G.N. Swan Pamphlets Index
The G. N. Swan Collection of library materials also contains two pamphlet collections of over 700 separate publications from the 1850s to the 1940s on topics including World War I, banking and international monetary systems, Swedish regional brochures and travel guides, poetry and song collections, historical Sioux City souvenir publications, and Swedish-American concerns, events and landmarks.
G. N. Swan was a key figure in Swedish-American cultural and literary circles at beginning of the 1900s. Besides his involvement in local businesses, Augustana College, and the Augustana Synod, Swan served as the Swedish vice-consul for Sweden and Norway (1899-1905) and for Sweden (1905-1929) in Sioux City, Iowa.
Find our more about the G. N. Swan library collection on the Library page.
The pamphlets are mostly in English and Swedish, with some in German, Danish, French, and Italian.
WWI Pamphlets
ID | Box # | Pamphlet # | Title | Author | Publisher Location & Name | Year published | Language | Notes |
1 | 1 | 10 | Search-lights on the war | Dernburg, Dr. Bernhard | New York : The Fatherland Corporation | 1915 | English | |
2 | 1 | 11 | Current misconceptions about the war | von Wiegland, Karl H., et al. | New York : The Fatherland Corporation | 1915 | English | |
3 | 1 | 12 | present crisis in Europe, The | Burgess, Prof. John W. | New York : German-American Literary Defense Commit | 1914 | English | |
4 | 1 | 13 | Nachrichten : des Verbandes Deutscher Schriftsteller in Amerika | Association of German Authors in America | New York : The Association | 1915 | German | No. 4, No. 5 (1 Juni, 1915) |
5 | 1 | 14 | Nationalism och internationalism | Muir, Ramsay | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1917 | Swedish | |
6 | 1 | 15 | Treaty of Versailles, The : American opinion | Lodge, Henry Cabot, et al. | Boston : Old Colony Trust Company | 1919 | English | |
7 | 1 | 16 | Facts about the war : a bulletin of information | Paris Chamber of Commerce | Paris : The Chamber | 1914 | English | No. 1-5, missing No. 4 (15 Dec. 1914 - 5 Feb. 1915) |
8 | 1 | 17 | Facts about the war : a bulletin of information | Paris Chamber of Commerce | Paris : The Chamber | 1915 | English | No. 6-25, missing No. 9, 17, 22 (Feb. 1915 - Dec. 1915) |
9 | 1 | 18 | Facts about the war : a bulletin of information | Paris Chamber of Commerce | Paris : The Chamber | 1916 | English | No. 28-50, missing No. 39, 46 (Jan. 1916 - Dec. 1916) |
10 | 1 | 19 | Facts about the war : a bulletin of information | Paris Chamber of Commerce | Paris : The Chamber | 1917 | English | No. 51-74, missing No. 56, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72 (Jan. 1917 - Dec. 1917) |
11 | 1 | 20 | Facts about the war : a bulletin of information | Paris Chamber of Commerce | Paris : The Chamber | 1918 | English | No. 75-88, missing No. 87 (Jan. 1918 - Nov. 1918) |
12 | 1 | 21 | pan-German plot unmasked, The : Berlin's formidable peace-trap... | Cheradame, Andre | New York : Charles Scribner's Sons | 1917 | English | |
13 | 1 | 22 | world's largest loan, The | London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. | 1917 | English | ||
14 | 1 | 23 | league of peace and a free sea, The | Corbett, Sir Julian | New York : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
15 | 1 | 24 | Canada to Ireland : the visit of the 'Duchess of Connaught's own' | Drysdale, A.M. | London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. | 1917 | English | |
16 | 1 | 25 | Why Italy is with the allies | Hope, Anthony | London : Richard Clay & Sons, Ltd. | 1917 | English | |
17 | 1 | 26 | German idea of peace terms, The | Robertson, J.M. | New York : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
18 | 1 | 27 | Czecho-Slovaks, The : an oppressed nationality | Namier, Lewis B. | New York : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
19 | 1 | 28 | Irish nation and the war, The : extracts from speeches made in the house... | Redmond, J.E. | Dublin : Sealy, Bryers & Walker Ltd. | 1915 | English | |
20 | 1 | 29 | society of nations versus Germany in the case of Captain Fryatt, The | Smith, Munroe | Boston : American Rights League | 1916 | English | |
21 | 1 | 30 | German white book with important official addenda, The : documents anent... | The German Government | New York : The Fatherland | 1914 | English | |
22 | 1 | 31 | Great Britain for democracy : a speech delivered at Chicago... | Woodwark, Lt. Col. G.G. | New York : Civil Service Printing Co. | 1918 | English | |
23 | 1 | 32 | Germany's hour of destiny | Frobenius, Col. H. | New York : The International Monthly Inc. | 1914 | English | |
24 | 1 | 33 | Militarism : German and British | Hope, Anthony | London : Darling & Son, Limited | 1915 | English | |
25 | 1 | 34 | Great Britain's reasons for going to war | Barker, E. | London : Darling & Son, Limited | 1915 | English | |
26 | 2 | 35 | Le manifeste des quatre-vingt-treize (un cas psychologique) | Monod, Wilfred | Paris : Librairie Fischbacher | 1915 | French | |
27 | 2 | 36 | Earth for mankind (a prophecy)... | Casiglio, Vincent | New York : The Daily Hotel Reporter | 1915 | English | |
28 | 2 | 37 | Christian service in war times : suggestions to pastors and congregations | The United Inner Mission | New York : Evangelical Lutheran Church | English | [n.d.] | |
29 | 2 | 38 | Jakten på u-båtar | Noyes, Alfred | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1916 | Swedish | |
30 | 2 | 39 | Klart besked från Amerika : brev till en tvsk professor | Johnson, Douglas W. | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1917 | Swedish | |
31 | 2 | 40 | Senaste akten i det belgiska dramat | Bryce, Viscount | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | |
32 | 2 | 41 | Varför de allierade komma att segra : intervju med D. Lloyd George | Redaktören för Secolo i Milano | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
33 | 2 | 42 | Krigets etiska problem | Murray, Prof. Gilbert | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
34 | 2 | 43 | Den brittiska styrelsen i indien : ett misstånkt manifest och en neutral... | Vogel, J. Ph. | London : Harrison & Sons | 1915 | Swedish | |
35 | 2 | 44 | Hvorfor de allierede vil sejre : et interview med... | Redaktoren for Secolo, Milano | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Danish | |
36 | 2 | 45 | Hvad er det England utretter? | Noyes, Alfred | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
37 | 2 | 46 | Nödrop från belgiska biskopar riktat till folkopinionen | Mercier, D.J. Kardinal | London : Harrison and Sons | 1917 | Swedish | |
38 | 2 | 47 | Undervandsbaade og zeppeliner som krigsvaaben og voldsredskaber | Hurd, Archibald | New York : Hodder & Stoughton | Danish | [n.d.] | |
39 | 2 | 48 | Svarta listan och blockaden : intervju med Lord Robert Cecil... | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | ||
40 | 2 | 49 | Britanniens andel i kriget | Fisher, H.A.L. | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Boktryckeri | 1915 | Swedish | |
41 | 2 | 50 | Sir Edward Greys svar till Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg... | Grey, Sir Edward | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Boktryckeri | 1915 | Swedish | |
42 | 2 | 51 | Officiell rapport til den brittiska regeringen angående : tyfusepidemien... | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | ||
43 | 2 | 52 | Rapport över tyfusepidemien i gardelegen | Regeringens kommitte | London : Harrison and Sons | 1916 | Swedish | |
44 | 2 | 53 | Vad storbritannien strider för : svar till tyske rikskanslärn | Asquith, Mr. H.H. | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
45 | 2 | 54 | Det nödvändiga villkoret för fred | Goschen, Sir Edward | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
46 | 2 | 55 | Repressalier mot krigsfångar : brevväxling mellan internationella röda... | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | ||
47 | 2 | 56 | Mordet på Kapten Fryatt | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | ||
48 | 2 | 57 | Varför postcensur är nödvändig för storbritannien : en intervju med... | de Bunsen, Sir Maurice | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
49 | 2 | 58 | Varför storbritannien är med i kriget och vad det hoppas av framtiden | Grey av Fallodon, Viscount | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
50 | 2 | 59 | old order changeth, The : giving place to new | Shonts, Theodore P. | 1918 | English | ||
51 | 2 | 60 | Christianity, democracy and internationalism : a text book for class use | Sheldon, Frank M. | Boston : The Pilgrim Press | 1918 | English | |
52 | 2 | 61 | What the bible teaches about war and the christian's attitude in the... | Gray, Rev. James M. | Chicago : The Moody Bible Institute | 1917 | English | |
53 | 2 | 62 | La deviation materialiste de la civilisation chretienne : les idees du... | Roberty, J. Emile | Paris : Librairie Fischbacher | 1915 | French | |
54 | 2 | 63 | Le dieu allemand et la reforme | Monnier, Henri | Paris : Librairie Fischbacher | 1915 | French | |
55 | 2 | 64 | Reponse a l'appel allemand aux chretiens evangeliques de l'etranger | Comite Protestant de Propagande Francaise | Paris : Librairie Fischbacher | 1915 | French | |
56 | 2 | 65 | Service religieux celebre a l'oratoire du louvre... | Federation des Eglises Protestantes de France | Paris : Comite Protestant de Propagande Francaise | 1915 | French | |
57 | 2 | 66 | La deviation de la justice en allemagne : la force et le droit | Flach, Jacques | Paris : Librairie Fischbacher | 1915 | French | |
58 | 2 | 67 | revelations of the budget, The | Hurd, Archibald | London : Chapman and Hall, Ltd. | 1915 | English | |
59 | 2 | 68 | If the British fleet had not moved | Hurd, Archibald | London : Darling & Son, Limited | 1915 | English | |
60 | 3 | 69 | De armeniska grymheterna : ett mördat folk | Toynbee, Arnold J. | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
61 | 3 | 70 | L'allemagne religieuse | Doumergue, Emile | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | French | [n.d.] | |
62 | 3 | 71 | La tradition francaise | Jullian, Camille | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | French | [n.d.] | |
63 | 3 | 72 | L'empire de la kultur... | Doumergue, Emile | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | French | [n.d.] | |
64 | 3 | 73 | Le droit et la force d'apres les Manuels des Etats-Majors allemand... | Doumergue, Emile | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | French | [n.d.] | |
65 | 3 | 74 | Les privilegies de l'esprit | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
66 | 3 | 75 | Fatalisme et confiance | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
67 | 3 | 76 | Sacrifice et recompense | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
68 | 3 | 77 | Les conditions d'une Renaissance religieuse | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
69 | 3 | 78 | Allons-nous vers une Renaissance religieuse? | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
70 | 3 | 79 | Sur les breches et sur les ruines | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
71 | 3 | 80 | Evangile et patrie | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
72 | 3 | 81 | Avec nos fils sous la mitraille | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
73 | 3 | 82 | Noel et deuil | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
74 | 3 | 83 | Le mot d'ordre compromis | Allier, Raoul | Paris : Librairie de Foi et Vie | 1915 | French | |
75 | 3 | 84 | responsibility, The : Germany willed the war | Denis, Prof. E. | Paris : Imp. J. Cussac | English | [n.d.] | |
76 | 3 | 85 | A call to the Protestants of neutral countries and an address from... | French Protestant Committee | Paris : Imp. de Vaugirard | English | [n.d.] | |
77 | 3 | 86 | Brent Dow Allinson : conscientious objector to war | The Amnesty Committee of Chicago | Chicago : The Committee | 1919 | English | |
78 | 3 | 87 | Tyskland och sönderjylland | Nilsson, Werner | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1917 | Swedish | |
79 | 3 | 88 | attitude of the Lutheran Church of America in the present world crisis, The | Jacobs, Rev. Prof. Henry Eyster | Philadelphia : Susquehanna Synod | 1917 | English | |
80 | 3 | 89 | Jusqu'au bout : lettre a un americain | Monod, Wilfred | Paris : Librairie Fischbacher | 1916 | French | |
81 | 4 | 90 | Microbe-culture at Bukarest : discoveries at the German legation from... | The Rumanian Ministry for Foreign Affairs | New York : Hodder & Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
82 | 4 | 91 | Great Rumania : a study in national ideals | Mitrany, D. | New York : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
83 | 4 | 92 | deportations, The : statement by the American minister to Belgium | London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. | 1917 | English | ||
84 | 4 | 93 | dead lands of Europe, The | Headlam, J.W. | New York : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
