Grants and awards in support of scholarship
Dr. Larry P. Jones Faculty Fellowship in the Natural Sciences Grant
Eligibility: Tenure-track faculty members in the Natural Science Division (or in interdisciplinary programs with natural science focus)
Deadline: Beginning of week 5 of Spring Semester
Notification: Late March
Description: Established through the estate of Dr. Larry P. Jones ('65), this endowment provides support to engage in summer research or other scholarly activities. Funding can be used for most scholarly activities or objects, including equipment, books, travel, meeting and publication costs, and faculty and student stipends. Supporting some level of student involvement is looked upon favorably and, thus, may enhance the funding chances. Please note: only current students (no alumni) are eligible for student employment. Students graduating in May are not eligible of any summer campus employment or research assistant positions.
Guidelines: Please submit a short summary (2-page maximum, including figures and references) of your intended scholarly activity, with just enough clear- not too technical- information for the review committee (STEM Division Dean and Provost) to evaluate your proposed efforts. Your proposal should include your research plan, expected outcomes, collaborators (if any), timeline, budget and a brief statement of what you can accomplish with less than your full funding request. Past recipients are welcome to reapply, but you must submit your research report in order to be eligible for additional funding consideration. Maximum reward request is $4,000.
Submit your proposal by email attachment to the STEM Division Dean.
Responsibilities of the grantee: A short post-research written summary (in-progress or final research report and expense report) of findings is expected after the funds have been spent (future funding is dependent on fulfilling this stipulation).
Additional details: Dr. Jones graduated from Augustana in 1965, received his master's degree from Iowa State University in 1968, and doctorate from Oregon State University in 1972. He joined the faculty of the Department of Biological Services at the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) later that same year. In addition to teaching, Dr. Jones served as the Associate Dean of the College of Science. His legacy as a teacher, researcher and mentor at UTEP lives on through the people he inspired and the Medical Professions Institute he founded in 2002 to prepare students in careers in the medical professions. Medical school acceptances among the UTEP graduates doubled during Dr. Jones' time as the director of the Institute. He retired from the University in 2008.
Faculty Research Grants
Eligibility: All faculty with rank
Deadline: Early February
Notification: Late February; funding available immediately
Description: The Faculty Research Committee annually will consider requests to fund creative and scholarly work in any of the disciplines taught at Augustana College. Funds are available for such items as student salaries, travel costs, special equipment, supplies, computer time, typing costs, journal page costs, work in major archives, and additional study. Within its means, the committee tries to support as much good work, by as many colleagues, as possible. Typical grants range from $500- $2,000; the FRC's annual budget for grants is usually around $10,000.
Guidelines: Refer to the annual call for proposals for specific directions. Normally, an application need be no longer than five pages or 1,500 words. Applications should be clearly written, in language intelligible to colleagues outside one's own specialty. If it is essential to describe the project in language special to a particular field, a summary in more ordinary terms should be included.
All applications should include some account of the following:
- The applicant's general qualifications for the proposed work, relevant previous work and experience (an abbreviated curriculum vitae must be included), and preparation or ground work (if any) already undertaken specifically for the work proposed.
- The relationship between the proposed work and previous/current work in the field by others.
- The result or product anticipated, and the means and methods which are expected to be adequate to the purpose.
- A brief but specific itemized budget must be included. A timetable of the stages of work should be included for projects of more than a few months' duration.
- Continuing projects are eligible for repeated funding but must include an annual timeline and annual budget. Proposals that build upon previously-funded work must demonstrate progress and have expended the previous year's funding.
- The prospects for publication or other public attention, and the advantage, if any, the work might be or bring to the college.
Submit your proposal by email attachment to the Academic Affairs office.
Responsibilities of the grantee
- Acknowledgement of Augustana financial assistance in products produced from work
- A brief (1-2 page) report detailing the results of the research, including where the work was presented, performed, and/or published. This should be submitted to the Office of the Provost, the Chair of the Faculty Research Committee, and Michelle Heinrichs no later than 1 year after notification of the grant. Funds not expended by 1 year after the grant notification will revert back to the general Faculty Research Fund.
- Faculty who are funded by these grants are expected to give a lecture or public presentation of the project's results within a reasonable period of time.
Faculty Summer Research Grants
Eligibility: Untenured faculty members with academic rank
Deadline: Mid March
Notification: Early April; funding available July 1
Description: The FRC awards summer research awards of $1,800 each to two untenured faculty members each year. These grants (stipends) are designed to contribute to the teaching program of the college by promoting faculty excellence. The grants are to enable untenured faculty members to develop as scholars and teachers by making possible sustained and significant academic endeavors.
