Advising and registration FAQs
Q: Where do I find my student ID number?
A: Your student ID number was included in an email from Admissions after you submitted your deposit. Look for that email or log into your Applicant Status Page where your student ID is listed at the top of the page. If you cannot locate your ID number, call Admissions at 309-794-7341.
Q: When will I register for classes?
A. There are 10 steps to complete before we can register you for first-semester classes.
Once you've completed those steps, we'll begin working on your first-semester classes. Watch your @Augustana email for more information.
Q: How will I register for classes?
A: We will register you for your first-semester classes based on your responses on the pre-registration form. If we have questions or need more information, we'll email you at your @Augustana email. Be sure to check your inbox regularly and respond promptly. Before classes begin, you'll meet with an advisor to review your class schedule and make changes if required.
Q: I took four years of language in high school. Do I have to take a language placement test?
A: Completing the fourth year (eight semesters) of language in high school satisfies the language requirement at Augustana for most students.
We still require a language placement test, however, because many students decide to continue their study of the language at Augustana. Taking the placement test helps us determine which course is best for you and keeps your options open for future study.
Q: I did not take the ACT or SAT (or) I applied test-optional. Does that affect the classes I can take at Augustana?
A: If you took the ACT or SAT the Office of Admissions must have your scores, even in you applied test-optional. If you plan to pursue a major that requires pre-calculus, calculus, or higher, we need to know which math class is most appropriate for you. Placing you in the right course to start is important to your success in reaching your career goals. If you did not take the ACT/SAT, you will take an ALEKS math assessment (at no cost) to determine your first math course.
Q: I don't think my math placement is accurate. I think I'm ready for a higher-level math class.
A: Your math placement is based on your Math Index Score (MIS) (if you took the ACT/SAT) or on the results of the ALEKS math assessment you take.
Many high school students take math courses after they take the ACT/SAT. For them, the MIS may not reflect their current skill level. You have the option of demonstrating you are ready for a higher-level math course through a program called ALEKS.
Students who take an ALEKS math assessment but believe they can improve their placement have the opportunity to continue working in ALEKS to improve their placement.
Classes, schedules and credits
Q: Where can I see my class schedule?
A: After we have registered you for your first-semester classes, you can see your class schedule in the student menu in Arches. (If you have forgotten your password, log in to the Password Recovery System.)
Q: Can I change my class schedule?
A: Before classes begin, you will meet with an advisor to review your schedule. Changes can be made then if necessary.
Do not try to make changes to your class schedule in Arches Self-Service. Arches may allow you to drop a course, but it will not allow you to add a course to replace it. If you mistakenly drop a class on Arches, it may be difficult to get back into the class. Also, you may no longer be registered full-time.
Q: Did I get my dual or transfer credits?
A: If you expect to earn dual or transfer credit, it's important to indicate that on your pre-registration form. When we receive official copies of your final transcripts from the previous institution, the Registrar's office reviews your coursework. All transferable graded work of "C" or better will be added to the student record and can be viewed on the student's transcript available in Arches.
We cannot take dual credit from your high school transcript. We must receive a transcript from the college that awarded you the credit. The grades you received in dual or transfer credit courses do not appear on your Augustana transcript. Nor do they affect your Augustana grade point average.
We accept only official transcripts mailed directly to Augustana from the institution. If you have questions, please see the information about sending your official transcripts and scores or call the Registrar at 309-794-7277.
Q: Did I get AP and/or IB credits?
A: If we have received the official copies of your AP scores from the College Board, and the score and test are accepted by Augustana, we will post the score on your student record and you can view the credit on your transcript in Arches.
If we do not have your official score at the time of registration, we will register you according to the scores you report to us on the pre-registration form. In this case, if we later receive your scores and they are not high enough to receive credit, we will contact you using your Augustana email address, and you and your advisor can make any necessary adjustments to your schedule before classes begin.
If you did not arrange to have scores sent to Augustana, you need to contact the College Board and have the official scores sent.
Here is information on International Baccalaureate (IB) credits.
Q: How do I get proof of enrollment for insurance?
A: If you are registered for fall semester, you can request enrollment verification through the Arches menu, or contact the Office of the Registrar at 309-794-7277. This form will not have a class schedule on it, only proof of enrollment.
Students who register in August can get a form from the Office of the Registrar once they come to campus.
Q: Whom should I contact with questions about...
A: Advising and Registration: or 309-794-8818.
Orientation events: or 309-794-7533
Move-in and housing accommodations: or 309-794-2686
Dining: Amy Roehrs or 309-794-7543
Academic or other accommodations: or 309-794-7145
Bills and insurance questions: or 309-794-7454