85 | 4 | 94 | A visit to Sir Douglas Haig | Marcosson, Isaac F. | London : The Avenue Press (L. Upcott Gill & Son) | 1917 | English | |
86 | 4 | 95 | A voice from India : address by the Maharajah of Bikaner | The Empire Parliamentary Association | London : The Association | 1917 | English | |
87 | 4 | 96 | Britain's financial effort | New York : Hodder & Stoughton | 1917 | English | ||
88 | 4 | 97 | How the war came to America | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1917 | English | Red White and Blue Series; 2 copies, different printing and sizes |
89 | 4 | 98 | Watchfires : a play in four acts | Mygatt, Tracy D. | New York : | 1917 | English | |
90 | 4 | 99 | President's Flag Day address, The : with evidence of Germany's plans | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1917 | English | Red White and Blue Series; 2 copies, different printing and sizes |
91 | 4 | 100 | government of Germany, The | Hazen, Charles D. | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1917 | English | War Information Series No. 3 (August 1917) |
92 | 4 | 101 | war message and facts behind it, The : annotated text of President Wilson's | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1917 | English | War Information Series No. 1 (June 1917) | |
93 | 4 | 102 | Why British labour supports the war | Seddon, J.A. | London : The Avenue Press (L. Upcott Gill & Son) | English | [n.d.] | |
94 | 4 | 103 | Peace : how to get and keep it | Gosling, Harry | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | [n.d.] | |
95 | 4 | 104 | Conquest and kultur : aims of the Germans in their own words | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1918 | English | Red White and Blue Series |
96 | 4 | 105 | Hur kriget kom till Amerika | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : Kommitte på Offentlig Berättels | 1917 | Swedish | Red White and Blue Series |
97 | 4 | 106 | Great Britain for democracy : a speech delivered at Chicago... | Woodwark, Lt. Col. G.G. | New York : Civil Service Printing Co. | 1918 | English | |
98 | 4 | 107 | British-American aventures toward liberty / Britain, mother of colonies | Page, Ralph W. / Bigelow, Poultney | New York : Doubleday, Page & Company | 1918 | English | |
99 | 4 | 108 | common cause, The : Britain's part in the great war | Kahn, Otto H., et al. | New York : Library of War Literature | 1918 | English | |
100 | 4 | 109 | Know your ally : a brief record of Gt. Britain's contribution to... | Macneile Dixon, Prof. W., et al. | New York : British Information Bureau | English | [n.d.] | |
101 | 4 | 110 | U.S. marines : duties, experiences, opportunities, pay | U.S. Marine Corps Publicity Bureau | New York : The Bureau | 1918 | English | Ninth ed. (15 August 1918) |
102 | 4 | 111 | threat of German world-politics, The | Judson, Harry Pratt | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 1 |
103 | 4 | 112 | Americans and the world-crisis | Small, Albion W. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 2 |
104 | 4 | 113 | Democracy the basis for world-order | Bramhall, Frederick D. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 3 |
105 | 4 | 114 | Sixteen causes of war | McLaughlin, Andrew C. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 4 |
106 | 4 | 115 | England and America | Read, Conyers | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 6 |
107 | 4 | 116 | Democracy and American schools | Judd, Charles H. | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 7 |
108 | 4 | 117 | Democracy and social progress in England | Abbott, Edith | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 8 |
109 | 4 | 118 | war and industrial readjustments, The | Moulton, Harold Glenn | Chicago : University of Chicago Press | 1918 | English | The University of Chicago War Papers No. 5 |
110 | 4 | 119 | Why India is in revolt against British rule | The Indian National Party | London : The Party | 1916 | English | Seventh ed. |
111 | 4 | 120 | United States government war-savings stamps : handbook for banking... | National War-Savings Committee | Washington, D.C. : The Committee | 1917 | English | |
112 | 4 | 121 | duty of the churches of America, The : part IV of the report... | Macfarland, Charles and Gulick, Sidney L. | St. Louis : Commission on Peace and Arbitration | 1916 | English | |
113 | 4 | 122 | En vanärad arme : tyska väldsdäd i frankrike | Morgan, Prof. J.H. | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1916 | Swedish | |
114 | 5 | 123 | character of the British empire, The | Muir, Ramsay | London : Constable and Company Limited | 1917 | English | |
115 | 5 | 124 | How the English take the war | Hard, William | New York : Hodder & Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
116 | 5 | 125 | A lasting peace : a conversation between X, a neutral and Y, an Englishman | Prothero, G.W. | New York : Hodder & Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
117 | 5 | 126 | England and her critics | Borsa, Mario | London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. | 1917 | English | |
118 | 5 | 127 | General von Bissing's Testament : a study in German ideals | London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. | 1918 | English | ||
119 | 5 | 128 | British workman defends his home, The | Crooks, Will | London : The Whitwell Press | 1917 | English | |
120 | 5 | 129 | Their crimes | Mirman, L. and Simon, G. et al. | New York : Cassell and Company, Limited | 1917 | English | |
121 | 5 | 130 | British war aims : statement by the right honourable David Lloyd George... | The British Government | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
122 | 5 | 131 | victory of the marne, The : the enemy's onslaught, order to stand firm... | Madelin, Louis | Paris : Librairie Armand Colin | 1917 | English | Studies and Documents on the War |
123 | 5 | 132 | Zeebrugge affair, The | Howard, Keble | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | [n.d.] | |
124 | 5 | 133 | General Smuts's message to South Wales : speech delivered at Tonypandy... | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | ||
125 | 5 | 134 | Lloyd George : a man of the people | Williamson, David | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | [n.d.] | |
126 | 5 | 135 | Scandinavia and the war | Bjorkman, Edwin | New York : Oxford University Press | 1914 | English | |
127 | 5 | 136 | Torpedoed | The British and Foreign Sailors' Society | London : The Society | 1917 | English | |
128 | 5 | 137 | Why Britain is at war : the causes and the issues set out, in brief form... | Cook, Sir Edward | London : Macmillan and Co., Limited | 1914 | English | |
129 | 5 | 138 | war, The : its causes and its message, speeches delivered by the Prime... | London : Methuen & Co. Ltd. | 1914 | English | ||
130 | 5 | 139 | Pen pictures of British battles painted by author and artist | Wilson, Dr. Richard, et al. | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | English | |
131 | 5 | 140 | square jaw, The | Ruffin, Henry and Tudesq, Andre | London : Thomas Nelson & Sons, Ltd. | English | [n.d.] | |
132 | 5 | 141 | National service handbook | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1917 | English | Red White and Blue Series |
133 | 6 | 142 | My mission to London 1912-1914 | Max, Karl (Prince Lichnowsky) | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | [n.d.] | |
134 | 6 | 143 | Why America fights Germany | Tatlock, John S.P. | Washington, D.C. : The Comittee on Public Info. | 1918 | English | War Information Series No. 15 (March 1918) |
135 | 6 | 144 | Social reconstruction : a general review of the problems and survey of... | National Catholic War Council | Washington, D.C. : Committee on Special War Activ. | 1919 | English | Reconstruction Pamphlets No. 1 (January 1919) |
136 | 6 | 145 | England eller Tyskland? : Hvillkendera af dessa stora makter bör segra… | Mattson, John | Minneapolis : Författarens Förlag | 1915 | Swedish | |
137 | 6 | 146 | How Britain strove for peace : a record of Anglo-German negotiations... | Cook, Sir Edward | London : Macmillan and Co., Limited | 1914 | English | |
138 | 6 | 147 | Britain and the small nations : her principles and her policy | Cook, Sir Edward | London : Wyman & Sons, Ltd. | English | Victoria League Leaflet No. 5 [n.d.] | |
139 | 6 | 148 | duty of the neutrals, The : lecture given at the Ateneo... | Warren, Whitney | New York : | 1917 | English | |
140 | 6 | 149 | Great Britain for democracy : a speech delivered at Chicago... | Woodwark, Lt. Col. G.G. | New York : Civil Service Printing Co. | 1918 | English | |
141 | 6 | 150 | Sir Edward's evidence | von Mach, Dr. Edmund | New York : German University League | 1915 | English | |
142 | 6 | 151 | solvency of the allies, The : Great Britain, France, Belgium, Italy | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | 1919 | English | ||
143 | 6 | 152 | Training for world service : an address before the annual meeting of the... | Kies, W.S. | New York : The National City Bank | 1917 | English | |
144 | 6 | 153 | Current misconceptions about the war... | von Wiegand, Karl H. | New York : The Fatherland Corporation, Inc. | 1915 | English | |
145 | 6 | 154 | embargo, The : discussed by United States senator John Downey Works... | The American Embargo Conference | Chicago : The Conference | 1915 | English | |
146 | 6 | 155 | German woman and modern problems, The : speech delivered by... | Meyer-Gerhard, Privy-Councellor Dr. | New York : German University League | 1915 | English | |
147 | 6 | 156 | Lusitania muders and the responsibilities of presidents, The : a third... | Davison, Chas. Stewart | 1915 | English | ||
148 | 6 | 157 | Despatches from his majesty's ambassador at Berlin respecting an official.. | Goschen, Sir E. | London : Harrison and Sons | 1914 | English | Miscellaneous No. 9 (1914) |
149 | 6 | 158 | Some facts about the proposed dismemberment of Hungary with a map... | Pivany, Eugene | Cleveland : Hungarian American Federation | 1919 | English | |
150 | 6 | 159 | Status of alien soldiers in the different armies of the world : speech of.. | Meeker, Jacob E. | Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1918 | English | |
151 | 6 | 160 | Preliminary statement to the press of the United States | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1917 | English | Red White and Blue Series |
152 | 6 | 161 | German food and trade conditions | Taylor, Alonzo E. and Kellogg, Vernon L. | New York : American Relief Administration | 1919 | English | Administration Bulletin No. 1 |
153 | 6 | 162 | relief of the children of eastern Europe, The | Kellogg, Vernon | New York : American Relief Administration | 1919 | English | Administration Bulletin No. 2 |
154 | 6 | 163 | Report and balance sheet | American Relief Clearing House | Paris : The Clearing House | 1915 | English | |
155 | 6 | 164 | Second financial report | American Relief Clearing House | Paris : The Clearing House | 1916 | English | |
156 | 6 | 165 | effect of the war on European neutrals, The | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | 1919 | English | ||
157 | 6 | 166 | German war finance | Bonn, M.J. | New York : German University League | 1916 | English | |
158 | 6 | 167 | Germany's hour of destiny | Frobenius, Colonel H. | New York : The International Monthly Inc. | 1914 | English | |
159 | 6 | 168 | tragedy and futility of war, The | Oxnam, G. Bromley | Los Angeles : Church of All Nations | 1921 | English | |
160 | 6 | 169 | Great Britain and the European crisis : correspondence, and statements in.. | London : Harrison and Sons | 1914 | English | ||
161 | 7 | 170 | German terror in France, The | Toynbee, Arnold J. | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | |
162 | 7 | 171 | War book | Northcliffe, Lord | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | |
163 | 7 | 172 | Rapport från kommitten för undersökning av tyska våldshandlingar | Bryce, Viscount | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Forlag | 1915 | Swedish | |
164 | 7 | 173 | War cyclopedia : a handbook for ready reference on the great war | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1918 | English | Red White and Blue Series |
165 | 7 | 174 | American military government of occupied Germany 1918-1920 | Hunt, I.L. | Wasington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1920 | English | |
166 | 8 | 175 | Jews in Nazi Germany, The : the factual record of their persecution by... | The American Jewish Committee | New York : The Committee | 1933 | English | |
167 | 8 | 176 | British and German ideals : the meaning of war | New York : Messrs. Macmillan & Co. | 1915 | English | ||
168 | 8 | 177 | just claims of Italy, The : the question of the Trentin, of Trieste and... | Warren, Whitney | English | [n.d.] | ||
169 | 8 | 178 | war and wall street, The : an address delivered before the City Club... | van Antwerp, W.C. | 1914 | English | ||
