Handshake recruitment tool for employers
Augustana is one of more than 150 colleges and universities that uses Handshake to connect students and alumni to employers.
Follow these steps on Handshake to set yourself up as an employer.
Start at Handshake's new employer page. Complete all the fields. Use your company or institution email address. Click "Sign up."

Choose the fields of study most relevant to your position.
Add your alma mater if you would like to do so; it's optional.
Click "Continue."

Read the Handshake Employer Guidelines, and indicate if you are a third-party recruiter working on behalf of a company.
Click "Continue."

You will get a message that you have successfully signed up for Handshake.

In a few minutes, you will receive a confirmation email from Handshake. Click "Confirm Email." You're done!
Augustana's Office of Career Development will approve your account within one business day. Then you're ready to post your jobs and internships.

If you have questions, call, 309-794-8611.