An inauguration and Homecoming, all in one weekend
It is no hyperbole to say that Oct. 15-16, 2022, will go down in history at Augustana College, where a new president was inaugurated on the same weekend as Homecoming.
Here are some moments from both events, and a few things in-between.
Augustana faculty and delegates representing 34 other institutions line up to process into their seats.
Flag bearers Stephanie Carreno ’23 and Liam Dougherty ’23 lead the procession to the stage, followed by masters of ceremony Angie Mitchum ’08 Sharp and Ryan Jenkins ’18.
Delegates and faculty pass the Augustana Symphonic Band, conducted by Dr. James M. Lambrecht, while taking their seats.
Members of the reunion Class of 1955 get a front-row seat as honored guests.
President Andrea Talentino on her way to the stage.
An audience of more than 800 people at the inauguration covered the Quad and spilled over.

Andrea Talentino's inauguration, held under a brilliant October sky against a backdrop of bright autumn colors on the campus Quad, was only the ninth in Augustana’s 162-year history.
President Andrea Talentino and John M. Murabito ’80, chair of the board, pose for a photo after the ceremony.
President Andrea Talentino and her family: husband Thomas Tarnow, daughter Julia, father Dr. Arnold Talentino, and son Lucien.

Speakers and participants pose after the ceremony.
7th Avenue was closed after the ceremony for a community street party.

President Andrea Talentino and her friend Bill Dorfman get to the post-ceremony street party.

Faculty gave special academic and arts presentations Friday and Saturday. Here, Dr. Randall Hall plays the sax during a faculty recital in Wallenberg Hall.
Dr. Janina Ehrlich, professor of music, adds her cello to the faculty recital.

Dr. Monica M. Smith, vice president for diversity, equity and inclusion, discusses "The Value(s) of Augustana as a Lutheran Liberal Arts College" during a special academic session. She was joined in the discussion by Dr. Jason Mahn, director, Presidential Center for Faith and Learning.

"Straw Mat, Man and Globe in Blue Green and Gold Violet" was one of the art works by faculty and alumni exhibited for the inauguration. The piece is by Peter Xiao, professor of art. The exhibit will remain in view through the semester. Other artists included are Steven Banks, Gray Cunnar '21, Matt Fitzsimmons, Elizabeth Hord '19, Paul Lange, Dr. Margaret Morse, Esme O'Rourke '20, Vickie R. Phipps, Faith Pickslay '19, Megan Quinn, Henry Roderick '17, Rowen Schussheim-Anderson, Corrine Smith and Lee White.

A group of alumni ran into the new president at the bookstore in between festivities. They are Julie Setchell Bednar ’87, Debbie Lubeck Park ’88, President Andrea Talentino, Jerry Park ’87 and Kirk Bednar ’87.

Ellie Stockner brought her husband's Augustana Greek pin to campus with her, hoping to give it to someone. It turned out her golf-cart shuttle driver Zach Bohrer is a member of the same group and was the recipient. And he's touched and proud of the gift.