170 | 8 | 179 | Höheres und niederes Unterrichtswesen | Berlin : Druck von W. Buxenstein | 1904 | German | ||
171 | 8 | 180 | Remarks of Hon. Clyde H. Tavenner of Illinois in the House... | Tavenner, Hon. Clyde H. | Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1915 | English | The World Wide War Trust |
172 | 8 | 181 | Speech of Hon. Clyde H. Tavenner of Illinois in the House... | Tavenner, Hon. Clyde H. | Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1916 | English | The Navy League Unmasked |
173 | 8 | 182 | Speech of Hon. Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin in the Senate... | La Follette, Hon. Robert M. | Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1916 | English | Largest Military and Naval Appropriations |
174 | 8 | 183 | War with Germany : speech of Hon. William J. Graham of Illinois... | Graham, Hon. William J. | Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1917 | English | |
175 | 8 | 184 | Bismarck | von Mach, Dr. Edmund | New York : German University League | 1915 | English | |
176 | 8 | 185 | Austro-Hungarian red book : official English edition with an introduction | von Storck, Berchtold, Jehlitschka, et al. | New York : John C. Rankin Co. | English | [n.d.] | |
177 | 8 | 186 | War, labor and peace : some recent addresses and writings of President… | Creel, George | Washington, D.C. : The Committee on Public Info. | 1918 | English | Red White and Blue Series No. 9 |
178 | 8 | 187 | National service handbook : press edition | The Committee on Public Information | Washington, D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1917 | English | |
179 | 8 | 188 | Great Britain in Egypt | Gibbons, Herbert Adams | New York : The Century Co. | 1920 | English | |
180 | 9 | 189 | case of Belgium, The : in the light of official reports found… | Dernburg, Dr. Bernhard | New York : The International Monthly, Inc. | English | [n.d.] | |
181 | 9 | 190 | searchlight on Congress, The : loyalty plus constructive statesmanship | Haines, Lynn (ed.) | Washington, D.C. : National Voters' League | 1918 | English | Volume III, Number 3 (April 1918) |
182 | 9 | 191 | searchlight on Congress, The : has Congress supported the administration? | Haines, Lynn (ed.) | Washington, D.C. : National Voters' League | 1918 | English | Volume III, Number 4 (May 1918) |
183 | 9 | 192 | searchlight on Congress, The : signs of the times | Haines, Lynn (ed.) | Washington, D.C. National Voters' League | 1917 | English | Volume II, Number 10 (October-November 1917) |
184 | 9 | 193 | From factory to field : the life story of a British shell | London : Roberts & Leete, Ltd. | English | [n.d.] | ||
185 | 9 | 194 | Through swamp and forest : the British campaigns in Africa | London : Harrison, Jehring & Co., Ltd. | English | [n.d.] | ||
186 | 9 | 195 | Committee on education and special training : a review of its work (1918) | The Advisory Board | Washington, D.C. : War Department | 1919 | English | |
187 | 9 | 196 | Final report of the war issues course of the students' army training corps | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington, D.C. : War Department | 1919 | English | |
188 | 9 | 197 | What Congress has done concerning a government armor plant and what… | The Bethlehem Steel Company | South Bethlehem, PA : The Company | English | [n.d.] | |
189 | 9 | 198 | war record of the Chicago Tribune, The : submitted to the people of… | Annenberg, Max, et al. | English | [n.d.] | ||
190 | 9 | 199 | promise of our vision, The (address) | Sisson, Francis H. | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | 1918 | English | |
191 | 9 | 200 | international military digest, The | Willcox, Col. DeW and Stuart, Lt. Col. E.R. (ed.) | New York : The Digest | 1917 | English | Vol. 3, No. 3 (March 1917) |
192 | 9 | 201 | Kriget under November, 1916 med kartor | O'Neill, H.C. | London : William Clowes & Sons, Limited | 1916 | Swedish | |
193 | 9 | 202 | Kriget under April 1917 med kartor | O'Neill, H.C. | London : William Clowes & Sons, Limited | 1917 | Swedish | |
194 | 9 | 203 | Reality : the world's searchlight on Germany | George, Loyd et al. | London : G. Binney Dibblee | English | [n.d.] No. 88 | |
195 | 9 | 204 | British empire at war, The : blotting book | English | ||||
196 | 9 | 205 | Krigens gång i juli 1917 med karter | London : Williams, Lea and Co., Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | ||
197 | 9 | 206 | war pictorial, The : January 1917 | London : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | German/Swedish, etc. | ||
198 | 9 | 207 | war pictorial, The : June 1918 | London : Illustrated London News & Sketch Ltd. | 1918 | English | ||
199 | 9 | 208 | Catholic monthly letter | Krebs, Dr. Engelbert (ed.) | Berlin : Committee for the Defence of German Cath. | 1916 | English | No. 2 (January 1916) |
200 | 9 | 209 | Catholic monthly letter | Krebs, Dr. Engelbert (ed.) | Berlin : Committee for the Defence of German Cath. | 1916 | English | No. 3 (February 1916) |
201 | 9 | 210 | Germany and the war : not a defense but an explanation | Dernburg, Dr. Bernhard | New York : The International Monthly, Inc. | English | The Fatherland Weekly popular edition | |
202 | 9 | 211 | Seven years of the CMTC : a brief account of the citizens' military… | James, George F. | Chicago : Military Training Camps Association | 1927 | English | |
203 | 9 | 212 | war pictorial, The : May 1918 | London : Illustrated London News & Sketch Ltd. | 1918 | English | ||
204 | 9 | 213 | Questions of the issues of the war | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | English | ||
205 | 9 | 214 | U.S. dollars into Russia's bottomless pit | Hale, William Bayard | Minneapolis : American Neutrality Society | English | ||
206 | 9 | 215 | Tyska fångar i storbritannien | London : Tillotson & Son, Ltd. | Swedish | |||
207 | 9 | 216 | A memorial to the president of the United States | English | ||||
208 | 9 | 217 | Course on the issues of the war | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
209 | 9 | 218 | Suggestions for the organization of the course | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
210 | 9 | 219 | American rights committee | Putnam, George Haven | New York : The Committee | 1915 | English | |
211 | 9 | 220 | Development of morale | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
212 | 9 | 221 | Descriptive circulars of the war issues course | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
213 | 9 | 222 | Preliminary instructions | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
214 | 9 | 223 | Bibliography number one | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | English | ||
215 | 9 | 224 | Maps for the war issues course and for other courses in which… | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
216 | 9 | 225 | Facilities for future courses on problems of the war… | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
217 | 9 | 226 | Questions and commentary from the Wentworth Institute | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | English | ||
218 | 9 | 227 | Letter to George Holden Tinkham | 1917 | English | |||
219 | 9 | 228 | Details concerning mass singing | Commission on Training Camp Activities | Washington : War Department | 1918 | English | |
220 | 9 | 229 | Special descriptive circular : economics | Maclaurin, R.C. | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
221 | 9 | 230 | Special descriptive circular : government | Maclaurin, R.C. | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
222 | 9 | 231 | Special descriptive circular : international law | Maclaurin, R.C. | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
223 | 9 | 232 | Letter to Prof. C.W. Foss | Henry Holt and Company | New York : Henry Holt and Company | 1918 | English | |
224 | 9 | 233 | Letter to Pres. G.A. Andreen | Aydelotte, Frank | Washington : Committee on Ed. and Special Training | 1918 | English | |
225 | 9 | 234 | Letter to the professors in charge of the course on issues of the war | The Macmillan Company | New York : Macmillan | English | ||
226 | 9 | 235 | List of official documents in 'Why we went to war' | Gauss, Christian | Charles Scribner's Sons | English | ||
227 | 9 | 236 | Letter to all instructors of the issues of the war courses | Charles Scribner's Sons | New York : Charles Scribner's Sons | English | ||
228 | 9 | 237 | Letter to Professor G.A. Andreen | Bachrach, William | Chicago : American Red Cross | 1918 | English | |
229 | 9 | 238 | Letter to the director of the war aims course at Augustana College | American Association for International Conciliatio | New York : The Association | English | ||
230 | 9 | 239 | Letter to Mr. Gustav A. Andreen | West Publishing Company | St. Paul, MN : West Publishing Company | 1918 | English | |
231 | 9 | 240 | Letter to the director of war aims course | The Missouri Book Co. | Columbia, MO : Missouri Book Company | 1918 | English | |
232 | 9 | 241 | Letter to the director of the war aims course | Lord, Guy Stauton | Washington : Committee on Public Information | 1918 | English | |
233 | 9 | 242 | General orders : no. 17 | Secretary of War | Washington : War Department | 1918 | English | |
234 | 10 | 243 | German plots and intrigues in the United States… | Sperry, Earl E. | Washington : Committee on Public Information | 1918 | English | Red, White and Blue Series no. 10 (July 1918) |
235 | 10 | 244 | German atrocities from German evidence | Bedier, Joseph | Paris : Libraire Armand Colin | 1915 | English | |
236 | 10 | 245 | De allierades fredsvillkor | Headlam, J.W. | London : Williams, Lea & Co., Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | |
237 | 10 | 246 | Värdskriget II | Hoving, Dr. Johannes | New York | 1915 | Swedish | |
238 | 10 | 247 | Deutschland uber allah | Benson, E.F. | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1918 | German | |
239 | 10 | 248 | German atrocities in France : a translation of the official report | The French Commission | London : Imprimerie United Newspapers, Ltd. | 1915 | English | |
240 | 10 | 249 | Dr. von Bethmann-Hollweg's speech delivered before the German Reichstag | German University League | 1915 | English | ||
241 | 10 | 250 | Aids to the study of the war | McKinley, Albert E. et al. | Philadelphia : McKinley Publishing Co. | English | ||
242 | 10 | 251 | A declaration of priciples for christian civic world reconstruction | The National Reform Association | Pittsburgh, PA : The Association | English | ||
243 | 10 | 252 | work of war camp community service, The | United War Work Campaign | New York : War Camp Community Service | 1918 | English | |
244 | 10 | 253 | case of the allies, The | Balfour, Arthur James | London : Hayman, Christy & Lilly, Ltd. | 1917 | English | |
245 | 10 | 254 | case of Bohemia, The | Namier, Lewis B. | London : The Czech National Alliance | 1917 | English | |
246 | 10 | 255 | welfare of Egypt, The | Willmore, J.S. | London : Hodder and Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
247 | 10 | 256 | Chronology of main even of war for liberty | Lewis, Herbert Cecil (ed.) | Washington : The Army and Navy Magazine | 1919 | English | |
248 | 10 | 257 | War loans and the United States | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | 1917 | English | ||
249 | 10 | 258 | Treaty of 1828 between United States of America and Kingdom of Prussia | English | ||||
250 | 10 | 259 | American union or war-unionism considered, The | an American citizen | New York : Republican Print | 1914 | English | |
251 | 10 | 260 | spirit of American nationality, The | Root, Elihu | New York : Republican National Committee | 1916 | English | |
252 | 10 | 261 | United States at war, The : organizations and literature | Meyer, Herman H.B. | Washington : Government Printing Office | 1917 | English | |
253 | 10 | 262 | America and the allies address | Beck, James M. | London : The Committee of the Pilgrims | 1916 | English | |
254 | 10 | 263 | American verdict on the war : a reply to the manifesto of the German prof. | Church, Samuel Harden | Pittsburg : The Times Publishing Co. | English | ||
255 | 10 | 264 | When the tide turned : the American attack at Chateau Thierry and Belleau.. | Kahn, Otto H. | 1918 | English | ||
256 | 10 | 265 | Annual report and anniversary speeches | von Klenze, Professor Camillo, et al. | New York : German University League | 1916 | English | |
257 | 10 | 266 | Those 'gentlemen' of Germany | Bowman, Thomas A. et al. | English | |||
258 | 10 | 267 | To the workmen affiliated to the confederation general du travail | Appleton, W.A. | London : General Federation of Trade Unions | 1917 | English | |
259 | 10 | 268 | An American tribute to the efforts and self sacrifice of the British Empire | Chicago : British Bureau of Information | 1918 | English | ||
260 | 10 | 269 | Have you a share in keeping 'the home fires' burning? | The Organized Welfare Bureau of Sioux City, IA | The Bureau | English | ||
261 | 10 | 270 | YMCA hut, The | Barton, Bruce | National War Work Council of the YMCA | 1918 | English | |
