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SGA Senate applications due Sept. 13

The Student Government Association is seeking strong leaders to serve as members of the Student Senate.

If you are interested in advocating for your peers, bridging the gap between students and administrators, funding campus organizations or developing your professional skills, you are encouraged to apply.

Applications are due by 8 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 13.

Campaigning will begin Sept. 14 and voting will be held Sept. 22 through midnight Sept. 23.

Prior to the distribution of any and all campaign materials, a candidate must first seek approval from a member of the Student Government Election Committee. This includes social media posts, posters, mailings, etc. To request approval, a candidate must email all members of the Election Committee.

Any questions regarding election rules and proceedings should be sent to the committee.

Open senator positions

The following positions are open for election. Any student who falls within the position's constituency may run for that particular Senate seat. Please be advised that you may run for only one of the following positions, and that you may not change this position once your application has been submitted.

Class Representatives:

First Year Senator (x4)
Senior Senator (x2)

Academic Division Representatives:
Division based on major is located under the "Desired Position" question

Division 4 (x1)

Residential Area Representatives:

Westerlin Senator (x1)
Andreen Senator (x1)
Seminary Senator (x1)
Erickson Senator (x1)
Swanson Senator (x1)
TLA Senator (x1)
Commuter Senator (x1)

If you have news, send it to! We love hearing about the achievements of our alumni, students and faculty.