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Title IX and Sexual Misconduct: Prevention, Response and Resources

Augustana College prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender in employment as well as in its education programs and activities. This prohibition is in accordance with a federal law known as Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 ("Title IX"). Title IX is a federal law that prohibits sex discrimination in federally funded education programs and activities. Title IX states as follows:

No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Sex discrimination includes sexual harassment and other forms of sexual misconduct such as sexual assault, sexual exploitation and dating or domestic violence. Title IX also prohibits retaliation for asserting or otherwise participating in claims of sex discrimination.

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Illinois Human Rights Act are two other laws that also prohibit sex discrimination.

Title IX coordinators

Contact one of the college's Title IX coordinators with any questions about Title IX at Augustana College, or to file a complaint of sex discrimination. All of the following individuals serve as Title IX coordinators for the college and may be contacted with questions, or receive complaints, as outlined below.

Title IX Coordinator: Dr. Jennie Hemingway, 309-794-7313.  

Jennie Hemingway is responsible for enforcement of Title IX at the College. She can receive complaints from any individual regarding Title IX. She is responsible for outreach and education regarding the College's prohibition of sex discrimination, the process for addressing concerns of sex discrimination, and the forms of sex discrimination.

Deputy Title IX coordinator: Mindy Zumdome, Director of Human Resources, 309-794-7452 

Mindy Zumdome can receive complaints from any individual regarding Title IX. She and the Human Resources staff will handle reports of staff and administrative employee violations of the College's policy and will be responsible for employee training regarding the College's prohibition of sex discrimination and the process of addressing concerns of sex discrimination.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Chris Beyer, Director of Residential Life, 309-794-2686.

Chris Beyer is primarily responsible for organizing student training required under Title IX. He can also receive a complaint of a violation of Title IX from any member of the Augustana community.

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Laura Schnack, Associate Dean of Students, 309-794-7533

Laura Schnack coordinates with the Title IX Coordinator when a student has reported or is accused of violating the College's policy. Dean Schnack can also receive a report of a violation of the Title IX from any individual. 

Deputy Title IX Coordinator: Greg Domski, Ph.D., Associate Dean of Academic Strategic Priorities, 309-794-3482

A person may also file a complaint online with the Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX or by calling 1-800-421-3481.

Confidential resources

Individuals who feel they have been victims of sexual misconduct may require time and support in reaching the decision as to whether to make formal complaints. There are confidential resources on campus and in the community available to individuals who do not wish to make a formal report to campus authorities or who wish to speak with a confidential resource in addition to making a formal report. Information disclosed to a confidential resource will not be shared with other individuals.  These resources generally only report to the College the fact that an incident occurred without revealing any personally identifying information.  This also means that disclosures to a confidential resource will not result in a College investigation into an incident. These confidential resources include:

Confidential resources on campus

Counseling Services, 309-794-7357

Counseling Services can provide emotional and medical support in a safe and confidential space. Counselors are not required to disclose identifying information as they have professional obligations to maintain the confidentiality of their clients. They also can help you think through your options for filing a formal report.

Office of Campus Ministries, 309-794-7213;  Founders Hall 101

  • Chaplain

Confidential advisors

Through a partnership, the college has arranged for the availability of confidential advisors employed by SafePath Survivor Resources of Family Resources to provide emergency and on-going support to survivors of sexual assault.

Confidential resources in the community

SafePath Survivor Resources of Family Resources: 24-hour free crisis line, 309-797-1777

SafePath Survivor Resources of Family Resources is a community-based program that serves the needs of women, men, children and families whose lives have been affected by domestic or sexual violence, human trafficking, or other violent crimes.

Illinois Domestic Violence Help Line1-877-863-6338

National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline, 1-800-656-4673

Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network