Q & A with Emily Kahm, a theology teacher with a focus on sisters

When Emily Kahm began her doctoral program at the Iliff School of Theology and the University of Denver in 2011, it marked the first time in her life that she wasn't being educated at a Catholic institution. And yet, it wasn't until she'd completed her doctorate that she says she made any real connections with women religious.
Fast-forward eight years, and Dr. Kahm is now finishing up a two-year teaching fellowship at Augustana College where she teaches — among other things — an upper-level course in American Catholicism that is centered around the work of women religious. In the course, her students are required to interview a sister and turn that interview into a nine-page paper.
Dr. Kahm spoke with Global Sisters Report about her evolving relationship with women religious and what she's observed as her students are introduced to Catholic sisters, often for the first time.