also fulfill other learning perspective distribution requirements or major requirements.
    4. G and D requirements cannot be met in a first-year inquiry or honors course.

F. Senior Inquiry: Every student will complete a college-approved senior inquiry experience. If a student has more than one major, they may be required to complete multiple senior inquiry experiences based on requirements of their majors. 

V. Application for Graduation

The application form must be filed electronically with the Office of the Registrar at least one semester before the semester of graduation. However, students with senior, or near-senior, standing who do not apply will be restricted from registration in advance of this date to assure proper planning and assist with a timely graduation. Majors must be declared a minimum of one semester prior to degree conferral. In accordance with auditor requirements and our governing body, students who were awarded prior approval to complete requirements away or are participating in a study away experience in their final semester must have all official transcripts received in the Office of the Registrar and posted to the record by the published graduation date. Students who complete requirements between conferral dates should apply for the next graduation date. It is the responsibility of the student to complete all degree requirements and reapply for a future term by the published deadlines. Students who complete their requirements between official conferral dates are not required to enroll during the term of graduation, but must be applied by all published deadlines in order to keep their program active for graduation. Degrees are conferred three times per year following fall semester, spring semester and summer term. Graduation is not processed after J-term. Reminders of this process and deadlines are sent to rising seniors annually in July prior to their senior year. Restrictions for May graduation will be placed the prior September each year. See the Graduation Policies page for additional policies regarding graduation and conferral of degrees. 

Note about additional incomplete programs: Students who have made an application to graduate but have incomplete major(s) and minor(s) at the conclusion of their intended semester of completion will be contacted about the status of their programs by communication to their Augustana email within 5 days of their intended graduation date. Students must respond to indicate they are electing to delay graduation to complete their additional major(s) and/or minor(s) in a future semester with approval of the financial aid office. Students who fail to respond to the inquiry within the deadline noted in the email will have all incomplete programs dropped and will have graduation processed. Students with incomplete degree requirements who fail to respond about their deficiencies within this timeline will be removed from the candidate list and their program will be ended. Application for a future semester will be required.

*Transfer coursework that is not eligible for transfer and Augustana courses that are preparatory, and below college-level (MATH-090) will not apply toward the 120 credits required for graduation. 

Interrupted Studies Notation: If a student leaves the college for more than two consecutive semesters, they are required to follow all of the current degree and major requirements in place for the catalog under which they reenroll. Students enrolling prior to the 2019-20 academic year and who remain continually enrolled will follow their catalog year requirements for their year of initial enrollment. Most of the requirements for students in the transition have had some modification which can be found in the semester transition page or by consulting with the student's academic department.