J-Term was more than I expected
The J-Term experience was not what I expected. It was three weeks and two days of intense learning, three long hours of class, and late nights of homework. But, I loved it. I was able to focus on just one class, it was fast-paced, and I had more than enough free time.
Focusing on just one class for three hours a day might sound dreadful, and it did to me before J-Term started, but it was the highlight of my short term.
I've taken away more from this class that any other class in my undergraduate career. Not because I enjoyed the content more than others, but because I focused on the detail and work of this class more then I have with any other.
But how could I not? I had three hours every day with my professor and classmates, and probably another two-to-four hours of homework every night on my own.
This might sound miserable, but let me assure that it wasn't.
I spent about six hours dedicated to class and homework every day, which means I still had about eighteen hours left in my day for friends, sleep and of course, Netflix.
I will admit that I was nervous about how my professor would teach the class because it was everyone's first experience with J-Term. But, I don't think it could've gone any better. She surpassed my expectations with her dedication of extra time, resources and availability.
My professor truly helped me, and my classmates, to achieve our best. She made the class enjoyable for all learning styles, and I know that my peers and I are grateful to have had a teacher who cared so much.
Before class started, thinking about how fast paced the class would be terrified me. But I adjusted easily and enjoyed it.
It felt like we were back on trimesters again (RIP). I enjoyed trimesters, and I think they helped me prepare for J-Term in a unique way.
I'm not suggesting I was only successful because of trimesters, because I think a lot of freshmen excelled this J-Term and they've never been on trimesters. But I do believe my experience helped me adjust to a faster pace easier than I might have otherwise.
Let's not forget about my free time!
I had more free time than I expected. Even though I was uneasy that I wouldn't have time for my friends, or the catch up with the new releases on Netflix, I had the perfect amount. I was able to hang out with my friend, family and roommates and finally finish the second season of YOU.
If I would've had any more free tie, I don't think I would have known what to do with it. There's only so much Netflix a person can watch in a month.
J-Term surpassed my expectations of what I thought a three and a half week class would be. I learned a lot and created new friendships with my peers.
My first, and Augie's first, J-Term was definitely a success.

Chelsea Meyer is a senior from Roscoe, IL. She is double majoring in Communication Studies and Multimedia Journalism & Mass Communication while on the Pre-Law track.
On campus she's involved with Greek Council as the service chair, a member of the Delta Chi Theta Sorority, and a member of the Women’s Golf Team.