Student guide to community- and campus-based projects
Augustana College is gathering community- and campus-based projects for seniors to complete during the spring of 2021. If you are a senior who had planned on using your Augie Choice for an opportunity that is now unavailable to you, or you just haven't mad a plan for using your Augie Choice, these options may be for you.
Part of Augustana's mission is to connect students with meaningful, skill-building learning experiences. Typically, students engage in experiential education through internships, study away and research. Though many students were able to complete their activities as planned, just as many had their planned experiences or postponed due to the global COVID-19 pandemic.
CORE is seeking community-based projects for local organizations serving our community and campus-based projects for academic or student service departments that may have long-standing projects they just haven't had a chance to get to. We are asking organizations/departments to consider projects requiring skills such as research, writing, curating, archiving, data collection, etc.
Community- and campus-based project goals and objectives
The goal of the Augustana Experiential Learning Program is to create a mutually beneficial collaboration between local organizations serving our community or campus departments and our graduating seniors seeking skill-building educational or professional development opportunities.
• Nov. 30 - Dec. 11: Solicit, process and approve projects from local non-profit or service organizations serving our community and campus departments
• Dec. 15 - Jan. 15: Promote projects to seniors seeking community- and campus-based projects through Handshake. All opportunities will be tagged as #augiechoiceprojects
• Jan. 18 - Jan. 29: Work with organizations/departments to select/match students with projects
• By Feb. 15**: Assist students to register for projects/internships for 0, .25, or more credit AND to complete their Augie Choice applications: Complete budget, application and learning outcomes
• Feb. 10 - May 14: Project work may begin any time after Feb. 10 for pre-determined length; ending no later than May 14. Project must consister of at least 40 hours of active engagement including instruction, training, feedback and project work.
**Your experience must be registered before Feb. 19 in order to avoid a late registration fee.
Student expectations
• Commit to start and end dates and fulfill all duties and requirements of the project
• Complete all required assignments/evaluations as required for project credit
- Weekly hours log
- Learning contract
- First impressions reflection
- Midterm check-in
- Informational interviews
- Updated resume
- Final evaluation
- Project supervisor evaluation
- Final paper
• Beginning Dec. 15, approved projects will be posted to Handshake
- Projects will be searchable by the label augiechoiceprojects
- Projects will continue to be posted through Jan. 15
- Application deadline for all projects is Jan. 15; if projects are not filled, they will be opened up for other students to apply
Organization or department expectations
• Provide project description including project title, project summary, project objectives and expectations, desired competencies and qualifications
• Supervision: one main contact who is accessible in-person or virtually to develop project goals, give direction and any necessary training, and feedback including a midterm and final evaluation