Celebration of Learning 2018
May 2, 2018
Celebration of Learning and Symposium Day celebrates work by students, faculty and staff at Augustana. There will be a full day of art, poster presentations, multimedia interactive sessions and performances.
Featured presentations
Dr. Nathan Frank, physics: "What Happens on a Research Sabbatical in Nuclear Physics?"
10:45 a.m., Olin Auditorium
Erin Blecha-Ward '07
Founder and president, Evolved Experience Solutions, and executive director, Fresno Football Club
"The Road Less Taken..."
Noon, Olin Auditorium
Student-faculty collaboration
Dr. Jennifer Popple, Melina Herman, Alexis R. Downey, theatre arts: "Using Theatre to Develop Clinical Empathy: Working with Pre-professional Majors"
1:15 p.m., Olin Auditorium
Janelle Norden: "Exploring Food Insecurity at Augustana"
2:30 p.m., Olin Auditorium
Special projects
+IMPACT Table in the Brew
10:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m., The Gerber Center, 4th Floor
Creativity Pop-Ups
9:30 a.m.-4:45 p.m., various times and locations
Augustana Invitational Robotics Challenge 2018
7:30-9:30 p.m., Hanson 102
Poster sessions
All sessions are in the Gerber Center, Gävle Room.
Session I, 9:30-10:45 a.m.
Session II, 3:30-4:45 p.m.
Senior Art Show
Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, Centennial Hall
Featured Artist presentations, 10:45-11:15 a.m.
Senior Student Artist shows and discussions, 11:15 a.m.-12:45 p.m.
Oral presentations and performances
Session I, 10:45-11:45 a.m.
Session II, Noon-1 p.m.
Session III, 1:15-2:15 p.m.
Session IV, 2:30-3:30 p.m.
A sessions, Olin Auditorium (featured presentations I, II, III, IV)
B sessions, Olin 305
C sessions, Olin 209
D sessions, Hanson 102
E sessions, Hanson 115
F sessions, Hanson 304
G sessions, Hanson 305
H sessions, Wallenberg Hall, Denkmann Memorial Building
I sessions, Old Main 132
J sessions, Old Main 005, 021, 022, 028
K sessions, Carlsson Evald Great Hall
L sessions, Carlsson Evald 017 and 018
M sessions, Larson Hall, Bergendoff Hall of Fine Arts
N sessions, Augustana Teaching Museum of Art, Centennial Hall
O sessions, Honkamp Myre Black Box, Brunner Theatre Center
P sessions, Wilson Center
Q sessions, The Gerber Center 4th Floor
R sessions, Various locations on campus
Note: There are multiple concurrent presentations during each one-hour time block. It is expected that presenters sharing a given time and room will divide the available time evenly (e.g., four presenters each have 15 minutes total for delivering their presentation and answering questions; three presenters have 20 minutes total). Presenters appear in the order expected during the hour.
Those attending a session will be expected to attend for the full hour rather than entering/exiting between presenters. This will minimize disruption and time between presenters. Moderators for each session will be tasked with keeping speakers on time and, if necessary, interrupting a presentation if running long to allow time for all presenters.