262 | 10 | 271 | blue triangle of the Young Women's Christian Association, The | Bennett, Estelline | Chicago : Central Department YWCA | English | ||
263 | 10 | 272 | What your money is doing for your boys | United War Work Campaign | English | |||
264 | 10 | 273 | Germans as exponents of culture | von Frantzius, Fritz | Chicago : | 1914 | English | |
265 | 10 | 274 | Nights of Columbus | K. of C. Committee on War Activities | National Catholic War Council | English | ||
266 | 10 | 275 | Värdskriget I | Hoving, Dr. Johannes | New York | 1914 | Swedish | |
267 | 11 | 276 | From Turkish toils : the narrative of an Armenian family's escape | Mugerditchian, Esther | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | ||
268 | 11 | 277 | murderous tyranny of the Turks, The | Toynbee, Arnold J. | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | |
269 | 11 | 278 | Martyred Armenia | el-Ghusein, Fa'iz | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
270 | 11 | 279 | Frightfulness in retreat | Payelle, G. et al. | London : Hodder & Stoughton | 1917 | English | |
271 | 11 | 280 | My mission to London 1912-1914 | Max, Karl (Prince Lichnowsky) | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | ||
272 | 11 | 281 | German persecution of religious life in Poland | Polish Information Center | New York : The Center | English | Documents… no. 4 | |
273 | 11 | 282 | Soviet occupation of Poland, The | Polish Information Center | New York : The Center | English | Documents… no. 5 | |
274 | 11 | 283 | German organization of courts in the general government of Poland | Polish Information Center | New York : The Center | English | Documents… no. 6 | |
275 | 11 | 284 | new map of Europe, The | The League to Enforce Peace | New York : The League | English | ||
276 | 11 | 285 | American neutrality society | The Society | Minneapolis : The Society | 1916 | English | |
277 | 11 | 286 | An appeal to truth : a letter addressed by Cardinal Mercier… | Cardinal D.J. Mercier et al. | London : Hodder & Stoughton | 1915 | English | |
278 | 11 | 287 | case of the allies, The | Balfour, Arthur James | London : Hayman, Christy & Lilly, Ltd. | 1917 | English | |
279 | 11 | 288 | General Smuts's message to South Wales | General Smuts | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
280 | 11 | 289 | Our peril on the eastern front : allied citroy in the west barren… | Spped, Clarence L. | Chicago : The Union League Club | 1918 | English | |
281 | 11 | 290 | Polish worker's day, The : a working day in the life of a Polish worker… | American Friends of Polish Democracy | New York : American Friends | 1941 | English | |
282 | 11 | 291 | How goes the war? | London : Darling & Son, Ltd. | English | |||
283 | 11 | 292 | Constitution and by-laws of Woodbury County | War Service League | Sioux City, IA : The League | 1918 | English | |
284 | 11 | 293 | An open letter of protest to Woodrow Wilson | Livingston, Louis J. | St. Paul, MN | 1917 | English | |
285 | 11 | 294 | poison growth of Prussianism, The | Kahn, Otto H. | 1918 | English | ||
286 | 11 | 295 | Prussianized Germany : Americans of foreign descent and America's cause | Kahn, Otto H. | 1917 | English | ||
287 | 11 | 296 | Fourth of July in London, The | Page, Walter Hines and A.J. Balfour | London : Darling & Son, Ltd. | English | ||
288 | 11 | 297 | death of Edith Cavell, The | The Daily News and Leader | London : Hayman, Christy & Lilly, Ltd. | English | ||
289 | 11 | 298 | Address by Mr. T.P. O'Connor, M.P., to the president of the French Republic | O'Connor, T.P. | London : Darling & Son, Ltd. | 1915 | English | |
290 | 11 | 299 | Parliament's vote of thanks to the forces : speeches delivered in the House | Earl Curzon of Kedleston et al. | London : His Majesty's Stationery Office | 1917 | English | 2 different copies |
291 | 11 | 300 | Britain's might effort : some wonderful scenes in one of England's great… | English | small pamphlet of photographs with captions | |||
292 | 11 | 301 | achievements of the zeppelins, The | a Swede | London : T. Fisher Unwin, Ltd. | 1916 | English | |
293 | 11 | 302 | Mr. Redmond's visit to the front | Redmond, J.E. | London : Thomas Nelson & Sons | 1915 | English | |
294 | 11 | 303 | Ethical problems of the war | Murray, Gilbert | London : Thomas Nelson & Sons | 1915 | English | |
295 | 11 | 304 | A war of liberation | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | ||
296 | 11 | 305 | Ar vår land fullt neutralt? Är det rätt? Resultatet af ett utförselförbud.. | Lundquist, C. Hjalmar et al. | Augustana-Synodens | 1916 | Swedish | |
297 | 12 | 306 | Swedish public opinion on post-war conditions in Europe | Bengtson, Valdus et al. | Stockholm | 1924 | English | |
298 | 12 | 307 | German pirate, The : his methods and record | AJAX | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
299 | 12 | 308 | Gems of German thought : an anthology of the German war scriptures | Archer, William | New York : Doubleday, Page & Company | 1917 | English | |
300 | 12 | 309 | Rysslands framträngande till Atlanten och de rysk-svenska relationernas… | Emelijanoff, Ingeniör Nikolaj | 1915 | Swedish | ||
301 | 12 | 310 | British and German ideals | London : Macmillan & Co. | 1915 | English | ||
302 | 12 | 311 | Informative news about Germany during the war | Bureau des Deutschen Handelstages | Berlin : The Bureau | 1914 | English | |
303 | 12 | 312 | Das littliche recht des krieges | Kattenbulch, D. Ferdinand | Verlag von Alfred Töpelmann | 1906 | German | |
304 | 12 | 313 | America, awake! Awake!! | Peabody, Frederick W. | 1926 | English | ||
305 | 12 | 314 | An urgent appeal to the generous public of the United States addressed on.. | Lord Willoughby de Broke and D. Lloyd George | London : Jordan-Gaskel Ltd. | English | for the Khaki Prisoners of War Fund | |
306 | 12 | 315 | Neutrality and public opinion : an address delivered under the auspices… | Nagel, Hon. Charles | Chicago : German University League | 1915 | English | |
307 | 12 | 316 | Tyskland inför freden : några reseintryck | von Holstein, Lage Stael | Stockholm : Dahlbergs Förlag | 1918 | Swedish | |
308 | 12 | 317 | War map of the battle ground of liberty of the western battle fields | Rand McNally | Chicago : Rand McNally and Co. | 1918 | English | strategic map of the battlegrounds in Belgium and France |
309 | 12 | 318 | Why we are at war : Great Britain's case by members of the Oxford faculty.. | Barker, E. et al. | London : Oxford University Press | 1914 | English | The Periodical vol. 5 no. 78 (September 1914) |
310 | 12 | 319 | Why we are at war : Great Britain's case by members of the Oxford faculty.. | Barker, E. et al. | London : Oxford University Press | 1915 | English | The Periodical vol. 5 no. 80 (February 1915) |
311 | 12 | 320 | Why we are at war : Great Britain's case by members of the Oxford faculty.. | Barker, E. et al. | London : Oxford University Press | 1915 | English | The Periodical vol. 5 no. 81 (April 1915) |
312 | 12 | 321 | Why we are at war : Great Britain's case by members of the Oxford faculty.. | Barker, E. at al. | London : Oxford University Press | 1915 | English | The Periodical vol. 5 no. 83 (September 1915) |
313 | 12 | 322 | New Oxford war books | London : Oxford University Press | 1915 | English | The Periodical vol. 5 no. 84 (December 1915) | |
315 | 12 | 323 | Är det rätt? | Nyvall, David | Chicago : | 1916 | Swedish | |
316 | 12 | 323 | Resultatet af ett utförselförbud | Bonggren, Dr. Jakob | Chicago : | 1916 | Swedish | |
317 | 12 | 323 | Vår ekonomi och världskriget | Hallborn, G. | Chicago : | 1916 | Swedish | |
318 | 12 | 323 | Kyrkan och vår neutralitet | Augustana Synod | Chicago : | 1916 | Swedish | |
314 | 12 | 323 | Är vårt land fullt neutralt? | Lundquist, Hjalmar | Chicago : | 1916 | Swedish | |
319 | 12 | 324 | Religion, krieg und baterland | Ott, Dr. Emil | Munchen : | 1915 | German | |
320 | 12 | 325 | Die kirche als erlebnis im kriege | Schowalter, A. | Halle : Richard Muhlmann Verlagsbuchhandlung | 1917 | German | |
321 | 12 | 326 | Den tyska noten och de allierades svar | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Limited | 1917 | Swedish | ||
322 | 12 | 327 | Det brittiska folkriket | General Smuts | London : R. Clay & Sons, Limited | 1917 | Swedish | |
323 | 12 | 328 | När kriget kommer att sluta | George, Lloyd | 1917 | Swedish | ||
324 | 12 | 329 | Ett varningsord | Hedin, Sven | Stockholm : Alb. Bonniers | 1912 | Swedish | |
325 | 12 | 330 | Andra varningen | Hedin, Sven | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söners | 1914 | Swedish | |
326 | 12 | 331 | Deportationerna i Belgien | Viscount Bryce | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1917 | Swedish | |
327 | 12 | 332 | De allierades fredsvillkor | Headlam, J.W. | London : William, Lea & Co., Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | |
328 | 12 | 333 | Krigen mot hospital-skibene | Beretninger, Oienvidners | London : Hayman, Christy & Lilly, Ltd. | 1917 | Danish | |
329 | 12 | 334 | Mikrobkultur I Bukarest upptäckter på tyska legationen ur officiella... | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | ||
330 | 12 | 335 | Ålands ställning i historisk tid | Tunberg, Sven | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söners | 1919 | Swedish | |
331 | 12 | 336 | Fredsförslagen och de allierade | George, D. Lloyd | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | |
332 | 12 | 337 | Några svenska betraktelser i dessa allvarliga tider | Ericson, Carl | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1916 | Swedish | |
333 | 12 | 338 | Tysklands uthungring | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | ||
334 | 12 | 339 | Zeppelinare och u-båtar på härjartåg | Hurd, Archibald | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1916 | Swedish | |
335 | 12 | 340 | Kriget mot lasarettsfartyg från ogonvittnens berättelser | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | ||
336 | 12 | 341 | Kriget för internationell rätt särtryck ur round table | Heden, Erik | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1917 | Swedish | |
337 | 12 | 342 | Senaste akten i det belgiska dramat | Viscount Bryce | London : Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd. | 1917 | Swedish | |
338 | 12 | 343 | Deutschland uber allah | Benson, E.F. | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1918 | German | |
339 | 12 | 344 | Det brittiska väldet och dess karaktär | Muir, Ramsay | Stockholm : Hjalmar Lundberg & Gösta Olzon | 1918 | Swedish | |
340 | 12 | 345 | Efter freden | Petersens, L. | Stockholm : Aktiebolaget Chelius & Co. | 1919 | Swedish | |
341 | 12 | 346 | Krig mot Sårade! | Swedish | ||||
342 | 12 | 347 | Blood and treasure : facts and figures of Britain's effort | New York : Harper & Brothers | 1918 | English | ||
343 | 12 | 348 | French socialist party and war aims, The : replies to the questionnaire | The Socialist Committee for a Righteous Peace | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
344 | 12 | 349 | Memorandum on peace terms | The Belgian Labour Party | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
345 | 12 | 350 | Lichnowsky revelations, The | Prince Lichnowsky | English | Extracts translated from "My mission to London, 1912-14" by Prince Lichnowsky | ||
346 | 12 | 351 | British war aims | George, David Lloyd | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
347 | 12 | 352 | tanks, The | Swinton, Colonel E.D. | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | Reprinted from The World's Work |
348 | 12 | 353 | Palestine : the organ of the British Palestine Committee | British Palestine Committee | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | Vol. II, No. 16 November 24th, 1917 |
349 | 12 | 354 | conflict for human liberty, The | Viscount Grey | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | ||
350 | 12 | 355 | A plea for peace : delivered before fifteen thousand men and women at… | Cockran, W. Bourke | New York : The Home Press | 1915 | English | |
351 | 12 | 356 | The western allies the near and the far east in the world war… | Emerson, Harrington | New York : The Emerson Company | 1918 | English | Emerson Series No. 9 March, 1918 |
352 | 12 | 357 | General Smut's message to South Wales | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | ||
353 | 12 | 358 | black slaves of Prussia, The : an open letter addressed to Gen. Smuts | Weston, Frank | Boston : Houghton Mifflin Company | 1918 | English | |
354 | 12 | 359 | A clean peace : the war aims of British labour | McCurdy, Charles A. | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
355 | 12 | 360 | New nationalism and internationalism | Steele, William L. | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Rotary Club | 1919 | English | Sixth address of the Sioux City Rotary Club's Reconstruction Program, January 13 |
