Blogs by Author

Tips for living with a roommate

Sharing living spaces can be an incredible opportunity for personal growth and lifelong friendships, and it can become a memorable chapter in your life. However, it also comes with its fair share of challenges.

Brett Kuras
Brett Kuras
June 12, 2023

How to prep for finals

Some of the best advice I can give you is to prepare in advance. Here are a few ways I prepare for the most stressful week of the semester.


Rachel Forman
Rachel Forman
May 18, 2023

How Augustana’s music program has impacted me

Deciding to continue in music through my undergraduate studies has led to wonderfully rewarding experiences. I’ve played the violin since age 6; leaving the instrument behind would have been a major change in my life. Participating in music and the orchestra at Augustana has done wonders for my playing ability and connected me with excellent mentorship, outstanding opportunities, and remarkable new peers and friends. 


Brian Thomas
Brian Thomas
April 24, 2023

6 reasons why we love the Quad Cities

As Valentine's Day approaches, we're reflecting on just how much we love the Quad Cities! Not only is our beautiful campus along the banks of the Mississippi River, but it's in one of the four cities that make up the Quad-Cities area.

February 8, 2023

What is a career coach, and how does a student benefit from having one?

Just as athletic coaches instruct and work with athletes to prepare them for competition, Augustana’s Career Coaches use their expertise to prepare students for what’s next.

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
December 21, 2022

Why I chose Augie

At the beginning of my college search, I knew exactly what type of school I was looking for: an affordable, far-from-home, academically rigorous liberal arts institution with a small student population, state-of-the-art facilities, plenty of co-curricular activities and invested faculty.


Genevieve Ryan
Genevieve Ryan
December 21, 2022

What should parents ask colleges about campus food services?

When I went to college in the ’90s, I don’t think “foodie” was a term we used. But, it sure is now. Whether your student is a foodie or not, students deserve good-tasting, wholesome food during their college years.

As your family looks at colleges, I’d like to offer seven questions you will want to ask about dining and food at any school being seriously considered.

Fred Kurt
Fred Kurt
November 30, 2022

How I got my Google internship

Last summer I moved to California to work as a developer relations engineer intern for the Google Cloud team for 12 weeks. My story of how I got there began as soon as I arrived at Augustana, three years ago.

Christopher Le
Christopher Le
November 28, 2022

9 surprising facts about college affordability

If you think a private college is more expensive than a public university, consider this:  Private colleges often provide more generous financial aid package.


Kent Barnds
Kent Barnds
November 8, 2022

Thrilled to see Penguin Project's 'I Am Able'

As a Rock Island local, I’ve been fortunate to stay involved in my passions even while “away” at college. One of my passions, mentoring in the Penguin Project, is coming to the big screen in “I Am Able” on Nov. 3-13!

Georgi Feigley
Georgi Feigley
November 3, 2022

Our favorite time of year

Fall might be our favorite season. From football to walks through bright foliage, there are plenty of ways to enjoy fall on Augustana’s campus. 

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
October 28, 2022

From an Augie mom: 5 reasons my daughter chose Augustana

Over the last 30 years working in Admissions, I’ve often wondered how it would really feel to be getting ready to launch your 18-year-old out into the world.

rachel gustafson
Rachel Z. Gustafson
September 21, 2022

5 things to know before coming to Augustana

Tobi Matter
Tobi Matter
August 26, 2022

First Year Global: Cloud forest

A hike on the western slopes of the Andes Mountains moves students through microclimates with new plants and animals.

Hailey Turner
Hailey Turner
July 14, 2022