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Sign up to perform at the World Relief benefit concert

On Sunday, March 2, the Sociology/Anthropology Society and American Choral Directors Association will host a benefit concert in Wallenberg Hall for World Relief QC, featuring musical performances from Augustana students and faculty. 

To sign up to perform, please fill out this Google form.

Performance criteria and information:

  • Performance can be no longer than five minutes at maximum
  • Song or tune has general appeal (well-known songs)
  • No explicit content
  • You may participate in up to two performances, but you cannot perform two solos or perform with the same group twice (e.g., you are part of two different group performances)
  • Groups should apply together (have one member of the group open and submit the application)
  • Groups will be given precedence over solo acts, so don't be afraid to team up and form different combos!
  • The ACDA Exec Board will put together a cohesive program based on submitted acts. If you are not selected to perform, this does not mean you are not awesome! We just want to create a nice flow of events and choose the pieces that work the best together.


If you have news, send it to! We love hearing about the achievements of our alumni, students and faculty.