October 2019
New faces on campus
Please welcome six new colleagues to campus!
Coming attractions
Flu Shot Clinic
Oct. 18, 9 a.m.–2 p.m., Sorensen Hall Room 153 Employees on the Augustana health plan are eligible to receive the flu shot at no cost; just bring your Augie ID. Those not on the Augustana plan can receive a flu shot for $35, paid with cash or check.
Oct. 29, 5-6 p.m., Andreen Hall The residents of Andreen welcome trick-or-treaters to their festive residence during Hallowdreen each year.
Veterans Breakfast
Nov. 11, details still to come If you are a veteran, please contact Brittni DeGreve at x7352 so we can extend an invitation in your honor at this annual event.
Open Benefits Enrollment
Nov. 11-29 All employees will make benefit selections or waive benefits electronically. See For your benefit in this newsletter for some highlights, and watch for more info to come.
Thanksgiving Holiday
Nov. 28-29 Campus will be closed for Thanksgiving.
For your benefit
This year, open enrollment has moved to November 11-29. Every benefit-eligible employee will be asked to make benefit elections, through Arches, that will begin January 1, 2020 and run through December 31, 2020. We plan to keep this new schedule for the foreseeable future.
Much more information is coming on the changes, but here are some of the highlights:
• Wellness platform goes on hiatus. The BeBetter platform will end on Dec. 31, 2019, and this spring the college will look at alternatives for wellness and health promotion. If you would like to be a part of a group that takes a deep look at this issue, please contact Laura Ford.
• Health insurance premiums see a modest increase. We expect that all premium levels will increase by $3/per month or $36 per year. As the wellness platform goes on hiatus, we will eliminate wellness vs. non-wellness premium differentials for the 2020 plan year.
• Changes in our Rx and specialty medications. CVS, Target and most independent pharmacies will be considered out of network. As allowed, specialty medications will be provided at the lowest cost site of care location, and the pharmaceutical formulary will change. These changes equate to over $125,000 in projected savings which allowed us to keep premium increases to a minimum.
• New vision provider. Avesis will replace MetLife as our vision provider. This will provide a larger network and a 4-year rate guarantee. Premiums will stay the same or be a bit lower, depending on the coverage level.
• Decrease in dental premiums. Our voluntary dental premiums will experience a 4% decrease.
Wondering whether you should go with a high-deductible health plan or a traditional plan? Here are some things to consider:
Lowest monthly premium in exchange for paying more up front costs.
No copays. Everything you pay for medical and RX applies towards your deductible/OOPM*.
Once you reach your deductible, you have no more cost share the rest of the year ($3,500 singles/$7,000 family).
You can pair this plan with a Health Savings Account or limited Flexible Savings Account.
Right fit?
- You’re healthy; you get regular preventative care and/or rarely visit a doctor
- You have either intermittent or ongoing health issues, you are comfortable with being a healthcare consumer and managing your upfront costs via the Healthy Savings Account or through personal savings.
- You want easy-to-understand coverage.
- You want to utilize the Health Savings Account option to build long-term healthcare savings that roll over and grow year-to-year.
Traditional Plan
Lower deductible ($1,250 single / $2,500), slightly lower OOPM* ($3,000 single / $6,000 family).
Includes copays for things such as office visits, ER and prescription drugs.
You can pair this plan with a Flexible Savings Account.
Right fit?
- You have intermittent health issues and see various doctors to manage your care.
- You are looking for a plan with predictable costs when visiting doctors or utilizing prescription drugs.
- You are willing to pay higher premiums out of your paycheck in exchange for copayments and a lower deductible.
Ask the expert
At this institution of higher learning, we are a community of experts! And each of us also has knowledge unrelated to the office or department where we work. So, every month Augie Works will ask a campus expert to provide some advice or a how-to.
This month, we ask:
With winter approaching, I’m wondering what I should do to make sure my car is ready for the elements. Any advice?
Grounds manager Josh Becker and mechanic Brett Stabler respond:
Great question! Simple items that most of us can do without professional help include:
• maintaining proper tire pressure
• checking for cleanliness of engine air filter/cabin air filter
• checking all operational fluids on a regular basis
• changing head light bulbs
But some things, such as tune-ups and oil and fuel filter changes, we recommend leaving to the professionals—unless you really have the proper skills and equipment to do so.
Additionally, our best advice is this: If your check engine light is on, do not let it become a permanent sign on your dash. Get it checked as soon as possible, as it could be something minor or it may be a large problem that will cause severe damage in the future.
And finally, remember to lock your vehicle no matter where you are. It can save many headaches down the road.
Have a question you’d like us to ask an expert? Or some timely advice or bit of knowledge you’d like to share? Please send it to brittnidegreve@augustana.edu
Community and family news

Greg Armstrong (digital content specialist, Office of Communication & Marketing) and his wife Rebecca welcomed 8-pound, wide-eyed and healthy Benjamin Kenneth to their family on October 4.
Benjamin has three older siblings: Casey, Allison and Brooke.
Tia Fuhr also has a new baby boy. His name is Arlo and he was born on August 28.
Tia is the assistant director of student life and coordinator of Greek life in the Office of Student Life and Leadership.

This fall, the Young Professionals of Augustana gathering was held at Analog Arcade bar, where employees were brought together to network and get to know one another a little more.
This is a fun event held twice during the academic year. Please watch for an invite for the upcoming spring 2020 event.
At Homecoming last weekend, about 500 alumnae descended on campus to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Phi Rho sorority.
Can you find four current Augustana employees in the photo below?

Augie Works is a monthly newsletter for Augustana College employees from the Office of Human Resources. The photo of WQAD multimedia journalist Ryan Jenkins ’18 at the top was taken by photographer Matt Holst at the 5th annual A Day celebration on October 9, when employees came to the PepsiCo Center to celebrate milestones, enjoy a presentation by Jenkins and eat breakfast together. If you have any questions or comments about Augie Works, please contact Brittni DeGreve, Office of Human Resources.