River Readings welcomes trio on Oct. 13
The 2021 River Reading will welcome three writers with Augustana College ties: Brett Biebel, Kelly Daniels and Beth Roberts. All three published books this year.
Their reading will begin at 5 p.m. Oct. 13 in the Black Box Theater at the Brunner Theatre Center. They will sign and sell books after the reading.
The River Readings at Augustana brings literary artists to campus each year from around the country. These writers of poetry, fiction, and literary nonfiction meet with students in class or other venues to discuss their work and careers, and present a free reading open to the public.

Brett A. Biebel is a teaching fellow of English at Augustana. He is the author of "48 Blitz" (Split/Lip Press). His (mostly very) short fiction has appeared in dozens of literary journals, including SmokeLong Quarterly, Hobart, and Witness, and been included in Best Small Fictions and Wigleaf’s “Top 50 Very Short Fictions of 2021.”
Biebel has a B.A. from Saint John’s University, an M.A. from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, and an M.F.A., Minnesota State University.

Kelly Daniels is an associate professor of English at Augustana who teaches creative writing. He grew up on the road, living for stints with his parents in a Hawaiian commune, a lonesome desert cabin, and in an old delivery van outfitted with bunks. As an adult, he set off on his own, traveling extensively through Europe, Mexico and Central America, picking up jobs along the way.
He is the author of the memoir "Cloudbreak, California," and the novel, "A Candle for San Simón." His short stories and essays have appeared widely in literary reviews and he is a regular contributor to The Sun magazine.
Daniels has a B.A. from San Francisco State, an M.F.A. from Georgia State and a Ph.D. from Western Michigan.

Beth Roberts’ second book, "Like You," won the 2020 Ottoline Prize from Fence Books and is a finalist for the Heartland Booksellers Award. One poem from that book, “A Pair of Airs,” is currently being set to music for two voices and will be performed by Chamber Music Quad Cities in Davenport in March.
Roberts has been a writer and editorial director for the Augustana Office of Communication and Marketing. She received a B.A. in English from Western Michigan University and an M.F.A. from the Writers’ Workshop at the University of Iowa.
The River Readings series is sponsored by the Office of Academic Affairs, the Institute for Leadership and Service, the Thomas Tredway Library and the English department. For more information, contact Brett Biebel, 309-794-8724.