Celebration of Learning 2019: Special projects
Jessica Greene, Hannah Vercellotti, Lauren Muzzalupo, Elizabeth Rennolds, Elizabeth Fulkerson
Project advisor: Dr. Jessica Schultz, psychology
Smart Spending Project
The Gerber Center, 4th floor hallway, 10:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Information will be presented about companies around the Quad Cities that work for positive social change, as well as benefits and drawbacks from places where we typically spend our money. This session is presented by students who are involved with the Guatemala Study Abroad program.
Rebecca Garbe, Mak Leach, Shayna Smith
Project advisors: Dr. Jennifer Popple, theatre arts; Dr. Umme AlWazedi, English
Period Product Drive – Promoting a More Inclusive Campus Project
The Gerber Center, 4th floor hallway, 10:45 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Following a recent study-away program in India in which students studied grassroots activism, the students decided to seek ways to improve the Augustana campus community. Specifically, the project will culminate in a proposal regarding how Augustana can make bathrooms on campus more inclusive of all members of the student body. One of the ways in which students hope to increase inclusivity on campus is to make period products more available to those who menstruate. The drive aims to collect period products or monetary donations. All proceeds will go to Campus Cupboard where students can obtain these products for free.