3 big benefits of a 'small' school
When applying to colleges, some students are worried it will feel like they’re right back in high school. Luckily, at Augustana, that couldn’t be further from the truth. Gone are the days of being in class with the same people over and over again.
Get ready to say hello to all the new people you will meet during the next four years because even at a small school, you will still be meeting new people even in your senior year. Let’s dive in!
Class sizes are just right
Small class sizes are actually the most beneficial thing for a majority of students. Not only is there ample opportunity for asking questions and participating in class discussions, but even if you tend to be a quieter student, the welcoming environment will give you comfort to speak up.
Another perk: the teachers will not only know your name, but truly care about your progress in the class and will work to help you succeed. You are not just another number. The student-to-faculty ratio at Augustana is 12:1, with an average class size of 18. This means by the end of a semester, you will have not only formed a bond with your professors, but with the students in your classes as well.
Where everybody knows your name
Augustana offers so many activities to do on campus. Our Office of Student Life is consistently holding events to keep students entertained, but who wants to go to an event by themselves? It can be terrifying putting yourself out there, but one positive thing about a smaller campus is that almost everywhere you go, you’ll know at least one person there. You’ll find a friend wherever you are on campus.
Whether it’s in the dining hall or bingo (yes, bingo!) there will always be a friendly face to greet — someone who is probably trying just as hard to make new friends. As a first-year, you will constantly be meeting new people in classes, in your peer mentor group or in your residence hall. A small campus creates an environment that allows brief meetings to blossom into amazing, lifelong friendships.
Small school, big opportunities
At a big state school, you are constantly competing against thousands of other students for opportunities. At Augustana, you can take advantage of all the opportunities to get involved. Maybe you want to run for the Student Government Association or Greek Council President, or you want to host the bingo nights (told ya, bingo is big at Augie!) or even start up a new club.
And those amazing teachers I talked about earlier? They will offer and guide you on eye-opening internships, write you glowing recommendation letters and help you to find a job post-graduation. Community matters.
I get it — small schools aren’t for everyone,. But if you’re looking for a campus that inspires you to grow and take advantage of opportunities, and gets you out of your comfort zone while simultaneously making you feel supported, Augustana is a good place to start.

Bryn Gatz (Class of 2022) is from Sterling, Ill. She is majoring in creative writing and business administration. On campus, Bryn is involved in the Phi Rho sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority, and Her Campus.