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Celebration of Learning 2019: Oral presentations and performances session I

SESSION I 10:45-11:45 a.m.

Session I-A OLIN AUDITORIUM [10:45-11:45 a.m.]

Dr. Jennifer Burnham
Which Way Did They Go? A Biogeography Study of Atlantic Puffin (Fratercula arctica) Migratory Pathways from NW Greenland

Atlantic puffins of the low and sub-Arctic regions are a well-studied, but declining seabird species. Less well-studied, but equally (or greater) at risk due to climatic change, are the Atlantic puffins of northwest Greenland in the high Arctic (76° N). Here we studied the migratory patterns of nine adult puffins (six males and three females) using non-transmitting archival light loggers (geolocators). This is the northern most studied puffin colony in the world. Results of this previously understudied puffin colony show that this population has the longest migratory distance of any other Atlantic puffins, with females traveling two to three times as far as males. Females and males display distinctly different migration strategies, with females using a leap frog strategy and males utilizing chain migration. On their outward migration, puffins from northwest Greenland display a behavior never before documented—a crossing of the Greenland Ice Sheet. For a portion of the non-breeding season, females share winter use areas of the North Atlantic Ocean with those of puffins migrating from Ireland and Norway, and utilize several Marine Protected Areas of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. These findings highlight the distinct differences in low and high Arctic puffin populations (confirmation of possible sub species?) and the continued protection of critical high seas seabird wintering areas.


Jackie Kwasigroch
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Hough, anthropology
People, Not Products: Understanding Study Abroad Preparations, Perceptions, and Impacts
SESSION I-B-a: Olin 305 [10:45-11 a.m.]

Vanessa Dominguez
Project advisors: Dr. Carrie Hough and Dr. Adam Kaul, anthropology
Storytelling as Advocacy: The Ways Latin American Immigrants Utilize Oral History as a Way to Affirm and Reclaim Spaces
SESSION I-B-d: Olin 305 [11-11:15 a.m.]

Abigail Roselieb
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Hough, anthropology
How Personal Histories of Music Shape a Musician’s Thinking and Personal Identity
SESSION I-B-c: Olin 305 [11:15-11:30 a.m.]

Jackie Kwasigroch, Dr. Chris Strunk
Project advisor: Dr. Chris Strunk, geography
Perceptions of Food Insecurity and Local Partnerships at a Private Liberal Arts College
SESSION I-B-b: Olin 305 [11:30-11:45 a.m.]


Adam Greene
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Yaschur, multimedia journalism and mass communication
Minor League Teams of the Quad Cities
SESSION I-C-a: Olin 209 [10:45-11:05 a.m.]

Madison Williams
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Yaschur, multimedia journalism and mass communication
What Makes Division III Athletics Unique?
SESSION I-C-b: Olin 209 [11:05-11:25 a.m.]

Clayton Sommers
Project advisor: Dr. Carolyn Yaschur, multimedia journalism and mass communication
Behind The Scenes of Augie
SESSION I-C-c: Olin 209 [11:25-11:45 a.m.]


Sydney Ehrsam
Project advisor: Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
SES Can Negatively and Positively Affect a Student’s Time in College
SESSION I-D-a: Hanson 102 [10:45-11:05 a.m.]

Julianna Furlano
Project advisor: Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
Refugees: Friend or Foe?
SESSION I-D-b: Hanson 102 [10:55-11:05 a.m.]

Mitchell Mulchay
Project advisor: Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
Inclusion and Intergroup Interaction
SESSION I-D-c: Hanson 102 [11:05-11:15 a.m.]

Emma Nordmeyer
Project advisor: Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
The Relationship Between Area of Study and Political Views in Augustana College Students
SESSION I-D-d: Hanson 102 [11:15-11:25 a.m.]

Emma Samatas
Project advisor: Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
Barriers to Experiential Learning Opportunities for Students at Augustana College
SESSION I-D-e: Hanson 102 [11:25-11:35 a.m.]

Ariana Solis
Project advisor: Dr. Paul Croll, sociology
Demographic Factors Impacting Sense of Belonging and SocialEmotional Support on Augustana College’s Campus
SESSION I-D-f: Hanson 102 [11:35-11:45 a.m.]


Lucy Kebler
Project advisor: Dr. Michelle Wolff, religion
Beware The Cat in the Hat: How Children’s Literature is the Modern Form of Segregation
SESSION I-E-a: Old Main 117 [10:45-11:05 a.m.]

Kaitlyn MacDonald
Project advisor: Dr. Lendol Calder, history
Fact and Fiction: Historical Fiction’s Place in the Classroom
SESSION I-E-b: Old Main 117 [11:05-11:25 a.m.]

Rachel Brauns
Project advisor: Dr. Lendol Calder, history
Social Justice In the Classroom
SESSION I-E-c: Old Main 117 [11:25-11:45 a.m.]


