What to expect from Augie's first J-Term
This school year we officially began the transition to semesters, and with it we're experiencing our first J-Term here on campus and around the world.
Augie students have heard some rumblings around campus about the option to register for classes, but first year students are required to take a J-Term class. If you're coming to Augustana in the fall, you probably have some questions.
So what exactly is J-Term and how do you prepare?
First off, J-Term stand for January term. For Augustana, the January term means classes will be held Monday through Friday, up to three hours a day for three weeks. That might sound like a lot, but students will only take ONE class during J-Term.
The classes begin after winter break, allowing students to have plenty of time at home and enjoy the holiday season with family and friends after fall semester.
This year, Augie students had a lot of class options to choose from. Classes offered range from geology to philosophy to communications to fine arts. The class times range too, so some classes start as early as 8:30 a.m. while others don't start until 2 p.m. Many classes are held here on campus, but there are also plenty of options for students to study abroad or in another state, too.
Why have a J-Term at all?
Well, this short term allows students to take an additional four-credit class without added tuition as long as they stay under the maximum credits for the school year.
It's also a good opportunity for students to take classes they wouldn't normally take or experiment with new subjects they're interested in. If you're undecided about your major, this is the perfect time to start exploring new things.
If you're interested in study abroad but don't want to spend an entire semester away or you're concerned about cost, J-term is a great option to dip your toe in the water without spending too much time away.
This is a new transition for everyone in the Augustana Community, so don't be afraid of the unknown.

Chelsea Meyer is a senior from Roscoe, IL. She is double majoring in Communication Studies and Multimedia Journalism & Mass Communication while on the Pre-Law track.
On campus she's involved with Greek Council as the service chair, a member of the Delta Chi Theta Sorority, and a member of the Women’s Golf Team.