356 | 12 | 361 | Educational reconstruction | Bone, Hugh A. | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Rotary Club | 1919 | English | Fifth address of the Sioux City Rotary Club's Reconstruction Program, January 6 |
357 | 12 | 362 | Religious reconstruction | Knutson, John O. | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Rotary Club | 1918 | English | Fourth address of the Sioux City Rotary Club's Reconstruction Program, Dec. 23 |
358 | 12 | 363 | Commercial reconstruction | Evenson, George M. | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Rotary Club | 1918 | English | Third address of the Sioux City Rotary Club's Reconstruction Program, Dec. 16 |
359 | 12 | 364 | National idealism | Clark, Melvin G. | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Rotary Club | 1918 | English | First address of the Sioux City Rotary Club's Reconstruction Program, Dec. 2 |
360 | 12 | 365 | dead lands of Europe, The | Headlam, J.W. | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | |
361 | 12 | 366 | Companionship in arms : speeches delivered in London on April 12, 1917… | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | ||
362 | 12 | 367 | Reports on British prison-camps in India and Burma | The International Red Cross Committee | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
363 | 12 | 368 | In the land of death | Vallotton, Benjamin | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | Translated from French | |
364 | 12 | 369 | How the English take the war | Hard, William | London : Hodder & Stoughton | 1917 | English | Reprinted from The Metropolitan, New York |
365 | 12 | 370 | trail of the barbarians, The | English | Includes the German Proclamation of Holnon, desecrated graves, church ruins | |||
366 | 12 | 371 | Frenzied liberty : the myth of 'a rich man's war' | Kahn, Otto H. | New York : | 1918 | English | Extracts from address given at the University of Wisconsin, Jan. 14, 1918 |
367 | 12 | 372 | zeebrugee affair, The | Howard, Keble | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | ||
368 | 12 | 373 | character of the British empire, The | Muir, Ramsay | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1917 | English | |
369 | 12 | 374 | economic weapon in the war against Germany, The | Zimmern, A.E. | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English | |
370 | 12 | 375 | Revelations by an ex-director of Krupp's | Muhlon, Dr. W. | New York : George H. Doran Company | English | Dr. Muhlon's memorandum and his letter to Herr von Bethmann-Hollweg | |
371 | 12 | 376 | League of Nations, The | Viscount Grey | New York : George H. Doran Company | 1918 | English |
Other Pamphlets
ID | Box# | Pamphlet # | Title | Author | Publisher Location & Name | Year published | Language | Notes |
1 | 13 | 350 | things that are Caesar's, The : a defence of wealth | Walker, Guy Morrison | New York : A.L. Fowle | 1922 | English | |
2 | 13 | 351 | Republican campaign book : Woodbury County, Iowa | Republican Party Committee | Woodbury County, IA : The Committee | 1922 | English | |
3 | 13 | 352 | Investment practices of life insurance companies | Law, William A. | Halsey, Stuart & Co. | 1932 | English | |
4 | 13 | 353 | Babcock on money : history of money and financial legislation in the U.S. | Babcock, Hon. J.W. | Washington D.C. : | 1896 | English | |
5 | 13 | 354 | Bryan's currency creed : a full exposure of his economic vagaries… | English | Compiled by opponents of William Jennings Bryan, the Populist-Democratic candidate for president | |||
6 | 13 | 355 | McCleary on silver and gold wages and prices… | McCleary, Hon. J.T. | Washington D.C. : | 1896 | English | |
7 | 13 | 356 | Coin at school in finance | Roberts, Geo. E. | Chicago : W.B. Conkey Company | 1895 | English | Title page not attached |
8 | 13 | 357 | A free coinage catechism | New York : Evening Post Publishing Co. | English | |||
9 | 13 | 358 | True and false bimetallism | Chicago : Union Label | English | Leaflet No. 4 | ||
10 | 13 | 359 | Stock arguments of free coinage men briefly answered | English | Leaflet No. 5 | |||
11 | 13 | 360 | Europas centralbanker : hufvuddragen af deras organisation och verksamhet.. | Davidson, David | Upsala | Swedish | ||
12 | 13 | 361 | Vår utrikesrepresentations reformering : särtryck ur aftonbladet | Stockholm : Aftonbladets Tryckeri | 1911 | Swedish | ||
13 | 13 | 362 | A series of talks given on the Ford Sunday evening hour | Cameron, W.J. | Michigan : Ford Motor Company | 1937 | English | |
14 | 13 | 363 | United States and the other American republics, The | Stimson, Hon. Henry L. | Washington D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1931 | English | Publications of the Department of State No. 156 Latin American Series No. 4 |
15 | 13 | 364 | republican congress, The : a record of patriotism and constructive work… | Republican National Committee | 1924 | English | ||
16 | 13 | 365 | abc of the Paris covenant for a League of Nations, The | Short, William H. | New York : League to Enforce Peace | English | ||
17 | 13 | 366 | League of Nations covenant, The : adopted by the Paris Peace Conference | New York : League to Enforce Peace | 1919 | English | ||
18 | 13 | 367 | Charles G. Dawes : republican nominee for vice-president of the U.S. | English | ||||
19 | 13 | 368 | president speaks to labor, The : an address delivered by President Coolidge | President Coolidge | Chicago : Republican National Committee | 1924 | English | |
20 | 13 | 369 | Platform of the republican party 1924 | Chicago : Republican National Committee | 1924 | English | ||
21 | 13 | 370 | Ninteenth district rotary convention | Sioux City, Iowa : | 1933 | English | ||
22 | 13 | 371 | Opinion upon the constitutionality of the Wheeler-Rayburn Bill | Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts | New York : | 1935 | English | |
23 | 13 | 372 | Representation in industry | Rockefeller Jr., John D. | 1918 | English | ||
24 | 13 | 373 | walking delegate, The | Quick, Leon J. (ed.) | New York : Croton-Harmon News | 1918 | English | |
25 | 13 | 374 | case plainly stated, The | Ring, H.F. | Cincinnati : Joseph Fels Fund | English | ||
26 | 13 | 375 | discount system in Europe, The | Warburg, Paul M. | Washington D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1910 | English | National Monetary Commission Document No. 402 |
27 | 13 | 376 | Colorado industrial plan, The | Rockefeller Jr., John D. | 1916 | English | ||
28 | 14 | 377 | Law and regulations relative to excise tax on corporations… | U.S. Internal Revenue | Washington D.C. : Government Printing Office | 1909 | English | Regulations No. 31 |
29 | 14 | 378 | Swedish government securities | Bond Department | Stockholm : Skandinaviska Kreditaktiebolaget | 1936 | English | |
30 | 14 | 379 | Political facts including full text of republican and democratic platforms | New York : C.S. Hammond & Co. | 1916 | English | ||
31 | 14 | 380 | Foreign banks and financial systems | Lowry, Edward G. | New York : | 1910 | English | |
32 | 14 | 381 | Banco de la nacion Argentina : rapport du conseil d'administration | Buenos Aires : Reliure de G. Kraft | 1910 | French | ||
33 | 14 | 382 | Our basic industry : America's agricultural prosperity | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | English | |||
34 | 14 | 383 | colored American and the campaign issues, The | Republican National Committee | Washington D.C. : The Committee | English | ||
35 | 14 | 384 | Our coin 16 to 1 : the financial issue of the campaign carfully explained.. | Fox, Morris L. | Chicago : the author | Hebrew | ||
36 | 14 | 385 | Carlisle on the ratio of 16 to 1 | Carlisle, Hon. John G. | Washington D.C. : | 1896 | English | Printed as Senate Document No. 256 |
37 | 14 | 386 | Three evenings with silver and money : a talk of four neighbors about… | Babcock, Hon. Jos. W. | Washington D.C. : | 1896 | English | |
38 | 14 | 387 | Deficiency of revenue the cause of financial difficulty | Sherman, Hon. John | Washington D.C. : | 1896 | English | |
39 | 14 | 388 | Blaine against free coinage at 16-1 | Blaine, Hon. James G. | Washington D.C. : | 1896 | English | |
40 | 14 | 389 | Good reading for sound money democrats | Cockran, Hon. W. Bourke | Chicago : Union Label | English | ||
41 | 14 | 390 | Our financial 'crimes' : Sherman on the monetary history of the country | Chicago : Union Label | English | |||
42 | 14 | 391 | silver question, The | Smith, Hon. Chas. Emory | 1895 | English | ||
43 | 14 | 392 | Liberty and labor | McKinley, Hon. William | 1895 | English | ||
44 | 14 | 393 | Speech of Honorable Albert B. Cummins before a joint convention… | Cummins, Hon. Albert B. | 1923 | English | ||
45 | 14 | 394 | republican platform, The : adopted by the national convention at St. Louis | Foraker, Joseph B. and Lewis Wallace | Committee on Resolutions | 1896 | English | |
46 | 14 | 395 | Our currency problems | Greene, Jacob L. | Hartford, CT : Case, Lockwood & Brainard Co. | 1896 | English | |
47 | 14 | 396 | Letter from Messrs. J.P. Morgan & Co. | J.P. Morgan & Co. | New York : the author | 1913 | English | |
48 | 14 | 397 | American 'commercial invasion' of Europe, The | Vanderlip, Frank A. | 1902 | English | Reprinted from Scribner's Magazine with the compliments of The National City Bank of New York | |
49 | 14 | 398 | Railroad legislation as developed up to date | Lovett, R.S. | 1919 | English | ||
50 | 14 | 399 | fabric of civilization, The : a short survey of the cotton industry… | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | 1919 | English | ||
51 | 14 | 400 | America's opportunity in foreign investments | New York : Guaranty Trust Company | 1919 | English | ||
52 | 14 | 401 | Bank catechism : items of general interest relating to banking | Post, William | New York : American Institute of Bank Clerks | 1904 | English | |
53 | 14 | 402 | Abraham Lincoln : an address by William McKinley before the Marquette Club | McKinley, William | 1896 | English | ||
54 | 14 | 403 | Användningen av konstgjorda gödselämnen och dessas verkan… | Rindell, Arthur | Åbo Tryckeri och Tidnings Aktiebolag | 1920 | Swedish | |
55 | 14 | 404 | McKinley as a candidate : his speeches since his nomination | Smith, Joseph P. | Canton, OH : Repository Press | 1896 | English | Compiled for the Republican National Committee |
56 | 14 | 405 | A creditor country : an address before the Investment Bankers Association.. | Roberts, George E. | 1918 | English | ||
57 | 14 | 406 | Reconstruction an address before the Convention of the American… | Vanderlip, Frank A. | 1918 | English | ||
58 | 14 | 407 | Clearing house loan certificates and substitutes for money used during… | Cannon, James G. | New York : The Trow Press | 1910 | English | |
59 | 14 | 408 | Sweden's food supply | Nordvall, Hon. Axel Robert | Philadelphia : | 1917 | English | Reprinted from the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, November 1917 |
60 | 14 | 409 | A planned economy and a planned price level | Anderson Jr., Benjamin M. | New York : Chase National Bank | 1933 | English | Reprinted from the Chase Economic Bulletin, Vol. 13 No. 3 (June 9, 1933) |
61 | 14 | 410 | Silver and common sense | Coffin, Geo. M. | Washington D.C. : Librarian of Congress | 1896 | English | |
62 | 14 | 411 | Where silver rules : wages, prices, and conditions in the most prosperous.. | Butt, Archibald Willingham | English | |||
63 | 14 | 412 | California calls you | Union Pacific | Chicago : Poole Bros. | English | ||
64 | 14 | 413 | economic aspects of immigration, The | Hourwich, Isaac A. | New York : Ginn & Company | 1912 | English | Reprinted from Political Science Quarterly, Vol. 26 No. 4 |
65 | 14 | 414 | Naturalists of the frontier : Gustaf Belfrage | Geiser, Samuel Wood | 1929 | English | Reprinted from Summer Number of the Southwest Review | |
66 | 15 | 415 | Literatura espanola sobre suecia | Afzelius, Nils | Uppsala | 1929 | Spanish | |
67 | 15 | 416 | Liste des publications francaises relatives a la suede | Afzelius, Nils | Uppsala | 1930 | French | |
68 | 15 | 417 | Olympic games : Stockholm 1912 (June 29th-July 22nd) | Swedish Olympic Committee | Stockholm : | 1912 | English | |
69 | 15 | 418 | Swedish American line : 'Gripsholm' deck plans & pictures | English | ||||
70 | 15 | 419 | Stockholm exposition 1930, The | Stockholm : Swedish Traffic Association | 1929 | English | ||
71 | 15 | 420 | Sioux Valley skisport : interstate tournament | Canton, SD : Sioux Valley Ski Club | 1924 | English | ||
72 | 15 | 421 | Vägledare för turister på kinda kanal (med en karta) | Cervus | Linköpings Lith. Anstalt | 1888 | Swedish | |
73 | 15 | 422 | Tegners-stiftelsen I lund : minnesblad | Lund, C.W.K. Gleerup | 1888 | Swedish | ||
74 | 15 | 423 | Riddarholmskyrkan | Stockholm : K.L. Beckmans Boktryckeri | 1906 | Swedish | ||
75 | 15 | 424 | Linköpings domkryka : vägledning för besökande | Westling, Gottfr. | Linköping | 1903 | Swedish | |
76 | 15 | 425 | Sveriges kommunikationer, turistorter och hotell | Stockholm : A-B Kartografiska Instituet | 1925 | Swedish | ||
