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All-campus retreat: Be Well. Together.

The theme of the annual all-campus retreat this year is "Be Well. Together."


8 a.m. Buffet breakfast

8:45 a.m. President’s welcome

9 a.m. "A Year Unlike Any Other" with Wes Brooks, Bob Lanzerotti, Fred Kurt, Sarah Lashley and Mike Zapolski

10 a.m. Keynote address: "Beyond Deep Gladness: Coming to Terms with Vocations We Don’t Choose" with Deanna Thompson, director of the Lutheran Center for Faith, Values and Community at St. Olaf College

11:30 a.m. "Stronger Together" with Melinda Pupillo, Monica Smith, Farrah Roberts, Bill Iavarone and Chris Beyer

Noon Lunch provided in the Gerber Center (remember to bring your Augustana ID)

Sign up for afternoon sessions, including campus tours, guided meditation and book discussions, during the morning sessions.


Gävle rooms

The Gerber Center for Student Life

3435 9 1/2 Avenue
Rock Island, IL61201
United States

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Gillian Lederman