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Integrated Reflection and Inquiry in the Sciences (IRIS)

With IRIS, students are engaged in the scientific process throughout their time at Augustana. Deep learning of the science of biology is fostered through intentional reflection and gaining fundamental skills related to independent learning, accessing information, and communication.

IRIS coursework

Years 1-4 are spent in core and upper-level classes in which students work with the scientific method. Students reflect more deeply about their growth as a person and future as a professional trained in the biological disciplines.

Year 4 is devoted to Senior Inquiry. Seniors work more rigorously than ever before with the scientific process that brings synthesis to their time as a biology student

Course Options in Senior Inquiry

Biology Literature (BIOL 464)

Students develop a research question and complete an extensive literature search on a topic related to a specific area of focus, culminating in a formal report.

Recent classes: Winter Biology, Conservation Biology, Epigenetics, Comparative Anatomy, and Bird Conservation.

Intensive Lab or Field Research (BIOL 465)

Students participate in a laboratory/field research project under the direction of an Augustana faculty mentor that includes data collection, analysis, and summarizing results in a technical report.

Recent classes: Research in Field Biology, Molecular Genetics.

Off Campus Research (BIOL466)

Completed in summer immediately preceding the senior year. Students participate in a lab/field research project as part of an 8-10 week research program at another institution. As with BIOL465, students collect data and summarize results in consultation with the advising coordiantor and institution.

Dr. Hintzsche and daughter

’06 grad impacting families with PherDal Fertility Science

Some people make a career of improving lives. Dr. Jenn Hintzsche ’06 also helps create them. The FDA has granted clearance to an at-home insemination kit that allows would-be parents to take control of their experience. Dr. Hintzsche created the device.


PBK Visiting Scholar addresses urgent climate crisis

On Oct. 2-3, Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Dr. Corey D.B. Walker of Wake Forest University will present a public lecture, take part in class and seminar discussions, and meet informally with students and faculty.

Alyssa Motzel

’16 grad combats newborn mortality in rural Kenya

By developing curriculum to teach neonatal resuscitation protocol to medical practitioners in Mutomo, Kenya, Dr. Alyssa Nelson ’16 Motzel was determined to not only teach her peers, but also help them continue to train others.