Christmas at Augustana and WQAD livestream
The holiday celebration at Augustana included two performances of Christmas at Augustana Dec. 2. The 2 p.m. performance was livestreamed at WQAD.com.
Other events included a Christmas Dinner Dec. 2, Jazz Brunch Dec. 3, and the traditional Lessons and Carols Dec. 14.
Jazz Brunch Dec. 3
A brunch and mimosas will be served while jazz music is performed at 11 a.m. Dec. 3 in Wallenberg Hall, second floor of the Denkmann Memorial Building. Tickets are $20.
Lessons and Carols Dec. 14
Lessons and Carols in Ascension Chapel, at 4 p.m. and again at 8 p.m., presents the story of Christ’s birth in readings and music. The Augustana Chamber Singers will be conducted by Ron May. Free and open to the public.
Ashleigh Johnston