77 | 15 | 426 | Sweden up to date : a survey of the industrial, commercial and social… | Spongberg, Ernest A. | Minneapolis, MN | English | ||
78 | 15 | 427 | Gammal-svenskby | Neander, Herman | Stockholm : Hugo Gebers Förlag | 1912 | Swedish | |
79 | 15 | 428 | I Frihetens Land : i anledning av högsta domstolens utslag i I.W.W. Målet | Landen, L.H. | Chicago : Skandinaviska Socialistförbundets Förlag | Swedish | ||
80 | 15 | 429 | Världens största litterära alster: the world's greatest literary production | Grönlund, J.E. | Swedish | |||
81 | 15 | 430 | Domen öfver Jerusalem, förutsagd i skrifter, fullkomnad i historien | Patton, D.R. | Minnesota : Tryckt hos A.C.F. de Remee | 1880 | Swedish | |
82 | 15 | 431 | Västanfläkt dikter | Hellberg, Karl | Svenska Amerikanska Posten | 1926 | Swedish | |
83 | 15 | 432 | Fresno County, Californien dess hjelpkällor, klimat, alster och... | Handels-Kammaren | Swedish | |||
84 | 15 | 433 | Karen Marie og andre digte samt et foredrag ved en 5. junifest | Jespersen, Julius | 1912 | Swedish | ||
85 | 15 | 434 | Allvar och skämt blandade dikter | Björkman, J.P. | 1903 | Swedish | ||
86 | 15 | 435 | Tracy skildringar af den förymde lifstidsfångens | Faurschou, Anders | Seattle : Svenska Tryckeriet | 1902 | Swedish | |
87 | 15 | 436 | I skymningen : några rimförsök | Thune, Oscar | Bridgeport, CT : John A. Swansons Förlag | 1923 | Swedish | |
88 | 15 | 437 | Blaine for an honest dollar | Iowa State Register | 1896 | English | Editorial | |
89 | 16 | 438 | Gothenburg-Stockholm or vice versa | Göta Canal Steamship Co. | Gothenburg : Göteborgs Litografiska | 1924 | English | |
90 | 16 | 439 | Stockholm : quelques donnees statistiques | Service Municipal de Statistique de Stockholm | Stockholm : Kungl. Boktryckeriet | 1912 | French | |
91 | 16 | 440 | Visby : the town of ruins and roses, Isle of Gotland : the pearl of the.. | Stockholm : | 1925 | English | ||
92 | 16 | 441 | Utflykter inom östergötland och tjust | Linköpings Lithografiska Aktiebolag | 1923 | Swedish | ||
93 | 16 | 442 | Dalecarlia Sweden : some glimpses of this famous province | Stockholm : | 1927 | English | ||
94 | 16 | 443 | Värmland : the country of Gösta Berling | Stockholm : Swedish Traffic Association | 1928 | English | ||
95 | 16 | 444 | Olympic games : Stockhom 1912 (June 29th - July 22nd) | Swedish Olympic Committee | Stockholm : | 1912 | English | |
96 | 16 | 445 | Stockholm : a summer book on the capital of Sweden | Barr, Knut | Stockholm : A.B. Hasse W. Tullberg | 1912 | English | |
97 | 16 | 446 | Holiday tours in Sweden by the fast royal mail steamers of the Swedish… | The Swedish Lloyd Steamship Co. | Gothenburg : Malm's Boktryckeri | 1926 | English | |
98 | 16 | 447 | Pocket guide to Gothenburg | Swedish American Line | Gothenburg : Elanders Boktryckeri | 1929 | English | |
99 | 16 | 448 | A guide to Stockholm | Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1928 | English | |
100 | 16 | 449 | Stockholm guide | Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1930 | English | |
101 | 16 | 450 | Skald och skolmästare ett svar till lektor linder | Böök, Fredrik | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Förlag | 1902 | Swedish | |
102 | 16 | 451 | Aftonbladets och dagens porträtt och biografialbum ofver svenska statsradet | Stockholm : Aftonbladets Tryckeri | 1906 | Swedish | ||
103 | 16 | 452 | Nytt och gammalt | Oscar II | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Soner | 1859 | Swedish | |
104 | 16 | 453 | Gustav Adolf's page bon Conrad Ferdinana Meyer | Heller, Otto | Boston : D.C. Heath & Co. | 1893 | German | |
105 | 16 | 454 | Tasso's nätter (le veglie di tasso) | Lundwall, Adolf | Stockholm : Fr. Svanströms Förlag | 1861 | Swedish | |
106 | 16 | 455 | Kärlekens seger och andra berättelser | Johnson, Emma | Hartford, CT : Författarinnans Förlag | 1919 | Swedish | |
107 | 16 | 456 | Fridsriket | Newman, O.W. | Troy, Idaho : | 1920 | Swedish | |
108 | 16 | 457 | De tvenne världsväldena en blick på nutidsläget i skriftens ljus | Newman, O.W. | Troy, Idaho : | 1918 | Swedish | |
109 | 16 | 458 | A bibliographical list of books in English on Sweden and literary works.. | Afzelius, Nils | Stockholm : Fritze's | 1936 | English | |
110 | 16 | 459 | Bakom förlåten syner och uppen barelser | Broström, Maria Elisabeth | Minneapolis, MN : Tryckt på Nygren | Swedish | ||
111 | 17 | 460 | Aminta ett herdedrama | Tasso, Torquato | Stockholm : Ivar Haeggströms Boktryckeri | 1874 | Swedish | |
112 | 17 | 461 | Otto Funcke : hans betydelse som skriftställare | Brenning, Dr. Emil | Stockholm : A.L. Normans Förlag-Expedition | 1885 | Swedish | |
113 | 17 | 462 | Hågkomster från hembygden och skolan | Ödmann, Samuel | Stockholm : Fahlcrantz & Co. | 1888 | Swedish | |
114 | 17 | 463 | Thanatopsis and other poems : metrical translations from the English into.. | Hertzog, J.B. | Philadelphia, PA : IG Kohler | 1894 | English/German | |
115 | 17 | 464 | Transmission; or, variation of character through the mother | Kirby, Georgiana B. | New York : Fowler & Wells | 1881 | English | |
116 | 17 | 465 | Heart and hearth : memorial of Susan Hempstead Makepeace Cross | 1892 | English | Printed for private circulation | ||
117 | 17 | 466 | S:t Ragnhilds saga : legend från söderköpings brunn | Ljungberg, Hildegard | Söderkopings Tryckeri-Aktiebolag | 1907 | Swedish | |
118 | 17 | 467 | De tre nordiska brödrafolken | Troels-Lund, Professor Fredrik | Stockholm : Victor Lundins Bokförlag | 1906 | Swedish | |
119 | 17 | 468 | Om den svenska sjukgymnastiken | Bolin, Jacob | Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand | 1909 | Swedish | |
120 | 17 | 469 | Fränder och främlingar ett häfte lyriska öfversättningar | Österling, Anders | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Förlag | 1912 | Swedish | |
121 | 17 | 470 | Fränder och främlingar lyriska översättningar ny samling | Österling, Anders | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers Förlag | 1916 | Swedish | |
122 | 17 | 471 | Gustaf II Adolf : hans person och betydelse några minnesord vid jubelfesten | Lövgren, Nils | Stockholm : Fosterlands-Stiftelsens Förlags-Expedition | 1894 | Swedish | |
123 | 17 | 472 | El Cid, efter spanska romanser besjungen | Herder, J.G. v. | Wasa : F.W. Unggrens | 1888 | Swedish | |
124 | 17 | 473 | Lifvet en dröm : skådespel i fem akter af don Pedro Calderon de la Barca | Dahlgren, F.A. | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söners Förlag | 1880 | Swedish | |
125 | 17 | 474 | Sweden : land of sunlit nights | Rothery, Agnes | Stockholm : Swedish Traffic Association | English | ||
126 | 17 | 475 | A guide to Thorvaldsen's Museum | Copenhagen : Graebe's Press | 1898 | English | ||
127 | 17 | 476 | Sweden : a short description of the country and its culture | Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1928 | English | |
128 | 17 | 477 | A few hints for travellers in Sweden | Turisttrafikförbundet Stockholm | Göteborg : Göteborg's Litografiska Aktiebolag | 1908 | English | |
129 | 17 | 478 | South Riverside, Southern California | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Engraving Co. | English | |||
130 | 17 | 479 | Handbök för amerikaresande : handbook for Scandinavian travellers… | Anderson, Rev. L.O. | New York : Federation of Norwegian Lutheran Young People's Societies in America | 1929 | Swedish | |
131 | 18 | 480 | Sveriges rikes lag med förklaringar | Stockholm : Aftonbladets Tryckeri | 1907 | Swedish | ||
132 | 18 | 481 | Register till en blå bok | Strindberg, August | Stockholm : Björck & Börjesson | 1912 | Swedish | |
133 | 18 | 482 | Two addresses at the Washington bicentennial memorial celebration | Adolf, Prince Gustaf and John Motley Morehead | Göteborg : Elanders Boktryckeri Aktiebolag | 1932 | English | |
134 | 18 | 483 | Sånghäfte för runebergsordens sångförening | Tacoma, WA : Puget Sound Publishing | Swedish | |||
135 | 18 | 484 | Golden jubilee : history of the Swedish Baptist Church | Swedish Baptist Church | Sioux City, IA : the Church | 1924 | English | |
136 | 18 | 485 | Over the seven seas : around the world and australasian tours 1923-24 | Thos. Cook & Son | New York : Thos. Cook & Son | 1923 | English | |
137 | 18 | 486 | Raymond-Whitcomb north cape cruise, The | Raymond & Whitcomb Company | Boston : Raymond & Whitcomb | 1922 | English | |
138 | 18 | 487 | 1924 cruise de luxe to the Mediterranean, The | Thos. Cook & Son | New York : Thos. Cook & Son | 1924 | English | |
139 | 18 | 488 | American traveler in Europe, The : suggested itineraries and general info.. | American Express Travel Department | American Express | 1924 | English | |
140 | 18 | 489 | In gulfs enchanted where the siren sings : west indies cruises… | International Mercantile Marine Company | International Mercantile Marine Company | English | ||
141 | 18 | 490 | Göta Kanal | Göta Canal Steamship Co. | Gothenburg : Göta Canal Steamship Co. | 1922 | Swedish, English, French | |
142 | 18 | 491 | Twinscrew motor ship Gripsholm | Swedish American Line | Göteborg : Göteborgs Litografiska Aktiebolag | 1925 | English | |
143 | 18 | 492 | official report of the Olympic Games of Stockholm 1912, The | Swedish Olympic Committee | Stockholm : the Committee | 1913 | English | |
144 | 18 | 493 | beautiful Adriatic, The : cunard line | Cunard Steamship Company Ltd. | New York : UNZ & Co. | English | ||
145 | 18 | 494 | Summer cruises to the land of the midnight sun : the mystic wonderlands… | Hamburg-American Line | New York : South Publishing Company | 1914 | English | |
146 | 18 | 495 | Belgium : being a detailed account of this fascinating land reached… | Red Star Line | New York : Red Star Line | English | ||
147 | 18 | 496 | motor-liner Gripsholm's mediterranean cruise 1928, The | Swedish American Line | Göteborg : Göteborgs Lito. A.B. | 1928 | English | |
148 | 18 | 497 | Ramlösa förnämlig rekreationsort | Stockholm : Hasse W. Tullbergs boktr. | 1927 | Swedish | ||
149 | 18 | 498 | Lyckliga dagar | Sundell, Edward | New York : Hjertberg & Feeks | 1894 | Swedish | |
150 | 18 | 499 | A brief history of the Swedish Baptist New York Conference 1883-1933 | Klingberg, J.E. | New York : Swedish Baptist New York Conference | 1934 | English | |
151 | 18 | 500 | Röster ur djupet dikter | Landen, L.H. | Oakland, CA : På Eget Förlag | 1919 | Swedish | |
152 | 18 | 501 | Om historiens och den historiska kunskapens betydelse för den mänskliga... | Carlson, J.S. | Hastings, MN : Lutheran Free Church Publishing Co. | 1924 | Swedish | |
153 | 18 | 502 | capitals of northern Europe, The : general information for travellers to... | Tourist Traffic Association of Norway | Oslo : Grondahl & Son | English | ||
154 | 18 | 503 | Ramlösa hälsobrunnar havsbad | Stockholm : Hasse W. Tullbergs boktr. | 1930 | Swedish | ||
155 | 18 | 504 | La reina : Los Angeles in three centuries… | Hill, Laurance L. | Los Angeles, CA : Security Trust & Savings Bank | 1929 | English | |
156 | 18 | 505 | A cruise tour of South America | Thos. Cook & Son | New York : Thos. Cook & Son | 1921 | English | |
157 | 19 | 506 | Östgöta nation i lund 1668-1913 biografiska och genealogiska anteckningar.. | Ax. Setterdahl | Henric Carlsons Bokhandel | 1913 | Swedish | |
158 | 19 | 507 | Festtal vid avtäckningen av tegner-stoden i växjö den 7 september 1926 | Nya Växjöbladets Boktr. | 1926 | Swedish | ||
159 | 19 | 508 | I weimar för hundrade år sedan | Wrangel, Ewert | Förlags-Aktiebolagets Boktr. | 1901 | Swedish | |
160 | 19 | 509 | Bibelens inspiration et foredrag for... | Hastings, D.L. | Chicago : Norft Luther…? | 1887 | Swedish | |
161 | 19 | 510 | Runeberg och Sverige föredrag vid Lunds Universitets Runebergsfest | Wangel, Ewert | Lund, Berlinska Boktryckeriet | 1904 | Swedish | |
162 | 19 | 511 | Simon Johannes Boethius | Hallendorff, Carl | Stockholm : Cederquists Graf. | 1924 | Swedish | |
163 | 19 | 512 | Peter Schönström och Strahlenbergs karta | Hallendorff, Carl | Stockholm : | 1925 | Swedish | |
164 | 19 | 513 | English influences in Fredrika Bremer | Gustafson, Alrik T. | Urbana, IL : University of Illinois | 1931 | English | Reprinted from the Journal of English and Germanic Philology Vol. XXX No. 2 (April 1931) |
165 | 19 | 514 | English influences in Fredrika Bremer : II | Gustafson, Alrik T. | Urbana, IL : University of Illinois | 1932 | English | Reprinted from the Journal of English and Germanic Philology Vol. XXXI No. 1 (January 1932) |
166 | 19 | 515 | Den politiske oratorn | Hallendorff, Carl | Stockholm : Svensk Tidskrift | 1925 | Swedish | |
167 | 19 | 516 | Litteratur | Hallendorff, Carl | Stockholm : Svensk Tidskrift | 1924 | Swedish | |
168 | 19 | 517 | Skolkommissionens förlag | Hallendorff, Carl | Stockholm : Svensk Tidskrift | 1922 | Swedish | |
169 | 19 | 518 | Svensk tidskrift årg.1 häft. 1 (1911) | Heckscher, Eli F. et al. | Stockholm : Svensk Tidskrift | 1910 | Swedish | |
170 | 19 | 519 | Sverige i utländsk och utlandet i svensk litteratur en bibliografisk... | Afzelius, Nils | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söner | 1930 | Swedish | |
