Sarah Willis
Graduation year: 2011
Majors: Accounting and mathematics
Minor: Economics
Activities: Alpha Phi Omega, Augustana ARTisans, RHA, VITA, National Residence Hall Honorary
Post-grad plans: Inventory control analyst with Trinity Logistics Corporation in Davenport
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
I entered college planning to become a math teacher and will now graduate having studied accounting and economics with plans to do cost analysis. Besides a drastic change in career plans, I have also made so many great friends and experienced amazing things during my time at Augustana. Four years ago, I never would have dreamed how perfect my college years have turned out.
A peak experience?
I had the opportunity to study abroad in Ireland during my junior year, and my three months there were definitely unforgettable. Being immersed in a new culture and allowing myself to study new subjects opened many doors for me. I also met the greatest group of people that have changed my life for the better.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I learned that I am an independent person, but with the help and support of friends, I can achieve anything I want to. I have also learned that when I am open to new and exciting experiences, they often turn out to be the most rewarding.
Besides your family, who helped you get to where you are now?
I had a softball coach and close family friend who never stopped encouraging me to accomplish everything I wanted. His support and monumental faith in my abilities helped me achieve all my desires throughout high school and college.
Anything you’d like to add?
Attending Augustana College was one of the best decisions I could have ever made. The faculty, staff, community and many students have made a huge impact on my life.
Advice for this fall’s incoming class (Class of 2015)?
Make sure to get involved on campus with a mixture of different activities, but don’t allow yourself to procrastinate. Finding that perfect balance will allow you to succeed in class while still enjoying yourself in many extracurricular activities.
"Just knowing how to do accounting it is not good enough — accounting is about communicating information people need in a way they will understand. Sarah has a rare natural talent, an ability to explain, present and defend her answers. This talent will take her far and distinguish her work from the work of others less talented."