Hannah Bohn
Graduation year: 2014
Majors: Anthropology, French
Minors: Studio art, sociology
Activities: Augie FC (women’s club soccer), SAGA Arts & Literary Magazine, Stonecutters (Ultimate Frisbee), Campus Ministries annual spring break trip to Appalachia
Post-grad plans: I have accepted a year-long position as a FEMA Corps Team Leader for the Southern Region. After that I’ll either opt for a second year with the Corps, find a job with FEMA or a related agency, or pursue graduate study in emergency management or anthropology.
Why did you choose to attend Augustana?
Somehow Augustana ended up on a list of schools to visit when my mom and I took a three-day/five-college road trip through the Midwest. We visited on a lush summer day, and my mom fell in love with the campus. It wasn’t until I visited again for the Departmental Open House and Scholarship Competition and stayed overnight with some amazing students who later became like family to me, that I fell in love, too. I couldn’t see myself anywhere else.
Are you where you thought you’d be four years ago?
Well, I came into Augustana thinking I would major in art education...that didn’t happen. I realized that I wasn’t ready to be a teacher, and I was really interested in people and culture. By the end of this year I’ll have written two Senior Inquiries (one in a different language!), traveled abroad, designed and conducted my own research, and published SAGA’s 77th volume. So...definitely not where I thought I’d be. It’s a much better place.
Who helped you get to where you are now?
Absolutely, most importantly, my parents. They have always supported my dreams, rejoiced in my success and listened tirelessly to my stories. At Augustana, I’ve been fortunate to have been surrounded by amazing people. Dr. Adam Kaul, my anthropology advisor, is truly an advisor, mentor and friend. He has been so supportive and enthusiastic about my research and my future. Meghan Cooley, the director of recruitment communications, for whom I’ve worked all four years at Augustana, has become family to me. Between listening to me vent about school, teaching me valuable communication skills, and inviting me to get to know her family, she is such a role model.
A peak experience?
Spring term of last year I studied abroad in Ireland, and I received a summer student research fellowship to stay in Ireland for the summer to complete my ethnographic research on Northern Ireland’s Troubles. On the term abroad, I made new (and strengthened old) friendships while exploring a beautiful country. Staying in Ireland independently was an incredible learning experience during which I met fascinating people, dove deep into Irish culture and history, and went surfing...just for fun.
What did you learn about yourself in these past four years that surprised you?
I guess I was surprised by how much I’ve enjoyed doing research. Before my project in Ireland, ethnographic research was only theoretical to me. Interviewing was comfortable and natural and actually hardly seemed like research at all. I’m amazed at how well I’ve gotten to know my subject, and how I’ve come to care about it so much.
How did you use your Augie Choice?
I used Augie Choice to study abroad in Ireland the spring term of my junior year.
What will you miss the most?
Frisbee in the Quad, the spring break service trip to Appalachia, advising meetings that turn into life talks with Adam Kaul, “anthropologizing” about daily life, soccer games, the art department, work/life chats with Meghan Cooley, hilarious intelligent conversations in the Reading/Writing Center, racquetball when we remember to play, and of course my Augustana family. This is a hard place to leave.
Advice for the Class of 2018?
Try something new, continuously. Join an obscure club, sit at a table with people you don’t know, take a random class, study abroad. Keep it interesting.
"Hannah Bohn is one of those students whose scholarly abilities are at such a high level that I feel like I'm not teaching her so much as I'm simply giving her new readings to fuel great discussions. Her Senior Inquiry project on Northern Ireland is truly exciting. That region of the world has been studied extensively, but her research question is really unique, and will make a novel contribution to the topic. Hannah also embodies the interdisciplinary nature of the liberal arts, and the deep, instinctual curiosity that we try to instill in all our students here at Augustana."