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Celebration of Learning 2019: Poster session I

9:30-10:45 a.m.


Carly McCameron, John McCarthy, Dr. Kevin Geedey
Project advisor: Dr. Kevin Geedey, biology
Do Stands of Native Trees Harbor Different Invasive Species Than Stands of Planted Pine?

Hannah Miller
Project advisor: Joel Vanderbush, Niabi Zoo
Niabi Zoo Enrichment Project

Kelcie Fredrickson
Project advisor: Dr. Stephanie Fuhr, biology
Snake Fungal Disease in Lake Erie Water Snakes and Its Effect on Attitude and Behavior During Treatment

Mary Ade, Rachael Wade, Heather Spalding, Alison Sherwood
Project advisor: Dr. Rafael Medina, biology
Diversity of the Brown Alga Dictyota Between Deep and Shallow Reefs of Hawaii

Dr. Kevin Flaherty, Juliana Pinheiro, Benjamin Karger
Project advisor: Dr. Kevin Flaherty, biology
Investigating the Benefits of Virtual Reality on Student Acquisition of 3D Anatomical Information

Kim Phan, Madalyn Murillo
Project advisor: Dr. Dara Wegman-Geedey, biology
Standardization of Methods for Characterizing the Physiological Profiles of Aquatic Microbial Communities Using EcoPlates

Greg Middleton Jr., Dr. Tierney Brosius
Project advisor: Dr. Tierney Brosius, biology
An Observational Study of Carrion Beetles (Family: Siplhidae) as Possible Bio-Indicators

Dalton Howard, Madison Lape
Project advisor: Dr. Kevin Geedey, biology
Invertebrate Diversity of Ponds Within Gremel Wildlife Sanctuary and Amboy Marsh

Ryan Johnson
Project advisors: Dr. Steven Wilhelm and Eric Gann, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Effects of Irradiance on Infection Cycle Dynamics Between a “Giant” Virus and its Harmful Algal Bloom Forming Pelagophyte Host Aureococcus anophagefferens

Dr. Bohdan Dziadyk
Restoration of a New Tallgrass Prairie at Green Wing Environmental Laboratory

Melaine Diep
Project advisor: Dr. Stephen Hager, biology
Measuring Climate Change: Juniper and Pinion Woodlands

Tom Pham, Dr. Tim Muir, Samira Radi, Jacob Wyco
Project Advisor: Dr. Tim Muir, biology
Tracking Residual-Yolk Energy in Dormant Hatchling Turtles

Matt MacArthur, Skye Bruglar
Project advisor: Dr. Lori Scott, biology
Analysis of the Moisture and Organic Content of Microbial Fuel Cells

Gina Koch, Sarah Lisak
Project advisor: Dr. Stephen Hager, biology
Climate Change, Photography, and Soil: How Plant’s Growth and Survival Rates Are Being Affected

Audrey Hogenkamp
Project advisor: Dr. Lukas Bell-Dereske, Michigan State University
A Thirst for Knowledge: Microbial Ecological Response to Drought in Switchgrass

Spencer Kane
Project advisor: Dr. Stephen Hager, biology
The Scientific and Artistic Effects of Climate Change on the Biodiversity and Biodensity of the Birds at Ghost Ranch

Sierra Kindley
Project advisor: Dr. Kelsey Arkle, geology
Identifying Spatial Variance in the Geochemistry of Shallow Marine Sediments: A Study of Grand Cayman

Jill Reale, Dr. Michael Wolf
Project advisor: Dr. Michael Wolf, geology
Effects of Heat Treatment of Spinels as Determined by VIS/NIR and Raman Spectroscopy and XRD

Joshua Pearson
Project advisors: Dr. Michael Wolf and Dr. Jeffery Strasser, geology
Stable Isotope Record of Northern Iowa Speleothem

Matthew Harrington, Chris Widga, Al Wanamaker, Doug Walker
Project advisor: Dr. Michael Wolf, geology
Identifying Dietary and Migratory Patterns of Illinois Woolly Mammoth Populations Using Isotope Analysis of Carbon, Oxygen, and Strontium

Adam Borgetti, David Malone
Project advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Strasser, geology
Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Late Wisconsin Glacial Erratics from Western Indiana: Implications for Provenance and Lobe Advance

Paige Gerhart
Project advisor: Dr. Michael Wolf, geology
Spectroscopic Fingerprinting of Fluorescent Gems

Katherine Ludwig
Project advisor: Dr. Jenny Arkle, geology
Geochemical Analysis of the Chinchín Formation in Southern Ecuador

Lauren Judge
Project advisors: Dr. Kelsey Arkle, geology; Dr. Kimberly Murphy, biology
Genetic Sequencing for Measuring Biodiversity in Recent and Ancient Marine Sediments


9:30-10:45 a.m.

Bethany Hobart
Project advisor: Dr. Michael Wolf, geology
Scanning Electron Microscopy of Lithophysae and 3-D Visualization of the Internal Structure of Banded Agate Nodules

Kyle Parker, Dr. Amanda Wilmsmeyer
Project advisor: Dr. Amanda Wilmsmeyer, chemistry
The Study of SAMs Kinetic Adsorption Using a QCM as it Relates to Medical Implant Infections

Ngan Vu
Project advisors: Dr. Yun Weng, Dr. Tyler Lieberthal and Dr. Tammy Chang, University of California, San Francisco
AAV8-TBG-Cre Mediated Knockout of ROCK1/ROCK2 in Mouse Fibrosis Model

Scott Becker, Long Tran, Erin Cygan, Dr. Dell Jensen
Project advisor: Dr. Dell Jensen, chemistry
18-Crown-6 Multi-step Synthesis and Application

Alfred Dei-Ampeh
Project advisors: Dr. Pamela Trotter and Dr. Mary Ellen Biggin, chemistry
Using GC/FID Instrument to Obtain Robust Analytical Results for Accumulated Lipids in Different Strains of Yarrowia lipolytica

Christopher Baker
Project advisor: Dr. Lee Carkner, physics
Product Development at John Deere Seeding

Ila Mostafa
Project advisor: Dr. Lori Scott, biology
Electricity Output in Microbial Fuel Cells with Cow Dung as an Organic Substrate

Madelin LoCicero
Project advisor: Dr. Rupa Gordon, psychology/neuroscience
Selenomethionine Protects Mutant Tau N27A Cell from Oxidative Stress and Decreases Phosphorylation of Tau

Amanda Corona
Project advisor: Dr. Daniel Corts, psychology
Sense of Community and Space

Hayden Karrick; Dr. Nathan Frank; Dr. Anthony Kuchera, Davidson College; Dr. Paul Deyoung, Caleb Sword, Jaclyn Brett, Hope College; Dr. Michael Thoennessen, Michigan State University – MoNA Collaboration
Project advisor: Dr. Nathan Frank, physics
Sequential Decay of Fluorine 26

Christine Beach
Project advisor: Dr. Lendol Calder, history
Reacting to Reacting to the Past: Role Playing Simulations in the Classroom

Colton Hanke
Project advisor: Dr. Lendol Calder, history
What Does It Mean To Think Historically in a Classroom?

Andrew Thumann
Project advisor: Dr. Lendol Calder, history
How to Incorporate Literacy in a Social Studies Classroom

Dr. Jeffrey Renaud, Tania Leal
Project advisor: Dr. Jeffrey Renaud, Spanish
Spanish Nominalizations and Case Assignmen

Matthew Balara
Project advisor: Dr. Christopher Marmé, economics
Gentrification Trends in New York City

Sam Daly
Project advisor: Dr. Christopher Marmé, economics
Illegal Immigration and Violent Crime