Guidelines: Refer to the annual call for proposals for specific directions. The award of these grants will be made by the college upon recommendation of the Faculty Research Committee. Guidelines for application and selection are the same as those used for the Faculty Research Grants. Send the proposal by email attachment to the Academic Affairs Office.
Responsibilities of the grantee
- Acknowledgement of Augustana financial assistance in products produced from work
- A brief (1-2 page) report detailing the results of the research, including where the work was presented, performed, and/or published. This should be submitted to the Office of the Provost, the Chair of the Faculty Research Committee, and Academic Affairs office no later than 1 year after notification of the grant. Should the project not be completed within a year, a progress report should be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office.
- A presentation on the work completed to be delivered as part of the Conversations on Scholarship, the Celebration of Learning, Teaching Circle, the Feminist Tea Series, or other campus-wide event.
New Faculty Research Awards
Eligibility: Available to tenure-track faculty members in their first three years
Deadline: mid to late November; funds are available earlier if needed
Notification: before the end of fall semester
Description: All new faculty members can apply for up to $4,000 in support for research per year (in any of the four areas of scholarship defined by Ernest Boyer in "Scholarship Reconsidered") in their first three years of service to Augustana. Those funds can be combined with any of the other grants mentioned here.
Guidelines: Normally, an application need be no longer than five pages or 1,500 words. Submit your application to the dean of the college using the guidelines found here.
Responsibilities of the grantee
- Acknowledgement of Augustana financial assistance in products produced from work
- A brief (1-2 page) report detailing the results of the research, including where the work was presented, performed, and/or published. This should be submitted to the Office of the Provost no later than 3 months after the conclusion of the grant.
Sabbatical Leave Grants
Eligibility: Faculty eligible for sabbatical the following year who are planning a 12 or more credit sabbatical
Deadline: Mid March
Notification: Early April; funding available July 1
Description: The sabbatical leave grants (stipends) are designed to contribute to the teaching program of the college by promoting faculty excellence. The grants are to enable faculty members to develop as scholars and teachers by making possible sustained and significant academic endeavors. There are two grants available each year; each will pay $3,600 to a faculty member on sabbatical taking a 12 or more credit sabbatical leave.
Guidelines: Refer to the annual call for proposals for specific directions. The award of these grants will be made by the college upon recommendation of the Faculty Research Committee. Guidelines for application and selection are the same as those used for the Augustana Faculty Research Grants. Submit proposals to the Academic Affairs Office.
Responsibilities of the grantee
- Sabbatical leave approved through the normal channels.
- Acknowledgement of Augustana financial assistance in products produced from work
- A brief (1-2 page) report detailing the results of the research, including where the work was presented, performed, and/or published. This should be submitted to the Office of the Provost, the Chair of the Faculty Research Committee and Academic Affairs office no later than 1 year after notification of the grant.
- A presentation on sabbatical work completed to be delivered as part of the Conversations on Scholarship, the Celebration of Learning, Teaching Circle, the Feminist Tea Series, or other campus-wide event.
Reassigned Time for Major Projects
Eligibility: All tenure-track and tenured faculty who have taught at Augustana for one full year, and who are nearing completion of a major scholarly or artistic project
Deadline: The first Friday in October of the year preceding that in which the leave is going to be taken. Requests may be considered after this date pending availability. Faculty should not request course release time for courses that already have registered students.
Notification: End of November
Description: Four credits of reassigned time are available to faculty members for the purpose of completing a major scholarly project. Work in any of the scholarly areas of discovery, teaching, integration and application are eligible. The Office of the Provost will support reassigned time for up to two faculty members annually. Typically these awards will not be given to faculty members from the same department. Priority will be given to requests from faculty members who have not yet received reassigned time or any other leaves.
Guidelines: An application should include description of the project (up to four pages), the project's status and how the reassigned time will be used, as well as a brief curriculum vitae. Please include a supporting letter from your department chair as well as confirmation of outside commitment such as a contract from a publisher.
Send proposals to the Academic Affairs Office.
Responsibilities of the grantee
- Acknowledgement of Augustana financial assistance in products produced from work
- A brief (1-2 page) report detailing the results of the research, including where the work was performed and/or published. This should be submitted to the Office of the Provost by the first Friday of the semester following the reassigned time.
Student Research Assistantships
Augustana offers several sources of funding that can be used to support student research assistantships with faculty. A list of funding sources is available here: . Faculty that are interested in involving students in research are also encouraged to reach out to Dr. Mariano Magalhães, Coordinator of Student Research and Creative Scholarship, to learn more about funding sources, publication venues, and other ideas related to enhancing the student experience through research.