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Learn to manage your finances with BUSN 381

Dennis Norling, assistant professor of business administration, will offer a one-credit course, Personal Finance BUSN 381, in the spring semester.

The course will cover topics such as understanding financial statements, the time value of money, credit, student loans, investments, taxes and retirement plans. Students will be asked to prepare their own personal plan by setting financial goals and preparing a budget for their first year as a wage-earning adult. 

There are no prerequisites and no business or financial knowledge is necessary. 

BUSN 381-01 will meet Mondays from 1:45-2:45 p.m. BUSN 381-02 will meet Tuesdays from 12:30-1:30 p.m. Both sections meet in Sorensen 270.


Dennis Norling, 309-794-8796

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