Teaching, Learning, Student Growth and Outcomes
Pareena Lawrence, Chair
Members of Task Force Two Steering Committee: Pareena Lawrence, Mark Vincent, Evelyn Campbell, Kristin Douglas, Liesl Fowler, Mark Salisbury, Jim Van Howe, Margaret Farrar, Jessica Schultz, Adam Kaul
Members of Working Group #1 (Academic Mission and Priorities): Johnna Adams, Jacob Bancks, Allen Bertsche, Kara Brant, Stuart Cassarotto, Dave Crowe, Margaret Farrar, Carolyn Hough, Brian Katz, Pareena Lawrence (co-chair), Gillian Lederman, Margaret Morse, Kimberly Murphy, Doug Parvin, Mike Schroeder, Jim Van Howe, Sharon Varallo, Mark Vincent (co-chair), Angie Williams, and Joe Woods. Jessica Schultz and Adam Kaul also will serve on Working Group #1 as representatives of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee.
Members of Working Group #2 (Student Life Mission and Priorities): Greg Aguilar, Ken Brill, Evelyn Campbell (chair), Kristin Douglas, Margaret Farrar, Kristen Glass Perez, Connie Ghinazzi, Christina Lorge-Grover, Mindi Mull, Karen Petersen, Sangeetha Rayapati, Kertesha Riley, Jane Tiedge, and Sara Tisdale.
Members of Working Group #3 (Retention): Greg Aguilar, Mary Ellen Biggin, Katey Bignall, Deb Bracke, Evelyn Campbell, Kristin Douglas (chair), Katie Hanson, Alli Haskill, Virginia Johnson, Mary Kilbride, Christina Lorge-Grover, Laura Mahn, Lucas Street, Carla Tracy, and Mary Windeknecht.
Resource documents
- Charge to Task Force Two
- Academic planning summary
- Delicious Ambiguity blog (March 11 post)
- November planning retreat
- Value, Vision and SOAR
- Feedback from AAEOP meeting 5-13
- Deptment chairs' responses to Augustana's strengths
- Campus Survey Data (zip folder)
- Quantitative: Priority Rankings (xls)
- Important readings (a pdf containing several documents, more below)
- Reform or Be Reformed
- The State of Higher Education
- A Roadmap for Transforming the College-To-Career Experience
- Career Services Must Die
- "Briefings"
- Illiberal Arts (book reviews: "Is College Worth It?" and "College (Un)bound")
- AAC&U News (feature on hollistic student development)
- What It Takes to Make New College Graduates Employable
- How to get a Job with a Philosophy Degree