Lauryn Dick
Graduation year: 2011
Major: Music education
Activities: Symphony Orchestra, Club Ed, ASTA, MENC, SAI, ODK
Post-grad plans: Music teacher (full-time) in the Pleasant Valley School District in Bettendorf, Iowa
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Words can’t express how happy I am to have ended up where I am now after four years. I am definitely farther that I ever hoped to be.
Besides your family, who helped you get to where you are now?
Every person that I have met at Augustana, whether it be a friend or a professor, has taught me a valuable lesson. I have learned patience, responsibility and dedication (among others). But I think the ones who taught me the most were the people who had faith in me and inspired me to have faith in myself.
A peak experience while at Augustana?
I would have to say my student teaching experience. It was a huge challenge, but an even bigger feeling of accomplishment. When I was finished student teaching, I looked back and saw what I was capable of doing. The experience reassured my passion for the career path I chose and gave me the confidence I needed to step out into the real world.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I have learned that I have much more motivation when it’s warm outside. I have learned that I can’t work or think straight in a messy room. And I have learned that my personality hasn’t changed one bit—that one surprised me.
Advice for this fall’s incoming class (Class of 2015)?
Get involved and take advantage of as many opportunities as you can now because they won’t always be available to you.
“Lauryn was an absolute model student at Augie—creative, enthusiastic and always ready to share ideas in class. She was also a true leader on campus. She’ll bring the kind of dedication, energy and a sense of fun and adventure to her own classroom that will inspire future generations.”