171 | 19 | 520 | Den internationella politiken och sveriges försvar | Hallendorff, Carl | Stockholm : Bröderna Lagerström | 1924 | Swedish | |
172 | 19 | 521 | En episod i försvarsrörelsens krönika | Wrangel, Ewert | 1928 | Swedish | ||
173 | 19 | 522 | Hos de vita bröderna vid Betesda-dammen | Wrangel, Ewert | Malmö | 1925 | Swedish | |
174 | 19 | 523 | Berättelse över åbo akademiförenings verksamhet | 1922 | Swedish | |||
175 | 19 | 524 | Biografier IX : Milton | Lindelöf, U. | Helsingfors | 1920 | Swedish | |
176 | 19 | 525 | Baltic, The : a translation | Stockholm : Östlund and Berling | 1858 | English | ||
177 | 19 | 526 | Solen sjunker, gustaf i:stes sista dagar historisk tragedi i fyra akter | Börjesson, Joh. | Stockholm : Albert Bonniers | 1856 | Swedish | |
178 | 19 | 527 | Svensk og dansk | Nielsen, Harald | Gyldendalske Boghandel Nordisk Forlag | 1912 | Swedish | |
179 | 19 | 528 | Påsk | Strinberg, August | Stockholm : Björck & Börjesson | 1910 | Swedish | |
180 | 19 | 529 | Konung Oscar II tal vid Lunds Universitets minnesfest | Thyren, Johan Carl Wilhelm | Berlingska Boktryckeriet | 1908 | Swedish | |
181 | 19 | 530 | Åtta af våra vackraste folkvisor | Gustafsson, Ingrid | Stockholm : Bilaga till Midvinter Fröleen & Comp. | 1909 | Swedish | |
182 | 19 | 531 | General-karte von Schweden, Norwegen und Dänemark | Institut der Verlagshandlung | Glogau : Carl Flemming | German | ||
183 | 19 | 532 | Ur spaniens diktning | Roos, Anna Maria | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söners | 1914 | Swedish | |
184 | 19 | 533 | Holland : the home of peace | Gore, James H. | New York : The Holland-America Line | 1913 | English | |
185 | 19 | 534 | Visby : capital of the Baltic Crete | Nihlen, John | New York : Swedish State Railways | 1927 | English | Reprinted from the April 1927 issue (Vol.23 No.4) of Art and Archaeology for Swedish State Railways |
186 | 19 | 535 | Ideal tours of Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland | Swedish State Railways Travel Information Bureau | New York : Swedish State Railways | English | ||
187 | 19 | 536 | Inbjudning till den högtidlighet varmed... | Bärjö : Smålandspostens | 1926 | Swedish | ||
188 | 19 | 537 | Svenskar i Italien 1650-1850 | Lundström, Vilh. | 1933 | Swedish | Särtryck ur Sverige-Italien Årg III, 1933. Häfte 1-2 | |
189 | 20 | 538 | Runeberg och sverige | Wrangel, E. | 1911 | Swedish | Särtryck ur Svenska Litteratursällskapets i Finland Festskrift till J.L. Runebergs | |
190 | 20 | 539 | Försök till belysning af mörkare och oförstådda ställen i den poetiska | Richert, M.B. | Upsala | 1877 | Swedish | |
191 | 20 | 540 | Femtio år i Sioux City 1873-1923 : historik över Svenska Evangeliska... | Sioux City, IA : Svenska Monitorens Tryckeri | 1923 | Swedish | ||
192 | 20 | 541 | Souvenir album and program : Swedish Day San Diego, CA June 24-25, 1916 | Swedish Day Committee | San Diego, CA : Herman Bostrom | 1916 | English | |
193 | 20 | 542 | Några timmar på kronborgs slott den 29 oktober 1658 | Stockholm : P.B. Eklunds | 1910 | Swedish | ||
194 | 20 | 543 | What has Sweden done for the United States? : a brochure printed and sold.. | Nelson, Lars P. | Chicago : the author | 1903 | English | |
195 | 20 | 544 | What has Sweden done for the United States? second edition | Nelson, Lars P. | Rock Island, IL : Augustana Book Concern | 1917 | English | |
196 | 20 | 545 | Huså illustrated : being a statement concerning the mineral resources of... | Musser, Don Carlos W. | Duluth, MN : Duluth-Huså Copper Mines Company | 1910 | English | |
197 | 20 | 546 | Stockholm | Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand | 1896 | English | Guides of the Swedish Tourists' Club No. 14 | |
198 | 20 | 547 | Bilder från Sverige / Bilder aus Schweden / Views of Sweden | Svenska Turstföreningen | Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand | 1897 | Swedish, German, English | Svenska Turistföreningens Vägvisare No. 15 |
199 | 20 | 548 | Stockholm : die hauptstadt Schwedens | Wittmann, Dr. P. | Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand | 1895 | German | Wegweiser des Schwedischen Touristenveriens No. 10 |
200 | 20 | 549 | Svenska bilder / Bilder aus Schweden / Views of Sweden / Vues de la Suede | Svenska Turstföreningen | Stockholm : Wahlström & Widstrand | 1901 | Swedish, German, English, French | Svenska Turistföreningens Vägvisare No. 17 |
201 | 20 | 550 | Skånska städer och samhällen | Nilsson, Ferd. (ed.) | Landskrona : Skånska Städer och Samhällen | 1924 | Swedish | |
202 | 20 | 551 | Undersökningar i roms topografi | Lundström, Vilh. | Göteborg : Eranos' | 1929 | Swedish | |
203 | 20 | 552 | Cartoons from the files of the Sioux City Journal Sioux City, Iowa | Perry, H.H. | Sioux City, IA : the Sioux City Journal | 1916 | English | |
204 | 21 | 553 | Vikingland Vacations : Norway land of the midnight sun | Norwegian Government Railways Travel Bureau | New York : the Bureau | English | ||
205 | 21 | 554 | Happy reminiscences of travelers to Sweden | Swedish American Line | New York : Swedish American Line | English | ||
206 | 21 | 555 | A voyage to Sweden | Mingos, Howard | New York : Swedish American Line | English | ||
207 | 21 | 556 | Sweden | Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | English | ||
208 | 21 | 557 | Sweden : Hälsingborg and neighbourhood | Hälsingborg Turisttrafikförening | Hälsingborg Turisttrafikförening | English | ||
209 | 21 | 558 | Sweden : Värmland the country of Gösta Berling | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1926 | English | |
210 | 21 | 559 | Sweden : the land of to-day and yesterday the most picturesque country | Swedish Travel Bureau | New York : the Bureau | English | ||
211 | 21 | 560 | Travel map of Europe | IMM Lines | New York : IMM Lines | 1922 | English | |
212 | 21 | 561 | Göta Canal, Sweden | Göta Canal Steamship Company | Sweden : the Company | 1931 | English | |
213 | 21 | 562 | Göta Canal, Sweden | Göta Canal Steamship Company | Sweden : the Company | 1932 | English | |
214 | 21 | 563 | Göta Canal, Sweden | Göta Canal Steamship Company | Sweden : the Company | 1930 | English | |
215 | 21 | 564 | Tours in Sweden | Tourist Traffic Society of Sweden | New York : Nielsen & Lundbeck | English | ||
216 | 21 | 565 | Sverige fosterland vår läntans bygd... | Svenska Amerika Linien | New York : Svenska Amerika Linien | 1928 | Swedish | |
217 | 21 | 566 | Round the coast of Sweden | The Stockholm Steamship Co. | Stockholm : Stockholms Rederiaktiebolag Svea | 1928 | English | |
218 | 21 | 567 | Till Sverige för sommarvistelse och rekreation | Svenska Turistföreningen | Göteborg : Svenska Turistföreningen | 1927 | Swedish | |
219 | 21 | 568 | Tours in Sweden | Tourist Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1920 | English | |
220 | 21 | 569 | Sweden | The Train Ferry Service Sassnitz-Tralleborg | English | |||
221 | 21 | 570 | Events in Sweden 1932 | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1931 | English | |
222 | 21 | 571 | Väster Götland, Sweden | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1931 | English | |
223 | 21 | 572 | Stockholm | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1926 | English | |
224 | 21 | 573 | Sweden : the land of bright summernights | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1927 | English | |
225 | 21 | 574 | To Sweden on the Swedish American line | Wales, James Albert | New York : Swedish American Line | English | ||
226 | 21 | 575 | Hem till Sverige! | Svenska Amerika Linjens | 1926 | Swedish | ||
227 | 21 | 576 | Cruises, conducted tours, independent tours visiting Sweden 1929 | Swedish State Railways Travel Information Bureau | New York : the Bureau | 1929 | English | |
228 | 21 | 577 | Lappland-express train de luxe entre Stockholm et Narvik | Stockholm : | 1904 | French | ||
229 | 21 | 578 | Tours in Sweden 1924 | Swedish American Line | New York : Swedish American Line | 1924 | English | |
230 | 21 | 579 | How to enjoy your winter in Sweden | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | English | ||
231 | 21 | 580 | Tercentennial jubilee exposition Gothenburg, Sweden May 8-Sept. 30, 1923 | Swedish Travel Bureau | New York : the Bureau | 1923 | English | |
232 | 21 | 581 | Sweden | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockholm : the Association | 1931 | English | |
233 | 21 | 582 | To Denmark : two personally conducted Christmas excursions | Scandinavian-American Line | English | |||
234 | 21 | 583 | Cruises, conducted tours, independent tours visiting Sweden 1931 | Swedish State Railways Travel Information Bureau | New York : the Bureau | 1931 | English | |
235 | 21 | 584 | Med Gripsholm till Medelhavet 1927 | Svenska Amerika Linien | Göteborg : | 1927 | Swedish | |
236 | 21 | 585 | To Sweden on Swedish American Line | Elliott, Clyde E. | New York : Swedish American Line | English | ||
237 | 21 | 586 | Skåne : the chateau country of Sweden | The Swedish Traffic Association | Stockhom : the Association | English | ||
238 | 21 | 587 | Sweden and northern Europe | Swedish American Line | New York : | English | ||
239 | 22 | 588 | Why mormonism? | Roberts, B.H. | Jackson County, MO : Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in America | English | ||
240 | 22 | 588 | Rays of living light | Penrose, Charles W. | Jackson County, MO : Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in America | English | ||
241 | 22 | 588 | lord hath spoken, The | Roberts, B.H. | Jackson County, MO : Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in America | English | ||
242 | 22 | 589 | Labor record of the republican party and the president | Republican National Committee | The Committee | 1924 | English | |
243 | 22 | 590 | president speaks on education, The : address of Calvin Coolidge | Republican National Committee | The Committee | 1924 | English | |
244 | 22 | 591 | London naval treaty : radio address by the honorable Henry L. Stimson | Washington, D.C. : United States Government Printing Office | 1930 | English | Publication No. 79 of the Department of State | |
245 | 22 | 592 | Herrin conspiracy, The | The National Coal Association | Washington, D.C. : The Association | 1922 | English | |
246 | 22 | 593 | Truth and facts about Herbert Hoover and the administration / Sanningen om | The Swedish Group | The Swedish Group | English, Swedish | Pamphlet in English and Swedish by Republican National Committee for Americans of Swedish Descent | |
247 | 22 | 594 | Veterans of the World War and the republican party | Republican National Committee | The Committee | 1924 | English | |
248 | 22 | 595 | Address of President Hoover at Des Moines, Iowa October 4, 1932 | The Republican National Committee | Chicago : The Committee | 1932 | English | |
249 | 22 | 596 | Government ownership : an address by Hon. Herbert Hoover | New York : | 1924 | English | ||
250 | 22 | 597 | An address by Frank A. Munsey before the American Bankers' Association | New York : | 1922 | English | ||
251 | 22 | 598 | Is America a shylock? | Strassburger, Ralph Beaver | New York : The Committee of American Bussiness Men | 1924 | English | |
252 | 22 | 599 | Ex-president Theodore Roosevelt, a great American : an address | Clews, Henry | New York : | 1909 | English | |
253 | 22 | 600 | A message to Garcia | Hubbard, Elbert | New York : Four-Track Series | 1899 | English | No. 25 |
254 | 22 | 601 | A primer for political education | Bowker, R.R. | New York : The Society for Political Education | 1886 | English | Economic Tracts No. XXI |
255 | 22 | 602 | Elementary lessons in Esperanto : grammar, exercises, correspondence... | New York : The North American Review | 1907 | English | Reprinted from "The North American Review" | |
256 | 22 | 603 | Things which cannot be shaken : a sermon | Jowett, John Henry | New York : Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church | 1915 | English | |
257 | 22 | 604 | That wonderful man by John Mark... | Allen, Ray | Buffalo, NY : the author | English | ||
258 | 22 | 605 | My childhood's home | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | Erie, PA : | English | ||
259 | 22 | 606 | Minnesota historical society handbook [second edition] | Minnesota Historical Society | St. Paul, MN : The Society | 1921 | English | Handbook Series No. 2 |
260 | 22 | 607 | Illustrated souvenir of Sioux City, Iowa | Davidson Bros. Co. | Sioux City, IA : Davidson Bros. Co. Department Store | English | ||
261 | 22 | 608 | An address delivered at the banquet given by his majesty's vice consul... | Schmidt, Emanuel | Seatle, WA : Adelphia College | 1907 | English | Reprinted by request |
262 | 22 | 609 | Some Swedish poems translated | Karlfeldt, E.A. | Stockholm : Aktiebolaget Nordiska Bokhandeln | 1909 | English | |
263 | 22 | 610 | first Swedes in Sioux City, Iowa, The | 1927 | English | |||
