Poem to Song
Poems by seven area poets become new songs by nine composers. Poets will include Augustana's Farah Marklevits and Beth Roberts, and composers include Jacob Bancks, associate professor of music, and Monica Gil '17.
Davenport native Lily Arbisser, soprano, will make her Chamber Music Quad Cities debut.
Other poets are Audra Kerr Brown, Joe Chambers, Therese Guise, Carl Herzig and Johnnie Woods> Poets will read their poems aloud; each reading will be followed by a song using that poem as text.
Other composers include Brian Baxter from the Quad City Symphony, William Campbell, St. Ambrose University, Patrick Castillo, Monica Gil, Robinson McClellan, Thomas Sauer, Nathan Shields and Suzanne Sorkin.
Asbury United Methodist Church
1809 Mississippi Blvd
Bettendorf, IA52722
United States