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Celebration of Learning 2019: Special events

NeurdFest (not open to the public)
9-11 a.m.

Alexis Cassani, Amanda Corona, Jeff Foltz, Cora Habeger, Tabitha Hoey, DaeNia La Rodé, Sara Mazrimas, Alex McLean, Rachel McLeod, Tracy Pham, Eliana Pierce
Project advisors: Dr. Rupa Gordon, Dr. Scott Gehler, Dr. Ian Harrington, Dr. Shara Stough
Carlsson-Evald Hall 017, 018, 021, 027

The Neuroscience Program’s annual brain awareness outreach event, NeurdFest, is now in its fifth year. Since 2015, second-grade students from Longfellow Elementary have come to campus to learn about the brain. During Celebration of Learning, as many as 50 elementary students learn about the general functions of the brain, how the brain engages with sensory information, how brain cells transmit information, how the brains of different animals compare and, perhaps of greatest practical significance, why it is important to practice brain safety, all through a series of interactive exhibits. As facilitators of these exhibits, Augustana student volunteers learn how to engage others with the academic discipline in which most of them have chosen to major.


Creativity Fair
10 a.m-3 p.m.
Project advisor: Dr. John Pfautz, music
Bergendoff Hall (inside and outside)

The Center for Creativity is hosting a Creativity Fair, an exhibit of creative works by students, staff and faculty.


Augie Abroad Photo Contest Display
10:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.

The Gerber Center, 4th floor near fireplace

Each year Augustana celebrates its culture of study away through the Augie Abroad Photo Contest. Students are invited to submit photos taken as part of Augustana study-away programs from the past year in four categories: architecture and design, culture and celebration, nature, and images of Augustana students. During Celebration of Learning, the winning photos are displayed in The Gerber Center and Thomas Tredway Library.


Augustana Invitational Robotics Challenge 2019
7:30-9:30 p.m.

Project advisor: Dr. Forrest Stonedahl, computer science and mathematics
Hanson Hall of Science Room 102

The 4th Annual Augustana Invitational Robotics Challenge involves student teams from Augustana and other schools in the region to compete with robots they have designed, built and programmed.