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Unabridged: This is How To Graduate With a Job

Unabridged, the student group for English and creative writing majors, will present "How to Graduate with a Job," an informational meeting about careers.

Current and recent English and creative writing major will talk about the internship experiences they've had.

Morgan Mowbry and Ally Jesse will discuss their experiences working at Scholastic Books and the Indo-American Arts Council this past fall in the the New York Internship Program.

Ranay Janssen and Elena Leif '17 will describe their experiences working and learning about publishing in the Denver Internship Program and the Denver Summer Publishing Institute.

Laura McNair will talk about what it's like to intern in the EDGE center and internship opportunities in the Quad Cities.


Room 117

Old Main

3600 7th Ave.
Rock Island, IL 61201
United States

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