264 | 22 | 611 | Business : a profession | Lowell, A. Lawrence | Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration | 1924 | English | |
265 | 22 | 612 | protocols, bolshevism, and the jews, The | American Jewish Organizations | New York : The American Jewish Committee | 1921 | English | |
266 | 22 | 613 | Pilgrim tercentenary celebration 1620-1920 | Sioux City, IA : Sioux City Woman's Club | 1920 | English | ||
267 | 22 | 614 | Do lutherans favor prohibition? by a lutheran | Nordquist, Frederick | Chicago : | English | ||
268 | 22 | 615 | Är en pensions och understödskassa behöflig och berättigad inom Augustana.. | Nordquist, Fredrick | Laymen's Pension Committee | Swedish | ||
269 | 22 | 616 | Cook's programmes for excursions in Paris... | English, French | ||||
270 | 22 | 617 | Foxes that spoil our vineyards | Nordquist, Fredrick | Rock Island, IL : Augustana Book Concern | 1918 | English | |
271 | 22 | 618 | Theosophy explained | Pierce, Frank M. | New York : The Theosophical Society in America | 1910 | English | |
272 | 22 | 619 | Let us reason together : a word to the lutheran laymen | Nordquist, Fredrick | 1920 | English | ||
273 | 22 | 620 | Huru de östliga staterna öka sin förmögenhet på de vestliga och sydliga... | The National Democratic Committee | Swedish | |||
274 | 22 | 621 | Svenskhetens bevarande | Kilander, Dr. K.A. | St. Peter, MN : Gustavus Adolphus College | Swedish | ||
275 | 22 | 622 | Ur 1800 talets svenska kyrkohistoria | Rodhe, Edvard | Uppsala : L. Norblads | 1912 | Swedish | Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Skriftserie 23 |
276 | 22 | 623 | Kyrkan och sveriges folk under storhetstidehvarfvet | Lundstöm, Herman | Uppsala : L. Norblads | 1912 | Swedish | Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Skriftserie 22 |
277 | 22 | 624 | Kyrkan och sveriges folk under medeltiden | Westman, K.B. | Uppsala : L. Norblads | 1912 | Swedish | Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Skriftserie 21 |
278 | 22 | 625 | Kyrkligt nutidsläge | Rodhe, Edvard | Uppsala : L. Norblads | 1912 | Swedish | Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Skriftserie 19 |
279 | 22 | 626 | Henrik Schartau och Carl Olof Rosenius | Berglund, Emil | Uppsala : Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Förlag | 1914 | Swedish | Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Folkskrifter 16 |
280 | 22 | 627 | Paul Gerhardt : hans tid, hans life, hans diktning | Holmquist, Hjalmar | Uppsala : Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Förlag | 1914 | Swedish | Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses Folkskrifter 19 |
281 | 23 | 628 | Mademoiselle Christina Nilsson's biographical sketch and concert libretto | New York : Wynkoop & Hallenbeck | English, Italian | |||
282 | 23 | 629 | Youth march : a history of the Augustana Synod Luther league | Carlson, Martin E. | Minneapolis : Augustana Synod | 1947 | English | |
283 | 23 | 630 | A reprint of addresses delivered during the public reception to… | University of Minnesota | 1926 | English | Addresses by Prince Gustav Adolf of Sweden, Gov. Theodore Christianson, U. of MN Pres. L.D. Coffman | |
284 | 23 | 631 | John Morton memorial building | Johnson, Amandus | Philadelphia, PA : Swedish-American Sesquicentennial Association | 1926 | English | |
285 | 23 | 632 | Swedish-American political newspapers : a guide to the collections in… | Ander, O. Fritiof | Stockholm : Almqvist & Wiksells | 1936 | English | |
286 | 23 | 633 | Should the United States remain outside the League of Nations? | Baker, Ray Stannard | Boston : The League for Permanent Peace | 1920 | English | Address delivered at the annual meeting of the League for Permanent Peace on June 8th, 1920 |
287 | 23 | 634 | America first : republican campaign song book | Philadelphia, PA : Welden Company | 1920 | English | Published for the Republican National Committee; Harding and Coolidge on cover | |
288 | 23 | 635 | common purposes of British and American finance, The | Simmons, E.H.H. | New York : the author | 1928 | English | An address before the American Chamber of Commerce in London, March 20, 1928 |
289 | 23 | 636 | Release business from the slavery of taxation | Bache, Jules S. | New York : | 1920 | English | An address at Economic Club, Astor Hotel NYC, November 29, 1920 |
290 | 23 | 637 | Abraham Lincoln : rare autograph letters, documents, personal relics… | Leland, Henry M. | Chicago : Chicago Book & Art Auctions, Inc. | 1932 | English | A catalog of the collection of the late Henry M. Leland up for unrestricted public sale |
291 | 23 | 638 | Cadet days of Will Rogers | Hitch, Lt. Col. A.M. | Boonville, MO : Kemper Military School | 1935 | English | |
292 | 23 | 639 | Presidents and their wives | Haskin, Frederic J. | Washington, D.C. : Haskin Information Bureau | English | Facts end with President Franklin D. Roosevelt | |
293 | 23 | 640 | British-American adventures toward liberty, The | Page, Ralph W. | New York : Doubleday, Page & Company | 1918 | English | |
294 | 23 | 640 | Britain, mother of colonies | Bigelow, Poultney | New York : Doubleday, Page & Company | 1918 | English | |
295 | 23 | 641 | America first and America efficient : address of… | Hughes, Charles E. | Washington, D.C. : Republican National Committee | 1916 | English | Address of Hughes accepting the Republican nomination for President of the U.S. |
296 | 23 | 642 | En sommarnatt vid Lake Erie's strand | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | Swedish | |||
297 | 23 | 642 | Christ is risen : Easter hymn | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | English | |||
298 | 23 | 642 | My childhood's home | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | Erie, PA : | English | ||
299 | 23 | 642 | Vid Erie-stranden | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | Swedish | |||
300 | 23 | 642 | I hembygdens skogar och dalar | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | : Ridgway Publishing Company | Swedish | ||
301 | 23 | 642 | Vid Niagara | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | Erie, PA : Swedish Pub. Co. | Swedish | ||
302 | 23 | 642 | Mitt skogskapell | Rosenberg, Johan Erik | Swedish | |||
303 | 23 | 643 | Zinzedorfs religiosität : eine anschauung von einem persönlichen Verhältnis | Leipzig : Verlag von Friedrich Jansa | 1903 | German | ||
304 | 23 | 644 | Religion and ethics | English | Current literature, poetry on religion | |||
305 | 23 | 645 | Sweden : its forests and timber industries | Stockholm : Swedish Wood Exporters' Association | 1931 | English | ||
306 | 23 | 646 | Hill roads, The : a short history and description of the railroads… | New York : Harris, Forbes & Co. | 1921 | English | ||
307 | 23 | 647 | Climate of Sweden | Wallen, Axel | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söner | 1930 | English | Statens Meteorologisk-Hyrdografiska Anstalt 279 |
308 | 23 | 648 | Upsala mötes beslut af år 1593 | Lund : Tryckt af Håkan Ohlsson | 1868 | Swedish | ||
309 | 23 | 649 | Tegner-studier | Lyth, P.G. | Stockholm : Örebro Dagblads | 1912 | Swedish | |
310 | 23 | 650 | Centennial exhibition and the Pennsylvania railroad, The | Pennsylvania Railroad Co. | Philadelphia : Rand, McNally & Co. | 1876 | English | |
311 | 23 | 651 | Svenska skalder från nittiotalet sex essäer | Berg, Ruben G:son | Stockholm : Ljus Förlag | 1906 | Swedish | |
312 | 23 | 652 | Om orsakerna till Gustaff II Adolfs deltagande i Trettioåriga kriget | Odhner, Clas Theodor | Lund : C.W.K. Gleerups Förlag | 1882 | Swedish | |
313 | 23 | 653 | Ur svenska flottans minnen dikter | Frederick, Oscar | Stockholm : Brudin & Comp. | 1858 | Swedish | |
314 | 24 | 654 | Vår statskyrka och hennes betydelse för kristendomens sak i vårt folk | Kolmodin, A. | Uppsala : L. Norblads | 1910 | Swedish | |
315 | 24 | 655 | Meddelanden från svenska kulturförbundet i Amerika | Witting, A.G. | Chicago : Scandia Printing Co. | Swedish | ||
316 | 24 | 656 | Till svenska utvandrare! Råd och anvisningar för utvandrare till Amerika | Göteborg : Elanders | 1925 | Swedish | ||
317 | 24 | 657 | Doktor Martin Luther en minnesteckning | Fehr, Fredrik | Stockholm : P.A. Norstedt & Söner | 1883 | Swedish | |
318 | 24 | 658 | Några anteckningar om gudhems föramling i västergötland | Blomberg, Assar | Falköping : A.J. Lindgrens | 1916 | Swedish | |
319 | 24 | 659 | Dr. Martin Luther's leben nach alten originalen im lutherhaus zu eisenach | 1924 | German | |||
320 | 24 | 660 | Svenskhetens berömmelse två märkliga tal översatta från engelskan | Chicago : E. Sjöstrand | 1926 | Swedish | ||
321 | 24 | 661 | The und freie liebe ein wort zum individualismus in der frauenfrage | von Rohden, Dr. G. | Berlin : Martin Warned | 1911 | German | |
322 | 24 | 662 | Die vertiefung der kantischen religionsphilosophie durch Rudolf Eucken | Kesseler, Kurt | Bunziau : Verlag von G. Kreuschmer | 1908 | German | |
323 | 24 | 663 | Einige tdeen zur charafteriltif Luthers leiner personliadhfeit und leines.. | Echott, Dr. Georg | Munchen : Chr. Kaifer | 1918 | German | |
324 | 24 | 664 | Postverket I Finland 1638-1920 en aterblick pa dess utveckling | Helsingfors : J. Simelii Arvingars | 1920 | Swedish | ||
325 | 24 | 665 | De ungas förbund | Stockholm : Stiftadt | 1902 | Swedish | ||
326 | 24 | 666 | Esperanto langue auxiliaire internationale brochure de propagande | Paris : | 1904 | French | ||
327 | 24 | 667 | Skansen sällskapet visor, sånger och historier | Swedish | ||||
328 | 24 | 668 | Vad till den moderna nykterhetsrörelsen | Bergman, Dr. Johan | Stockholm : Oskar Eklunds | 1912 | Swedish | |
329 | 24 | 669 | Kyrkoreformationen i sverige skildrad för menige man | Lövgren, Nils | Stockholm : Fosterlands Stiftelsens | 1893 | Swedish | |
330 | 24 | 670 | En bok om dödens mening svensk ungom tillägnad | Björkquist, Manfred | Stockholm : Sveriges Kristliga Studentrörelses | 1919 | Swedish | |
331 | 24 | 671 | Den kristna kyrkans tre trosbekännelser | Stockholm : Evengeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsens | 1864 | Swedish | ||
332 | 24 | 672 | Chirza eller korsets dragningskraft | Stockholm : Evengeliska Fosterlands-Stiftelsens | 1870 | Swedish | ||
333 | 24 | 673 | Skriftens samt märkwärdiga mäns yttrande om trons rikhet | Linköping : Fengzelius | 1862 | Swedish | ||
334 | 24 | 674 | Kom till Jesus! | Hall, Newman | Stockholm : Fosterlands Stiftelsens | 1889 | Swedish | |
335 | 24 | 675 | Drei fragen nach dem wesen der Brudergemeine | Burkhardt | Herrnhut : Missionsbuchhandlung der Missionsanstalt der Ev. Bruderunitat | German | ||
336 | 25 | 676 | Sockarna Gökhem, Marka och Sörby | Blomberg, Assar | Falköping : Författarens | 1920 | Swedish | |
337 | 25 | 677 | Luther och reformationens långa penna | C.L. | Kristiania : Nikolai Olsens | 1899 | Swedish | |
338 | 25 | 678 | Solskenssånger IV | Hultman, J.A. | Stockholm : P. Palmquists | 1926 | Swedish | |
339 | 25 | 679 | Minnes album ord och bild | Första Svenska Metodist Församlingen | New York : Första Svenska Metodist Kyrkan | 1912 | Swedish | |
340 | 25 | 680 | Tre trefliga visor | Carlson, J.S. | Lutheran Free Church Pub. Co. | 1924 | Swedish | |
341 | 25 | 681 | Amerikas siste svensk | Carlson, J.S. | Minneapolis : | 1908 | Swedish | |
342 | 25 | 682 | Hvarför böra vi bibehålla och bevara, vårda och bruka svenska språket i... | Carlson, J.S. | Folkebladet Pub. Co. | 1923 | Swedish | |
343 | 25 | 683 | Från Anton Niklas Sunbergs Karlstadsår | Ölander, Sverker | Uppsala : Wretmans Boktr. | 1939 | Swedish | Särtryck ur Nationen och Hembygden |
344 | 25 | 684 | Lunds universitets geografiska institution | Nelson, Helge | Lund : Carl Bloms | 1931 | Swedish | Meddelanden från Lunds Universitets Geografiska Institution Ser. C. No. 74 |
345 | 25 | 685 | Kyrka och stat | Pehrsson, Per | Stockholm : Svenska Kyrkans Diakonistyrelses | 1933 | Swedish | |
346 | 25 | 686 | Illustrerad muntergök | Stockholm : Victor Pettersons | 1901 | Swedish | ||
347 | 25 | 687 | Vår kyrkopsalm | Eklund, J.A. | Lund : C.W.K. Gleerups | 1915 | Swedish | |
348 | 25 | 688 | Kinesiska språkets härkomst | Strindberg, August | Stockholm : Björk & Börjesson | 1912 | Swedish | |
349 | 25 | 689 | Svenskarna I Amerika (provsidor) | Hildebrand, Karl | Stockholm : Historiska Förlaget | 1924 | Swedish | Sample booklet for volume 1 of Svenskarna i Amerika |
350 | 25 | 690 | Småland (särtryck ur Sverige i färg och bild) | Wrangel, Ewert | Malmö : Allhem | 1936 | Swedish | |
351 | 25 | 691 | Studier I skriften : första delen Den gudomliga tidsåldersplanen | Örebro : Länstidningens tryckeri | 1912 | Swedish | ||
352 | 25 | 692 | Katherine Tingley [5 misc. pamphlets] | Point Loma, CA : International Theosophical Press | 1920 | English/Swedish | 1920-1921 | |
353 | 25 | 693 | Minnesskrift vid Svensk-Lutherska Parisförsamlingens 300 års jubileum 1926 | Wrangel, F.U. | Stockholm : Norstedt & Söner | 1926 | Swedish | |
354 | 25 | 694 | Svensk och tysk parlör att begagnas såväl af resande, som för skolundervisn | Olsson, B.F. | Stockholm : Bonnier | 1869 | Swedish/German |