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Recommendation to add a course

Steps to take

1. Seek and get departmental, library, ITS and then divisional approval before using this form. Typically, submission of a complete syllabus alone is sufficient for departmental and divisional discussion.

2. If the course is for foreign study, a statement/recommendation from the Foreign Study Committee must be included (add it to the syllabus before submission). Other off-campus programs should include a statement/recommendation from the appropriate committee.

3. It is the responsibility of the course instructor to submit this form electronically after divisional approval. The GenEd and/or EPC chairs may confirm the status of library, ITS and divisional approvals.

4. Fill out this electronic form (cut and paste appropriate paragraphs from a Word document), upload a copy of your course syllabus at the end of this form, and submit. If seeking a Learning Perspective or Suffix designation, you must complete and submit an additional web-based form (see the AGES web page).

Your syllabus must be sufficiently detailed to allow EPC to understand the topics to be covered, their likely order and weighting, and the likely teaching methods and materials. It should include an outline of the schedule of subject matter, readings, activities and assignments.

The syllabus should contain a clearly stated course purpose, a description of learning outcomes, and the means of assessing whether those outcomes have been met.

Learning goals for the course should be contextualized in relation to the broader college curriculum. For example, explicit mention could be made of the college Student Learning Outcomes, Idea Form learning objectives, or learning perspectives and suffixes attached to the course.

In preparing the syllabus, give attention to the appropriateness of the course expectations in relation to the level of the course. Please make the job of GenEd and EPC members easier; the more information you give us, the more likely your submission will be successful. A terse and incomplete syllabus is the most common reason for a delay in obtaining EPC approval.

Note: Additional items are typically found on syllabi that are not directly required for curricular decisions, including attendance and grading policies, credit hour policy, and a description of the honor code. 


Submit AGES courses by noon on Monday of the 5th week and non-AGES courses by noon on Friday of the 4th week of the term preceding the term the course will be offered.