Adam Gronewold
Project advisors: Dr. Joshua Dyer, physics; Dr. Andrew Sward, mathematics; Dr. Lorenzo D’Amico, Baylor College of Medicine
A Characterization of Joule Heating in Microfluidic Separation Devices
SESSION I-F-a: Hanson 304 [10:45-11 a.m.]

Alfred Kwabena Dei-Ampeh
Project advisors: Dr. Damian Young, Baylor College of Medicine; Dr. Pamela Trotter and Dr. Mary Ellen Biggin, chemistry; Secondra Holmes, Baylor College of Medicine
Development of a Quantitative Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Based Biochemical Assay to Measure Protein Arginine Methyl Transferase V Activity in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
SESSION I-F-b: Hanson 304 [11-11:15 a.m.]

Emily Jorgenson
Project advisors: Dr. Heidi Storl, philosophy; Dr. Juan Botas, Baylor School of Medicine
Drosophila as a Model to Study Neurodegeneration in Alzheimer’s Disease
SESSION I-F-c: Hanson 304 [11:15-11:30 a.m.]

Haley Ochs; Dr. Cielito Reyes-Gibby, Dr. Karen Anderson, Dr. Carmen Gonzalez, Dr. Monica Wattana, Dr. Gyanedra Acharya, Dr. Knox Todd, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Project advisor: Dr. Heidi Storl, philosophy
Depression and Survival Outcomes After Emergency Department Cancer Pain Visits
SESSION I-F-d: Hanson 304 [11:30-11:45 a.m.]


Eric Huizinga
Project advisor: Dr. Kiki Kosnick, French
Forgotten Stories: The Role of Historical Violence in the Formation of Identity in Nina Bouraoui’s Garçon manqué
SESSION I-G-a: Hanson 305 [10:45-11:05 a.m.]

Kaylee Stewart
Project advisor: Dr. Kiki Kosnick, French
Living in the Thirdspace of Representation: Nina Bouraoui and Spatiality
SESSION I-G-b: Hanson 305 [11:05-11:25 a.m.]

Alexis Aguilar
Project Advisor: Dr. Kiki Kosnick, French
Understanding Sexuality Through Art in Nina Bouraoui’s Nos baiser sont des adieux
SESSION I-G-c: Hanson 305 [11:25-11:45 a.m.]


Dr. Hyeong-Gyu Choi
Conceptualizing the Social Worth of a Regional Brand and Customer Intentions to Patronize Local Businesses
SESSION I-I-a: Old Main 132 [10:45-11:05 a.m.]

Michael Adams
Project advisor: Dr. Reuben Heine, geography
Assessing the Potential for Daylighting of Urban Streams
SESSION I-I-b: Old Main 132 [11:05-11:25 a.m.]

William Ingalls
Project advisor: Dr. David Schwartz, multimedia journalism and mass communication
The Name Game: How Foreign Players in the NBA Are Having Their Names Changed by Commentators
SESSION I-I-b: Old Main 132 [11:25-11:45 a.m.]


Dr. Robert Elfline
Department of Music Perform in C by Terry Riley
SESSION I-M-a: Quad; rain location–Carlsson-Evald Great Hall
[10:45-11:45 a.m.]


Taylor Hager
Stoners Are People Too
SESSION I-N-a: Augustana Teaching Museum of Art [10:45-11:45 a.m.]

Logan Enstrom
VISAGE: A Theatrical Film Series Concept
SESSION I-N-b: Augustana Teaching Museum of Art [10:45-11:45 a.m.]

Sara Lyon
Portraits of Memories
SESSION I-N-c: Augustana Teaching Museum of Art [10:45-11:45 a.m.]

Audrey Mast
A Look Into the DSM-5: Visual Depictions of Mental Illnesses
SESSION I-N-d: Augustana Teaching Museum of Art [10:45-11:45 a.m.]

Jordan Thill
Responding to Art of Students
SESSION I-N-e: Augustana Teaching Museum of Art [10:45-11:45 a.m.]

Jenny Townsend
Resilient Spirits
SESSION I-N-f: Augustana Teaching Museum of Art [10:45-11:45 a.m.]


Haley DeGreve, Skylar Eisman, Joseph Graves, Tung Hoang, Shelby Kuepker, Paulina Kuzak, Julia Leith, Melanie Loeffler, Pierceson Mapes, Ashley Newman, Josie Ngo, Erin O’Malley, Evan Sammons, Collin Schopp, Brandon Smith, Clayton Sommers, Callie Staker, Katherine Streicher, Emma Terronez, Dennis Thornton, Sofia Wajner, Paul Lewellan
Project advisor: Paul Lewellan, communication studies
Incarceration Stories: Voices from Prisons and Jails
SESSION I-O-a: Honkamp Myhre Black Box [10:45-11:45 a.m.]