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Augustana Leaders in Vocational Exploration info sessions

Augustana Leaders in Vocational Exploration (ALIVE) gives students the chance to consider big questions about who they are and who they are called to be.

Students who will be sophomores next year can learn more about ALIVE at a "sweets-to-go" information session on Jan. 23. There are two sessions at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m. in the Westerlin lounge.

ALIVE is for sophomores to:

• Explore their place in the world

• Develop close relationships with faculty and ALIVE student fellows

• Live in Swanson at the price of standard double room

The ALIVE application deadline is March 7, 2022.



Westerlin Residence Center

3200 10th Ave.
Rock Island, IL 61201
United States

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