Vikings Vote: Use Your Voice
The Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity will run a Vikings Vote campaign Sept. 21-Oct. 2.
Today's First Friday event is Use Your Voice, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity (Gerber 420)
Students attending college have the option to register in their hometown or in their college town. But by law, you can only register to vote in one location.
To register in your hometown: Contact your hometown county clerk's office.
To register in Rock Island on campus: Stop by the Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity, Gerber Center 420, from Sept. 21-Oct. 2 to complete a voter registration card. Bring your student ID and a piece of mail with your residence hall or house address.
Office of Student Inclusion and Diversity (room 420)
The Gerber Center for Student Life
3435 9 1/2 Avenue
Rock Island, IL61201
United States