Andrew Kladiva
Graduation year: 2018
Major: Business administration-marketing
Minors: Communication studies, entrepreneurial experiential
Activities: Advertising Developers (ADs), Web Guild, EDGE Center
Post-grad plans: Work for an advertising agency
Why Augustana?
I wanted to be an accounting major, and the accounting and business programs looked very good with great external opinions of them. I also wanted to play hockey, and the club team offered me a spot if I came.
Are you where you thought you'd be when you first came to campus?
No. I thought I would be an accounting major and still be playing hockey…because of some injuries and some experiences, I no longer play hockey and have become a marketing major opposed to accounting.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
I was lucky at Augie to come across the right people. I have had a great advisor who has been extremely supportive and has always been willing to take the time to help me figure things out. I got involved in the right clubs and organizations as well (like the EDGE Center), and they have helped me learn and experience so much more than I had ever expected.
Peak experience?
In one of my marketing courses (market research), our project for the term was to work with Scott County Health Department to help research the reasons why there is a low awareness of lead poisoning, especially childhood lead poisoning. This was really cool because it is such a serious issue affecting these kids negatively, and we got to be a part of the solution. The time actually standing in front of the clients and giving them our research and what we found, and then seeing this research go into this community and be used and be helpful for these people, was a great experience.
What surprised you?
I feel as though I have always been fairly in touch with myself and who I am as a person. While being at Augie, I learned where I want to go with my life for my career. That can be a scary thing to focus on and come up with an answer for because you feel that you have to figure it out as fast as possible. Here at Augie, I had a great opportunity to take my time and find out the best possible route for me.
How did you use Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to assist me in my research for my Senior Inquiry. I researched advertising trends in the video gaming industry and how to improve techniques with the changing times.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss the opportunities to get to know such a diverse variety of people. I got the chance to meet and become friends with a lot of different types of individuals here, and for someone who really respects the process of building relationships with people, that will truly be missed.
Advice for the Class of 2022?
Experience all you can, and don’t be in a huge rush from the start. Take the time to try out different things, to challenge yourself and find out what you really love to do.
“Andrew came into the EDGE Center to complete a program in entrepreneurship and took advantage of so much more. He joined the ADs advertising competition team and quickly discovered his passion for marketing as a career. As a key team member in the Chicago Innovation Tournament, he showed his skills in critical thinking and strategic planning. And to round it out, he learned graphic design and website strategy!”