Anna Groebe
Graduation year: 2013
Majors: Classics, religion
Minor: Spanish
Activities: Martini Swingers, Jenny Lind Vocal Ensemble, Martial Arts Club, Ascension Ringers and Collegia Classica, Phi Beta Kappa
Post-grad plans: Travel to Rome as part of Dr. Lee’s RELG 371 class! In the summer, I will attend the Publishing Institute at the University of Denver to receive my certification for editing.
Why did you choose to attend Augustana?
The first time I visited here, I felt so at home and welcomed by everyone I met. The weather that day wasn’t great, but the campus was still stunning. I loved how kind and helpful people were, and I remember thinking, ‘I can see myself here.’
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Both yes and no. Four years ago, I wanted to be a classics and history major. I definitely wanted to study language, specifically Latin and Spanish, and it’s been so wonderful having the opportunity to continue those studies. I’ve also learned Greek, and changed from a history to a religion major.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
Before I even knew I was going to Augustana, the classics department welcomed me in, and I can’t say enough how supportive they’ve been in both my education and activities on campus. The religion department, as well, has been wonderful, and also everyone I’ve met through the Reading and Writing Center. I guess I can’t answer, ‘everyone I've met,’ but that’s what I feel like it should be.
A peak experience?
My peak experience was last year in Dr. Zargar’s Formative Islamic History class. One day, we spent the entire class Skype-chatting with some of the young people who participated in the revolution in Egypt. It was so, so mind-blowing to talk with them, to see a little bit from a new perspective and to learn about them as well as ourselves.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I saved the best for last! I will be using Augie Choice for Dr. Lee’s trip to Rome at the end of spring term.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
That’s a difficult question. I’ve always been quiet and reserved, and I think over these past four years, I was surprised to learn that not only are other people OK if I’m more outgoing, but that I’m OK with it too.
What will you miss the most?
Augustana has such a warm atmosphere, and I’ve built so many wonderful relationships with the people I’ve met. I’ll miss the random, nerdy conversations; running into friends everywhere on campus; and getting to know the professors and staff. I’m a part of a community here, and I will miss it very much once I’ve graduated.
"Anna is an excellent student with a keen mind. The research that she does is thorough. She explores in-depth the issues that she studies and then takes thoughtful positions on them, always recognizing opposing arguments and carefully responding to them."