Tips to a senior (in high school) from a senior (in college)
As a high school senior, I wanted to be present in everything and savor all the “lasts” that high school had to offer. It may feel like a lifetime ago, but as a senior in college now, I am remembering the excitement and nervousness I felt about moving on to a new chapter in my life.
Thinking about the future may be overwhelming, so here are some ways that I survived my senior year of high school.
How to enjoy the end of a chapter
Be involved in everything that interests you. Don’t overwork or overschedule yourself, but high school is full of so many amazing opportunities. That talent show you were nervous about? Do it. Want to join a new club? It’s not too late. The sport you thought looked fun? Try out. This is the time to get out of your comfort zone and try something new.
Revel in all of the “lasts” that high school offers you. The last football game, the last school dance, the last club meeting, even your last final. It’s bittersweet because once you walk out that door, it’s over and there is no going back. You leave behind all of the good, the bad and the ugly.
How to prepare for the next chapter
College visits are important. Not only are they a fun excuse to travel and spend a whole day focused on what you want, but when you step foot on the right campus, it’s as though everything makes sense. All of a sudden you can see yourself in these places, making memories with new friends you haven’t met yet.
To get the best college visit experience, go on a warm day toward the beginning of the year; it’s much more fun to tour with the sun out than when you’re running from building to building because it’s rainy or cold.
Once you have found your future home, apply! Don’t wait for the “right time” because there is none. The sooner you apply to your dream school, the sooner you’ll be accepted, and a huge weight will be lifted off your shoulders.
So you know where you’re going, now what?
Senior year doesn’t end the moment you get accepted to college. There are still so many milestones before you move on. Not only is there graduation (congratulations), but now that you don’t have to stress about college, you can finally enjoy your senior year through clear eyes.
Start applying for scholarships! Will your college give you scholarships? Possibly, but scholarships are like cookies—the more the merrier. While the big looming decision is out of the way, it doesn’t hurt to start preparing for college early.
The key to surviving your senior year, though, is to simply have fun. You are going to be closing a chapter in your life pretty soon, so make sure you enjoy it while you’re a part of it. Once again, congratulations, seniors — and may your next chapter be even more enjoyable than the last one!

Bryn Gatz (Class of 2022) is from Sterling, Ill. She is majoring in creative writing and business administration. On campus, Bryn is involved in the Phi Rho sorority, Epsilon Sigma Alpha sorority, and Her Campus.