External grants
Faculty who need external funding for a project, program, research or piece of equipment should follow these steps below to get started:
Step 1: Speak to the chair of your department. If the chair supports your request but does not have funds available, proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Speak to Dr. Wendy Hilton-Morrow, associate dean. If she supports your request but does not have funds available, proceed to step 3.
Step 3: Contact Corporate & Foundation Relations in the Office of Advancement with the answers to the questions below.
• Lori Roderick, Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations, x7182
• Megan Christensen, Manager of Grants and Corporate Relations, x7189
1) What is your specific request? What opportunity or problem does it address and how does it relate to your teaching and/or research?
2) Who will benefit from the research or activity? Number of participants etc...is helpful here.
3) What is the expected outcome? What will the participants do or know that they don't do or know now?
4) How will the project advance the college/student learning/community/academic field?
5) How much funding do you need, what will it cover and when do you need it?
6) Is the college responsible for additional support (training, licenses, software, release time, matching funds?)
New to grant writing? Click here for a good introduction to grant writing for faculty.
Generic Letter of Interest Template