Brooke Armstrong
Graduation year: 2011
Majors: Anthropology and Asian studies
Minors: Music
Activities: Augustana Choir, Asian Student Organization, Sigma Kappa Tau
Post-grad plans: Teach abroad for a year and then graduate school
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Definitely not! As a first-year, I thought I was going to be a music major. I also would not have ever seen myself in a sorority or as the president of an organization.
Besides your family, who helped you get to where you are now?
I would have to say my teachers and advisors. They really supported me when my projects got tough and encouraged me to think outside of the box. I would also say my friends. They always encourage me to do my best and help me when I’m feeling troubled.
What was a peak experience while you were here?
It’s hard to choose, but I would say my experiences on East Asia term. I’ve been studying Asia since I was a first-year but actually going to the place is a much different experience! I learned what Asia is really like, but I also learned about myself as well.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I can do more than I think I can. Even though doing something might be scary, I learned that by following through with your ideas and actually doing it, you will be amazed by the results.
Advice for this fall’s incoming class (Class of 2015)?
Try doing something that you’re scared of and dream big—the results will be more than worth it.
"When I worked with Brooke in ANTH 419, our ethnographic research methods course, she drew on experiences she had while visiting family members in Bermuda to develop a fascinating and original study of Gombey dancers, traditional performance groups that have undergone some interesting changes lately. She was granted a Summer Student Research Fellowship in 2010 and used these funds to do a month of fieldwork in Bermuda. She will present her findings at the annual meeting of the Central States Anthropological Society in April. Brooke took a great idea and, through hard work and dedication, cultivated it into a successful Senior Inquiry project."