Meal plans for juniors, seniors and commuters
Juniors, seniors and commuter students have nine choices of campus meal plans, which are pre-paid accounts for dining purchases.
Plans include a set number of meals and Viking Bucks, which are electronically loaded onto your student ID. Whenever the card is used (swiped), your meal plan account balance is automatically debited.
You can add or change a meal plan through the housing and dining portal. If you are a student in non-campus housing, stop by the Dining Services office in the Gerber Center or contact Amy Roehrs at 309-794-7543.
Any changes to a meal plan must be made during the first two weeks of the semester (by close of business Sept. 10). However, Viking Bucks can be purchased at any time.
Meal plans can be used in Gerber Center Dining Room, Brew by the Slough, Gus's Snack Bar and the Westerlin Market. (One exception: Gold Unlimited plans may only use meal swipes in the Gerber Center Dining Room.)
Amy Roehrs, 309-794-7543