Learning communities for 2017-18 academic year
Study away learning communities
Fall term
CHEM-411-LC and BIOL-362-LC (CRAWFORD and GEHLER), PLUS LABS (Biochemistry and Physiology of Human Life)
CSD-367-LC/LC2 and ENGL-307-LC/LC2 (HASKILL and STAFF) (Language Theory and Application]
ECON-225-LC and RELG-326-LC (SHORT and LEE) (The Ethics and Economics of Health Care]
ENGL-315-LC and GEOG-307-LC (PETERS and BURNHAM) (Environmental Literature and Landscape)
GEOL-116 and ENVR-380-LC (Wolf and Reisner) (Applied Ecology, Energy and the Environment)
LSC-350-LC and LSC-351-LC1/LC2 (EGAN) (Comprehensive Learning Portfolio)
PHIL-329-LC and PSYC-248-LC (STORL and HARRINGTON) (Truths about Mind and Brain)
POLS-318-LC and ECON-366-LC (ZHANG and ZHOU) (Understanding China: Politics and Economics Approaches)
PSYC-306-LC and PSYC-420-LC (SCHULTZ) (Homelessness, poverty, and children’s mental health)
RELG-366-LC and EDUC-270-LC (SALGADO and SHEA) (Mindful Learning)
Winter term
On campus; not study away. Additional offerings may be added.
Accounting VITA program (winter and spring break): ACCT-314-LC, LC2, LC3 (Winter, Melton) and ACCT 444-LC1, LC2, LC3 (Spring, Melton)
The Art and Science of Criminal Investigation: CHEM-325-LC, Chemistry and Crime (Wilmsmeyer) and PSYC-310-LC, Criminal Profiling (Johnson)
Constructing and Interpreting American Indian Identities: ANTH-320-LC, Native North America (Kaul), and HIST-336-LC, American Indians and Their Interpreters (Simonsen)
Spring term
On campus; not study away. Additional offerings may be added.
Shapes and Patterns: Arts and Music as Culture in Africa: ART-342-LC, Art of Africa (Schussheim-Anderson) and MUSC-342-LC, Music and culture of West Africa (Pfautz)
The Art of Teaching Language Arts: EDUC-382-LC, Methods: Lang Arts (Hanson) and ENGL-312-LC, Writing, grammar and language (Crowe)
Mindful Learning: EDUC-270=01 Mindfulness (Shea) and RELG-366-LC Buddhism (Salgado)
The Individual, Society, and the State: POLS-375-LC Special Topics: The Individual, Society, and the State (Dehnel) and WLIT-326-LC Topics in French Literature: The Individual, Society, and the State (Kalas)
Teens and Themes: Patterns in adolescent literature and lives: ENGL332-LC (Hanson) and PSYC214-LC (Rose)
The Ethics of Business: Social Issues in Business, BUSN-307-LC (Goins); Business Ethics, RELG-327-LC (Lee).