Erin Williams
Graduation year: 2014
Majors: Business administration-marketing, graphic design
Activities: WAUG student-run radio station, Heavy Metal Club
Post-grad plans: Move to St. Louis and find a job with an arts or music non-profit or become a radio DJ
Why did you choose to attend Augustana?
I visited for a Madrigals event while in high school and fell in love with the campus. I thought it was a beautiful place, and I wanted to see what it had to offer.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Not at all! I came to Augie as a music education major, and now I’m leaving as a business and design graduate. I explored many, many different majors before deciding on the two I have now, and it’s been such a rush to try all these new things. Augustana has changed me mentally, spiritually and creatively.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
All of my professors have helped me in some way or another. The entire art and design faculty have been great, and I owe a lot to them, especially Corinne Smith for getting me more into design than I thought possible in her 2D Design class, and Peter Xiao for helping all us seniors form new and exciting ideas for our Senior Inquiry projects. I also want to shout out to WAUG’s former faculty advisor Brad Isbell for bringing the radio station into a great place and for always giving me great life advice. The professors at Augustana really do care about their students, and it’s nice to see a teacher you had freshman year in the hallway, and they still recognize you. I feel like that is something that only happens at small schools like ours.
A peak experience?
Getting to intern with the District of Rock Island and work on their summer music festivals was one of the highlights of my college career. I met many wonderful people, especially the two people I worked with the most, Catherine Rodgers-Ingles and Carl McClaskey. Without this internship, I would have never been interested in graphic design, and I feel so lucky to have worked with them. I use knowledge I gained from that summer every day, even two years later.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I learned a lot about my creative capabilities from being challenged over and over in my design classes. I learned a lot about my own personal faith from the varied religion courses I took, and I learned a lot about my own heart through how much I love my Heavy Metal Club family!
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used my Augie Choice to fund living in the Quad Cities during my summer internship.
What will you miss the most?
I will miss Augie’s Heavy Metal Club the most by far. I joined as a freshman with a vague interest in folk metal, and these people quickly became my second family. I would do anything for them, and I know they would do anything for me. I will miss that sense of loyalty and friendship while we were on campus for the rest of my life. I wish the members of Metal Club who aren't graduating all the best in the world, and hope that they have found the same sense of family in the group that our seniors have, and that the club continues to thrive and grow.
Advice for the Class of 2018?
Don’t be afraid to branch out! I joined WAUG when I had no experience, and now I'm the manager. Try new things, join way too many clubs when you get on campus and then pare down. Don't be afraid to change majors (your parents really won't be disappointed, I promise).
"Erin Williams, a brilliant if modest senior with a creative, independent mind and dexterous hand, has produced a unique deck of visually pleasing cards — equally fine in writing, imagery and colors — to aid the studies of Norse Runes. She must have broken a record of hard work by staying up for nights before a group critique. For her drive and labor of love, Erin deserves to be world famous one day. And if we all had her drive, the world would be very different!"