Slough drainage and restoration updates
Slough Path, 38th Street parking reopens
Posted: Feb. 5, 2024
The Augustana Slough Path is now reopened for campus and community use following the completion of the new water pipe installation and path restoration. Street parking on 38th Street has reopened for use as well.
Crews remaining on site are completing site cleanup and putting the final touches on the erosion-preventing gabion wall. Crews will open the valve to begin the refiling process today. The restoration of the Slough waters will be gradual and could get a boost from any snow or rainfall the area receives.
Snow delays reopening
Posted: Jan. 9, 2024
The planned reopening of the Slough Path has been delayed due to the winter storm. The path will open in the near future when conditions allow for final concrete work to be completed.
Slough Path reopening Jan. 9
Posted: Jan. 3, 2024
The Augustana Slough Path is now slated to reopen in the afternoon on Tuesday, Jan. 9.
Originally scheduled to reopen Jan. 7, the project is delayed due to crews not being able to use the soil currently on site for backfilling around and under the newly poured concrete. Facilities Director Robert Lanzerotti said the soil on site is too wet for proper compaction, and new soil will be brought in.
Crews will remain on site the rest of that week to complete cleaning up the worksite. Water returning to the Slough will be a slow process, as water collects from rain and snow.
Project moving quickly
Posted: Nov. 30, 2023
Augustana students and staff returned from Thanksgiving break this week with plenty of activity taking place at the Slough. The Facilities Department updated this week that the Slough Path will close for pedestrian use earlier than expected, likely beginning Monday, Dec. 4, through the remainder of the project. We apologize for the inconvenience — this closure was moved up due to the project progressing more quickly than anticipated. The path is expected to reopen by Jan. 7.
On Wednesday, crews were using large backhoes to fill the ends of the old main water line pipe by pouring concrete into both ends. The large white pipes sitting near the gazebo will be installed, replacing the outdated pipe. The next phase of the project will focus on installing the new gabion wall — aimed at reducing erosion. Crews will then backfill all affected areas, and the waters of the Slough will be restored.

Slough work in progress
Posted: Nov. 15, 2023
Work on the Slough project began Sunday morning, when a member of facilities went out in a boat to turn the valve to begin the draining at 10:15 a.m. It then took about 12 hours for most of the waters of the Sough to recede down a drain, with water flowing towards the Mississippi River.
In this first week of the project, most activity at the site will include bringing needed equipment to the Slough and installing temporary fencing for safety and the protection of campus sidewalks. Also receiving TLC – the large sycamore tree near the gazebo. Orange fencing now encircles the tree. The project was scheduled for this time of year because the colder temps mean underground tree roots are better protected.
As promised, the Slough Path remains open for pedestrian use – although passage by the Slough is a bit less scenic and a bit more fragrant.
Congratulations to our Slough photo contest winners – Alexis Hutson '17, Stephanie Carreno '23, Tui Harned '98, Allie Glazer nee Matuszewski '10 and Joni Lawson '97. Thanks to everyone for sharing their love of the Slough with us!
Project to impact 38th Street parking
Posted: Nov. 10, 2023
The Slough project will require a temporary disruption to the street parking on the west side of 38th Street hill. Beginning at 6 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 14, an estimated 12 spots will be unavailable for use to allow for the staging of equipment for this City of Rock Island project. In addition to parking in the WVIK parking lot, campus is encouraged to use the Centennial Hall parking lot.
It is expected that street parking will return to normal prior to the beginning of January Term.
Work to begin Nov. 12
Posted: Nov. 10, 2023
On Nov. 12, crews from the City of Rock Island will begin draining the Slough in order to relocate a water pipe. The project, which will move a primary water line from under the Slough to under the Slough Path, will allow for easier access to the pipe in the event of future needed repairs.
City council members approved the work on Oct. 9, with this city-funded project aimed at preventing another incident like the one in June 2017, when an old city pipe under the Slough collapsed and flooded parts of lower campus.
The Slough Path is expected to remain open for campus and community use through the fall semester, with a short closure planned during the January Term as the project moves into its final phase. Work is expected to be completed by the start of the spring semester in February. At that time, the Slough will be fully restored.
Slough Photo Contest winners
We had more than 60 photos submitted by Slough lovers from near and far. Thank you for celebrating this spot on campus. We hope these photos tide you over while we patiently wait for the Slough to be restored.

Day of the Dead photography project shot by Patricia Plachno '23.
Submitted by: Stephanie Carreno '23
Date: Nov. 2022

Joni Lawson '97 submitted this photo of her niece Morgan Weeks '17. This is from Morgan's Instagram and her caption is “Didn’t even fall in."
Submitted by: Joni Lawson '97
Date: Feb. 2016
Slough project in the news
WQAD: Rock Island to drain the Augustana College Slough for pipe relocation