Michael C. Egan
Professor of Education, Chair
- Phone: 309-794-8965
- Email: MikeEgan@augustana.edu
- Office: Evald 208
Prior to arriving at Augustana, I spent 13 years working as a mathematics "educator" (either as a middle/high school teacher or a researcher or both). Seven of those years were spent as a teacher at Alpha Academy in Kingston, Jamaica; the remaining six were spent in Boston as a graduate student/part-time teacher/part-time researcher.
I joined Augustana's education department in 2008 as its mathematics specialist. I have advised and supervised Augustana's mathematics education majors every year since then, and have also consistently taught the mathematics teaching methods courses for both elementary education majors (EDUC 364) and secondary education majors (EDUC 384). I have taught numerous other courses at Augustana, including courses outside of the education department such as First Year Inquiry courses and Liberal Studies Composition courses.
I currently hold various leadership positions at Augustana, including co-chair of the education department, chair of the General Education Committee, and principal investigator of Augustana’s Promoting Opportunities in STEM Teaching (POST) scholarship program.
Perhaps my favorite responsibility at Augie is my co-directorship of the Augustana Jamaica Program. This bi-annual study-away program brings Augustana students to Jamaica to tour the island and to spend significant time in Kingston schools as teaching interns. This program has enabled me to continue nurturing professional and personal relationships I developed as a teacher in Jamaica earlier in my career.
The Jamaica Program has proven to be a powerful experience for Augustana student participants who are able to immerse themselves in Jamaica's vibrant culture while gaining appreciation for the Jamaican approach to schooling. You can follow the Augustana Jamaica Program on Facebook.
Specializations: Mathematics education
- B.S., Notre Dame
- Ed.M., Harvard
- Ph.D., Boston College