Academic skills workshops: Starting Strong: Study Strategies
Starting Strong covers study strategies to help you maximize the time spent studying so that you can more easily recall the information later and be more successful in your courses.
Other upcoming Learning Commons workshops:
• Thursday, March 10, Staying Strong: Motivation and Procrastination
Staying Strong focuses maintaining momentum throughout the semester. This workshop covers ways to tap into our motivation to tackle those things that we aren’t as driven or excited about doing.
• Tuesday, May 3, Finishing Strong: Finals Prep Workshop
This workshop is ideal for students interested in learning more efficient and productive ways to prepare for final exams. Learn how to create a study plan, refine your study and test-taking strategies, and reduce test anxiety.
All workshops run from 5-6 p.m. in Olin 209.
Room 209
Olin Center for Educational Technology
733 35th St.
Rock Island, IL61201
United States